Not A Moment Too Soon

Chapter 9

William Crosby lay on his bed his face covered in a thin film of sweat. He coughed suddenly, causing his whole body to shake.

"William. You're not getting any better. I've got to fetch a doctor." Evey sighed, pulling herself away from her brother's bedside.

He grabbed her arm weakly, "I' alright. Just need...water."

She poured the cool liquid into a cup and very carefully gave him a sip. He was so sick and she was scared that if she didn't get help soon, he would die. She placed her palm gently on his forehead, he was burning up. She took a washcloth and saturated it with cool water from the basin next to the bed, then placed it on William's forehead.

She had nursed William through sickness before, but it was never this bad. His fever was out of control and even though she was doing everything she could to keep it down, it was escalating.

Suddenly there was a knock at her door. She told William she'd be right back and walked quickly down the stairs to answer it.

She opened the door and came face to face with the Earl.

"Evey, how are you this fine evening?" Howard asked, tipping his hat to her. Then he took in the sight of her. He noticed she looked very tired. There were dark circles under her eyes and her hair was amiss.

"My lord, I'm afraid you've come at a bad time. My brother has fallen ill, and I need to care for him. Perhaps if you come back tomorrow..." She began.

Howard interrupted her, "Is William alright?" He didn't wait for her answer, he walked into the house uninvited.

Evelyn was in no mood for his intrusion, "No, he's not alright. He's very sick. Now please my lord, I must get back to my brother. He needs me." She explained, trying to push him out the door.

"Evey, maybe I can help. You look like you could use the break." Howard offered, noticing how pale she looked. He only hoped she wasn't falling ill as well.

Finally she gave in, she was too tired to argue. She walked back up the stairs with Howard following close behind. They walked softly into William's room and Howard knew instantly that William was in a great deal of trouble.

"We need to get a doctor to him right away, Evey." Howard announced, wringing the water out of the cloth that was on William's forehead. He got it cool again and then put it back in place.

"I told William he needed care, but he wouldn't listen to me." She sighed, the tears beginning to well up in her eyes.

Howard looked up at her and said gently, "Why don't you go lie down? I'll care for your brother. Don't worry, we'll make him right again."

She was far too exhausted to put up a fight, so she walked slowly to her room and changed into her cotton nightgown. She slid underneath the warm covers and was soon in a deep sleep.


Howard stayed with William until he drifted off. Then he got up, put on his riding cloak, and went in search of the doctor. An hour later, with the doctor in tow, he returned to William's bedside.

"Well, I am glad you reached me when you did, my lord." the doctor stated, "Otherwise this young man might not have made it through the night."

"So you can help him then?" Howard asked hopefully.

"Yes of course. You go on ahead now, I'll take care of things here."

"Thank you, good sir." Howard replied. He left the room and walked down the hall to Evelyn's room.

He quietly opened the door. She was snuggled deep beneath the covers and he could hear the sounds of her soft breathing. He walked on tip toe to her bedside and looked down at her sleeping face. She looked so beautiful, so peaceful. He knelt down and caressed the side of her face with the back of his hand. He wanted to crawl underneath the blankets and hold her all night. He felt the need to protect her. Am I falling in love? Howard asked himself. Just at that moment, he knew. He was...

next chapter coming soon