penned by Kendra

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"Hey man" Brian said quietly, poking his head through the door to AJ’s bus. "Can I ride with you for awhile?"

AJ looked up from his notebook. He was sitting at the small table writing down a few lyrics that had been dancing around in his head all day. "Sure man, what’s up?" He couldn’t help but notice Brian’s eyes were puffy and rimmed with red. He had obviously been crying.

"Nothing" Brian said, flinging himself down on a nearby bench and covering his face with his arm.

"Where’s wifey-poo?" AJ asked in a sing-song voice. "She kick you outta your own wheels again?"

Brian shot AJ a dirty look and sighed heavily.

"Man, she’s being a bitch" he finally said in a whining voice.

AJ cringed. As much as he thought of Brian as his brother he couldn’t stand when he and Leighanne fought. Brian always sulked around like an injured pitiful puppy. AJ had been in an especially fabulous mood and didn’t want Brian’s grim mood to bring down his natural high.

"Sorry man" AJ said, turning his attention back to his notes, silently praying that Brian would sulk in silence.

"She’s pissed off at me because I complained about not...well...about her withholding sex on me. How screwed up is that? We’re married and she’s holding out on me." Brian whined.

AJ raised an eyebrow at him. He knew Leighanne was conniving and it didn’t surprise him that she’d stoop to such tactics. What surprised him was that Brian was being so frank about something he normally kept so private.

"How long?" AJ asked, trying not to laugh.

Brian looked at him and with a pained expression said "Three weeks"

"Ouch!" AJ laughed.

"All because I wouldn’t buy her this stupid bag she wanted. I mean, she wanted to spend $2000 on a pair of boots which I didn’t really have a problem with. But then she found a matching bag that was..." Brian stopped talking and he watched AJ scrounge through a drawer, pull out a roll of scotch tape, tear a page out of his notebook and tape it to the wall behind him. It read "NO WHINING ZONE"

Brian kind of let out a defeated half laugh and put his arm back over his face.

"pssst" Jenn only had the partition that separated the front of the bus from the sleeping area in the back open a tiny crack. Brian uncovered his eyes only enough to see AJ give her a sly smile before getting up and going to the back of the bus.

Brian laid there sulking, angry at his wife, angry at AJ for not being a better listener, angry at the whole world. He heard stifled giggles coming from beyond the partition and pulled a large pillow over his head. Just the thought of what was going on not far from him made him hard and he cursed himself for ever stepping foot on AJ’s bus.

A few minutes later a smiling AJ came back out to the main area of the bus and sat back down at the table where he had been working. Brian uncovered his face and gave AJ a disgusted look.

"I can’t believe you just did that" he said to AJ, his voice low. He moved the pillow to cover his crotch, embarrassed by his arousal.

AJ continued to grin at him like a cat who’d just snacked on a canary.

"This is crap" Brian said, throwing himself around. "I haven’t had sex in forever and you just...just....God knows what not 10 feet from me. You’re ruthless man"

AJ pulled a long strip of tape off of the roll and plastered another sign behind him. It read "NO GRIPING, BITCHING, MOANING, ARGUING OR PISSING! WELCOME TO THE GOOD MOOD LOVE-BUS’

Brian read the sign and was quiet for a minute before busting out laughing.

"So....what happens if I have to take a leak?" Brian asked.

AJ looked behind him and laughed, shaking his head. "I guess you go back to your own damn bus and take a piss in your wife’s $2000 boots!" AJ cackled.

Brian couldn’t help but laugh and threw a pillow in AJ’s direction. It grazed the top of his head, knocking his hat off and tearing down the NO WHINING ZONE sign.

AJ looked at him with an expression of exaggerated shock and looked around him. He slowly waded up the sign, all the while glaring at Brian like one gunfighter at another during a deadly showdown. He took aim and fired the paper wad, hitting Brian’s lap.

"Partner" Brian said in a cowboy drawl "You need to get yer self heavier ammunition if you’re going to fight with the big boys" He flung another pillow hitting AJ squarely in the face.

It was on.

AJ threw his notebook at Brian but he was able to dodge it. Brian pulled a cushion off of the bench and started to throw it but AJ scrambled up and ran to the back of the bus. Brian followed him, prepared to wollop him to smitherines with the cushion.

His eyes focused only on his target Brian flew into the sleeping quarters and flung himself onto AJ who was cowering on the floor on the side of the bed. The two wrestled, Brian repeatedly thumping AJ with the cushion while AJ tried without much success to defend himself.

