Not A Moment Too Soon

Chapter 7

The two men rode across Dorough land like children racing after one another. Just when Alexander felt he was gaining the lead, Howard would ride on ahead of him. They decided to take a rest by an old oak tree in the glen.

        "You know I bested you Howard. You were growing tired way back by Pharnum pond." Alexander announced, a cocky grin on his face.

        "Ahh but tis I who got to this tree first Alex. So you see, you lost. Again." Howard cajoled, dismounting his horse. He tethered Gabriel to the tree, and sat down on the grass.

        Alexander sat down beside him. They looked out over the English countryside. It was so beautiful in autumn. The lush green grass looked like a carpet covering the earth and the fallen leaves on the ground a blanket of color.

        Alexander asked cautiously, "Why won't you speak of Lady Halberd? Has something gone wrong? I know you too well, my friend."

        Howard's eyes began to mist, the threat of tears not far behind. He wiped at them with the sleeve of his shirt before his friend could notice. "Indeed. So many things have gone wrong, Alexander. I don't know where to start."

        Once again he was interrupted before he had a chance to reply. Lady Evelyn Crosby was out riding and she stopped when she noticed the two men sitting in the glen.

        Howard smiled at the welcome intrusion, "Hello Evelyn."

        She pulled gently on Thunder's reins and the horse came to an abrupt halt. She dismounted quickly dusting off the lavender riding gown she was wearing.

        Howard noticed immediately that she was not wearing her usual attire of britches and shirt. She looked lovely in the lavender gown she wore, it brought out the violet in her deep blue eyes. He had never seen her look more beautiful. His thoughts drifted back to that day at the pond. And the tender kiss they had shared. He could still taste the sweetness of her mouth on his lips.

        "And who is this, my lord?" Evelyn asked, motioning toward Alex.

        Howard remembered his manners and introduced them, "Lady Evelyn Crosby this is Lord Alexander McClean of London. Alexander, Lady Crosby."

        Alex eyed her thoughtfully. Very nice. Very nice indeed, he thought to himself. "Tis my pleasure, my lady." He took her hand in his placing a tender kiss upon it.

        She smiled at him. He was handsome, but she could sense a bit of danger in the depths of his brown eyes.

        Howard noticed the exchange between them and suddenly felt a pang of jealousy course through him. How dare Alexander gaze at her in such a way!

        "Evelyn, what brings you out this far on such a fine day?" Howard asked, diverting her attention away from the power of Alex's gaze.

        "Actually, I just felt like a ride. I didn't even notice til just now that I had come so far." She explained, plopping down on the grass in a rather unladylike fashion.

        Howard just smiled at her. Her hair hung loose about her shoulders and he longed to reach out and touch a silky strand. Why did she have such an affect on him?

        "So, Lord McClean was it?" Evey started.

        "That's right." Alex answered, he wouldn't mind taking her for a tumble on the fine English earth.

        "How are you acquainted with the Earl?" She caught the look in his eye and felt disgusted. Did he not have shame? Could he for one moment act like a proper English gentleman?

        "I've known him for the better part of my life, my lady. We've been friends since childhood."

        Evelyn nodded in understanding. She couldn't fathom how two men who were seemingly so different could be such close friends. But it was so.

        "Would you care to come back to Wilkenshire for dinner, Evey? I believe I owe you a meal this time." Howard asked hoping she would say yes. He didn't want her to go just yet.

        She thought over his invitation, "I think I shall. Do you mind if William joins me?"

        Howard was elated, "No, not at all. The more the merrier. Right Alexander?"

        Alex eyed Evelyn like a fresh piece of beef, "Yes most definitely."
