Not A Moment Too Soon

Chapter 5

Howard donned his riding clothes and stomped down the stairs. He didn't quite make it to the door when Perry stopped him.

        "My lord, I know that you are angry with your cousin. I think tis best that you give it time. Perhaps he did indeed do you a favor."

        Howard spoke calmly, though there was an icy tone to his voice, "Some favor stealing his cousin's wife. No, Perry I can't forgive him. I am going out for a ride now I must clear my head." And with that, he was gone. He made quick work of the path to the stables where Gabriel awaited him, rearing his head as his master got nearer to him.

        "Be lucky you are just a horse, my friend. We humans lead such complicated lives." Howard whispered, stroking the horse's soft mane. He mounted him expertly and then pulled gently on the reins. He needed to escape from everything for a while. His cousin's betrayal was far too much for him to bear. He rode a great distance not even taking notice of what direction he was headed in. He soon came upon Pharnum pond. As a child, this had been his favorite place to play and fish. It was far away from the estate and he still found solace here. He suddenly came to the conclusion that he wasn't alone. Lady Evelyn Crosby was there, fishing pole in hand.

        "Seems I can never come out here anymore without running into you, my Lady." Howard announced, making Eveyln jump out of her skin at the sound of his voice.

        "Good God! You scared the dickens out of me!" She gasped, dropping her makeshift pole into the pond. "Look at that! Now I'll have to find another stick."

        Howard laughed aloud, " Ahh, not to worry. Dorough land is plentiful with good fishing sticks. Have you caught anything yet?"

        Irritation crept into her voice, "I would have if you hadn't come along and scared away all the fish!" She was wearing britches again. Howard noticed how tightly the material clung to every curve of her body. She was definitely all woman, no arguing with that.

        "What are you staring at?" She asked him, wiping dirt off her pants.

        "Sorry my lady, I am just curious. Do you make a habit of wearing men's britches?"

        Evelyn looked at him in disgust, "Do you make a habit of sneaking up on people and scaring them half to death?"

        He grinned, "Did I scare you?"

        "Ha! Never." She stood up straight. So straight in fact you'd think there was a broomstick on her back to keep her properly aligned.

        "Do you mind if I sit and fish with you? I promise I won't scare all the fish away again." Howard smiled. There was something about her he liked. Perhaps it was her fiesty nature, he couldn't tell.

        She thought about it for a moment then said, "If you wish. But I think you owe me a new fishing pole considering you're the reason I lost mine in the pond."

        "Deal." Howard said, considering their new found arrangement.

        After finding the perfect fishing sticks for the both of them, he sat down beside her on the bank and threw in his fishing line. "Did your brother teach you fishing as well?"

        Evelyn looked thoughtful for a moment before answering, " Yes. William has been an excellent teacher to me. He's more like my father and best friend than an older brother. I am quite fond of him."

        "As well you should be, he seems like a good man."

        "He is. I just worry about him that's all." Evelyn blurted out. She never intended to share anything intimate about her life with the Earl and she found herself wishing she could take back what she had said.

        "Why would you worry? He seems to have a good head upon his shoulders."

        She sighed, "That is true enough. There are just things about him you don't know or understand." Suddenly there was a tug at her fishing line. She jumped up on both feet and pulled the stick out of the water. Sure enough, there was a large bass on the other end.

        "Ha! Look at that!" She bragged, holding the fish up high. "He's a beauty."

        "Yes indeed. I bet that fish would make quite a meal."

        They began to relax around one another and the conversation flowed freely between them. Evelyn found that the Earl wasn't so repulsive after all. In fact, he was a rather nice person. Not that she would admit that to him. He was impressed at her knowledge of military issues and he found her to be quite bright and entertaining. Let alone beautiful. It was hours later when the sun began setting over the lake that they realized it was time to head home.

        Evelyn held tightly to her catch. "Thank you, my lord for keeping me company."

        He nodded, "You're welcome, my lady. Perhaps we can gather for a duel sometime in the near future?"

        She smiled, "Alright. I think I'd like that very much."

        Howard walked close to her, his arm around her back, "We better get you home before your brother comes searching for you."

        "William never worries. I know this land like the back of my hand. In daylight and moonlight." She tripped on a rock, forcing her against him. "Now that was unexpected."

        He looked into her eyes and before he knew what came over him, he took her face in his hands and placed a tender kiss upon her lips. She pressed her hands against his chest pushing him away.

        "What are you doing?" She asked, a look of pure anger on her face.

        "You tripped, and well..." He began.

        "Well nothing. I need to go. Good evening, my lord." She huffed, then ran off in the direction of Caverton Hall.

        He just stood there dazed and confused. He pressed his fingers to his mouth, remembering how good the kiss had been. He shrugged it off, and walked over to Gabriel. Climbing on his horse's back he grabbed hold of the reins and rode off into the darkness of the night.