Having finally had enough punishment, AJ overpowered Brian and threw him onto his back, straddling his hips and pinning him down. AJ let out a barbaric yell of victory while Brian tried with all his might to buck AJ off of him. AJ sat his entire weight down on Brian’s hips, and Brian sighed in defeat.

It was then that AJ felt the bulge beneath him and he felt a stirring between his own legs. Brian was still laughing hard but AJ was suddenly silent. He shifted slightly on Brian, rubbing himself on the hardness ever so slightly.

"I give up" Brian said, gasping for air, not realizing exactly what AJ was doing.

AJ shifted again, this time moving his hips up the length of Brian. Brian let out a small gasp and looked up at him.

The stayed there for a long moment just staring at each other, both of them afraid to move. AJ finally gave in, leaned down and softly kissed Brian on the corner of his mouth. He sat back up and looked down at Brian, waiting for some sort of reaction. Brian’s face remained the same but AJ felt the bulge beneath him move and Brian raised his hips slightly putting more pressure between them.

Jenn cleared her throat and both men startled. Brian looked up to see Jenn sitting on the bed, a sheet barely covering her obviously naked body. AJ got up and moved to the bed. leaving Brian behind on the floor. He crawled across the bed, laying Jenn down as he moved over her. He kissed her hard, pressing the entire length of his body against hers through the sheet.

Brian blinked a few times, trying to decide what to do. His first instinct was to get the hell out of there as quickly as possible, but watching as Jenn pulled AJ’s shirt over his head made it impossible for him to move. He noticed how fit AJ was, the way the muscles in his back were so well defined. He watched as AJ ground himself against Jenn through the sheet, their motions exactly as if they were both naked and there was nothing between them.

Brian turned his head away and covered it with the cushion when he felt his hardness twitch. It ached he was so hard. He laid there silently waiting for more sounds to come from the bed as he was sure Jenn and AJ would soon start fucking. A hand on his crotch made him jump and he swallowed hard as that hand began to firmly rub the length of him through his jeans. He pulled the cushion off his head and looked up to see Jenn smiling down at him. He took a deep breath and smiled back, decided he had nothing to lose.

Jenn pulled Brian up onto the bed, her long, lean, naked body stretched out beside him. He laid back on the bed, his body stiff with nervousness. Jenn unbuttoned his shirt and began to softly kiss his chest, his nipples, his stomach. As she ventured farther and farther down, Brian looked over at AJ who was staring at him, his eyes glazed over with want.

Brian squeezed his eyes closed tightly as Jenn unbuttoned his jeans and slid them, along with his underwear, down. She pulled off his shoes and socks and tossed his pants onto the floor. Brian couldn’t open his eyes, couldn’t’ look over at AJ. But he could feel AJ’s eyes on him, all of him. Jenn positioned herself between Brian’s legs, giving herself full access to him by spreading his legs. She lowered her head to his cock and took just the tip of it into her warm, wet mouth while she gently cradled his balls in her hand. Brian grabbed hold of the sheets to keep from coming up off the bed. Jenn took the full length of him into her mouth and held him deep in her throat as she gave his balls a firm squeeze. Brian felt as if he were going to go insane and he frantically grabbed at her, pulling her up to straddle his waist.

Jenn looked shocked, having not finished the task at hand, but the shock quickly turned to pleasure as Brian reached up and began massaging her breasts. He seemed fascinated with them, in fact. They were full, firm and most importantly, they were real. She leaned down to allow him to take a nipple in his mouth and he sucked and flicked his tongue against it sending jolts of electricity down between her legs. She ground herself against him, rubbing herself up and down the tone muscles of his stomach. Brian could feel her wetness and he moaned softly, still attached to her breast.

AJ had watched Jenn and Brian until he couldn’t stand it any longer. He quickly pulled off his pants, finally freeing the raging hard-on he’d had since he had kissed Brian. He moved behind Jenn who was still straddling Brian. Jenn instinctively moved forward a bit and raised herself up on her hands and knees. Her breasts dangled down in Brian’s face and he continued to devour them, being sure to give each one ample attention. AJ slid easily into Jenn she was so wet and ready. She pressed back against him as he filled her. AJ leaned over her, wrapping one arm around her waist while he supported himself with the other. He thrust into her hard and deep, just like she liked it.

