penned by Kendra

Carly was dreaming about horses. Standing in the middle of a vast prairie, lazy hills rolling for as far as she could see, the wind blew through her hair and in her dream she closed her eyes. She could hear a distant rumble and excitement filled her stomach. She stretched her arms out and let her head fall back as the sound got closer and closer. The quiet rumble slowly became thunderous as she stood waiting and in her dream she smiled. She opened her eyes slightly and looked through her lashes at the cloud of dust growing before her. She could feel the ground beneath her begin to shake and she laughed out loud as through the dust she saw the first of the wild ponies approaching her. She threw back her head and held her breath. A huge herd of horses came barreling at her in a dead on gallop but she wasn’t afraid. She’d had this dream many times before. Just as the dense herd got to her it parted slightly as hundreds of wild mustangs flew by her. She stretched her arms out farther, reaching her fingers out to graze their soft coats as they went by. The sound was deafening, drowning out her gleeful laughter. She lifted her head slowly and opened her eyes, watching the horses as they galloped by. Her eyes met those of a large stallion and for a moment everything shifted into slow motion. The horse opened its mouth, and rather than bellow out a loud whinny, the sound of a phone ringing came out. Carly startled at the bizarre sight and sound. Another, smaller and younger stallion galloped by her and he too let out a loud ring instead of a whinny. Carly’s arms dropped to her side and she stood in the middle of the moving herd feeling very confused. Each pony was ringing as it flew by her. As the herd begin to dwindle, the sound of their pounding hooves and loud ringing began to fade. An old gray mare trotted by and looked at Carly.

“Wake up and answer the phone, you silly girl” the mare said as she passed.

Carly awoke with a start from the dream. She laid there for a second trying to make sense of the strange dream she’d just had. When the phone beside her bed rang she jumped and let out a startled cry. Still groggy, she reached over and picked up the receiver.

“Hello?” she said, her voice cracking slightly. She looked at the clock. It read 5:30 in the morning.

“You have a collect call from Kevin. Would you like to accept the charges?” an
automated voice on the other end said.

“Yes” she said.

Her best friend Christian had done this before. He was constantly trying to get her to go to the gym with him and often called before dawn to convince her to go work out. Carly suspected he went to the gym more to stare at the men than to work out. He always called collect, as it was a long distance call despite the fact that the two towns they lived in were only ten miles apart. Some mornings he was Brad Pitt, others he was Bozo the Clown. He must have decided to be
Kevin Richardson today. She laughed a little.

“Hello beautiful” a deep male voice said seductively.

“Mmmmmm” Carly moaned, closing her eyes. She was fighting to not drift back to sleep.

“Were you sleeping?”


“What are you wearing?” he said, sexily.

“I’m wearing a red lace teddy and crotchless panties” she said, deciding to play along. Christian was as gay as they came and she loved it when he pretended to be macho.


“Okay, I lied. I’m wearing a pair of granny-panties and a T-shirt” she said, being completely honest.

“Mmmm....much sexier”

“And what are you wearing?” she said in her sexiest voice.

“Naked as the day I was born” he said, his voice deep and sensual. “And I’m hard as a rock. Think you might help me out?” Carly had never heard him do a southern accent and she giggled quietly. They shared a common lusting for Kevin of the Backstreet Boys and often teased each other about him. He actually sounded a lot like him. Christian was such a character.

“Only if you’ll help me out too” she purred.

“I wish I were there. I’d take off your granny panties and T-shirt. You’re so beautiful when you’re naked”

“I’ll take them off for you” Carly said softly, pulling off her shirt and panties. She moved over to her dresser to find something that might resemble work out gear, having decided to actually go to the gym with him this time.

“Stretch out on the bed. Let me run my hands up your legs.”

Carly stopped what she was doing, a slight stirring of electricity between her legs catching her by surprise. Her head began to spin a little, the after effects of too much wine the night before, and she laid back down on the bed.

“I love the feel of your soft. Does that feel good?”

“Mmm....yes” she said, smiling and wondering just how far Christian planned on taking this.

“Close your eyes and kissing my way up your legs....starting at your
ankles.....moving up to your knees.....I love the backs of your knees...”

“Mmmmmm....” was all Carly could utter. He was turning her on. Her best friend, a gay man, was turning her on by pretending to be a Backstreet Boy. God, she was pathetic she thought to herself.

“I’m running my fingers softly over your thighs.....”

Carly swallowed hard and shifted on the bed a bit. She was completely naked and she was flushed from head to toe.

“....moving your legs apart slowly....kissing my way up your inner thigh.....”

Carly closed her eyes and let her legs parted instinctively.

“ hands move up your body....cupping your beautiful breasts....”

Carly’s hands moved lightly across her chest.

“...kissing around your sweet spot....your belly....your thighs....your hips.....”

Her hand slid down her belly and with one finger she made small circles in the soft, curly hair between her legs.

“...carefully parting your folds....opening you up.....”

Carly followed his voice, letting her fingers mimic what he was describing.

“...slowly sliding a finger inside’re so wet....”

Carly moaned as she slid one of her fingers into her heat.

“Are you touching yourself?”

“Yes” she said softly, so caught up in what he was saying that she had forgotten just who she was talking to. “Are you?”

“Yes” he moaned. “I’m running my fingers over the tip of my’s wet with pre-cum”

“I bet it tastes good” she said, continuing to slowly slide a finger in and out of her wetness.

“Now I’m stroking it....wishing you were here to help....”

“I wish I were there too...” she said, her voice a whisper.

“I’d love to have you suck me while I lick your pussy....god....” he said, his voice low and raspy.

“ favorite number” she said with a slight chuckle. She slid her finger out and moved it up to her swollen clit, the wetness making slick easy work of massaging it.

“...I love the way you wet....” he said. She could tell by his voice that he was stroking himself, his breathing jagged and broken by soft moans.

Carly couldn’t speak as she rubbed herself harder. The sound of his breathing and soft moans driving her crazy.

“...I love the way you feel when I slide into you for the first time....”

Carly continued to listen, letting her fingers bring her closer and closer to orgasm.

“...I love how wet you get....the way I slip in and out of’re so tight....”

Carly was close.

“....I’m about to cum....god....mmmm.....”

The sound of him cumming over the phone put her over the edge and she climaxed shortly after he did.

They were silent for a few minutes while their breathing slowed and they came down from their highs.

“Christian, did we just have phone sex? Carly asked, laughing. She was suddenly very embarrassed.


“I said, did we just have phone sex?” she said a little louder. “God, Christian, are we pervs or what?”

“Christian?” he said “Um, Kristin, who’s Christian?”

“Who's Kristin?” Carly said, frowning. “Christian, what are you talking about?”

“Kristin?” he said.

“No.” she said. “Christian?”

“No.” he said.

They were both silent as they realized they had no idea who was on the other end.

“Who is this?” he asked, his voice faltering.

“Carly Landen” she said, feeling a sense of panic take hold. “Who is this?”

“Kevin Richardson”

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