Second Chances
Chapter 10
“You called me Jenn,” she remembered suddenly, looking at him suspiciously.
“I overheard you and your sister talking to each other while waiting for AJ’s autograph. She called you Jennifer, I just assumed Jenn was a nickname.”
“I don’t have a nickname. I’ve just always been Jennifer.”
“Even when you were a kid? You’re parents didn’t have a cute name for you?”
Something shifted in her eyes, and Brian got the impression of a drawbridge being raised and clanging shut against the private outer defenses of an impenetrable castle. “No,” she said. “My parents didn’t call me anything cute.”
“No nicknames at all?” he asked. “Come on. There must be something.” He wanted to rock the foundations of that castle. “What do men call you when you take them to bed?”
For one short moment Jennifer dropped her guard, and Brian could see honest emotion in her eyes. Surprise, and genuine amusement. But then heat sparked, drowning out all else. “I don’t know,” she practically purred. “Want to try it and see?”
He was treading upon extremely dangerous territory. Still he couldn’t forget what Jenn had told him. He’d dated this sexy woman, and because she wouldn’t share more than the physical with him, he’d kept their relationship from becoming intimate.
He still wanted more from her.
“Jennifer, tell me something. Tell me just one thing about yourself that you’ve never told anyone before.”
She hesitated just long enough so that for a moment Brian thought she might actually do it.
But she didn’t.
Brian shook his head in despair. “Thanks for….helping me. I don’t really want to, but, I have to go.” Brian told her standing up.
“That’s too bad. It was a pleasure meeting you, Brian. I hope I get to see you again sometime.” She smiled.
“Oh, you’ll see me again,” he told her. “You can count on it.”
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