AJ watched Brian as he continued his assault on Jenn from behind. Brian’s eyes were closed, as they so often were when he was concentrating. He watched as Brian hungrily sucked on Jenn’s nipples, his hands never stopping their gentle massaging. AJ felt his climax nearing and he bit the inside of his lower lip hoping to keep it at bay, but he could feel Brian’s erection rubbing against the inside of his thigh and it was driving him crazy. Finally he gave in and exploded into Jenn, filling her with his hot, sticky seed. Jenn let her knees slide outward, lowering herself so that her clit pressed against Brian’s belly button. With AJ still inside her she began to grind small circles against Brian’s stomach and AJ moved along with her. The sensation of Brian’s flicking tongue on her nipple combined with her grinding her clit against his stomach brought her quickly to orgasm. Her body shuddered and she could barely breath as her walls contracted and released then contracted again so tightly that AJ’s now flaccid cock slipped from her, spilling a cocktail of his juices and hers all over Brian’s aching erection.

"Do something for me" Brian gasped, unable to stand the anticipation any longer.

"What do you want us to do?" Jenn asked, her voice barely audible.

"I don’t care... do anything " he said, looking past Jenn and directly at AJ. "Just do something"

AJ was positioned directly above Brian’s cock and without hesitation he sat down on it. Brian’s engorged cock lay between them, the head of it peeking out from beneath AJ’s balls. AJ began to slide slowly forward and backwards, the wetness from AJ’s orgasm and Jenn’s making everything slippery.

Brian closed his eyes as Jenn lay herself down upon him, moving up slightly to give AJ more room to maneuver. AJ spit into his hand and reached back, smearing his saliva onto his anus before slipping a finger into himself. Brian moaned as AJ continued to rock forward and backwards, letting Brian’s cock move closer and closer to his opening. He took his hand away from himself, satisfied that he was ready enough and moved up and forward, allowing Brian’s cock to slide to the opening of his ass.

"Bri?" AJ said softly, wanting to give him the opportunity to stop what was about to happen.

"Just do something" Brian pleaded, his eyes still closed.

AJ lowered himself onto Brian’s stiffness slowly. Brian gasped as just the tip of his cock slid into the tightness of AJ’s ass. AJ held perfectly still, wanting to allow himself plenty of time for his body to accept the intrusion, but Brian couldn’t wait any longer. He lifted his hips and his full length slid into AJ’s tightness. AJ let out a cry that was a mixture of pleasure and pain and his body instinctively tightened around Brian’s cock. Brian gasped at the sensation, having never felt anything like it before, so hot, so tight, so...forbidden.

AJ was finally able to relax after the initial shock and began to slowly move up and down. Brian felt as if he had died and gone to some sort of sinfully pleasurable place where all sensations were magnified a thousand times and any hint of inhibitions were long forgotten. AJ’s movements became increasingly faster until Brian was lifting his hips to meet AJ blow for blow. All the while Jenn straddled Brian’s waist, content in watching the blissful expression on Brian’s face.

Brian’s eyes shot open and he reached past Jenn to grab AJ’s slender hips. Forcefully he slammed AJ down against himself, his body tensed bringing him to an almost sitting position. His eyes first met Jenn’s then AJ’s, his face intense as he raised his hips one final time. He let out a long, deep growling moan as he exploded into AJ and AJ closed his eyes, concentrating on the feeling of Brian pulsating inside of him.

The minutes that followed were a blur. There was an untangling of bodies, still covered with sticky sweat and sex. There was one long shower, each of them taking turns, sometimes alone, sometimes two at a time. There was no talking, and no eye contact between anyone but Jenn and AJ. Jenn changed the linens on the bed and whispered an invitation to spend the night to Brian, but he declined. AJ fell asleep quickly as Brian quietly dressed and went to the front of the bus.

Jenn pulled on a robe and went to sit beside Brian.

"You okay?" she asked softly, worried that Brian was freaking out about what had just happened.

He looked at her, his face very serious. Slowly the lines across his forehead began to soften and the corners of his mouth began to curl upwards in a slight smile.

"You know what?" he said, smiling even more.


"I’m fabulous" Be fell back on the bench seat kind of chuckling. "Only one problem"

"What’s that?" Jenn asked, laughing with him.

"I’ve got to take a major piss" he laughed a little harder.

"Well, there are two bathrooms on this bus" Jenn offered, wondering just what was so funny about him needing to pee.

"But, oh no!" Brian gasped, pointing to the sign that still hung on the wall.

"No griping, bitching, moaning, arguing or pissing" Jenn said, reading the sign outloud. Um....okaaaaay...."

"And I think we already broke on of those rules. I’m pretty sure there was some moaning going on back there" Brian said, nodding in the direction of the back of the bus.

Jenn laughed as Brian contorted his face into a hilarious exaggerated serious expression.

"I’m gonna head back to my bus as soon as we stop. I’ll just take care of business there" he said with a devilish grin. "My wife’s got this new pair of boots....."

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