Second Chances

Chapter 2

Jenn watched as Brian took a fortifying sip of his beer.

“Ok,” he said. “All right.” “Let me see if I’ve got this straight. I’m supposed to believe that you’re some kind of a rocket-scientist genius type who’s invented a way to teleport through time. Despite the fact that you look like some crazy, homeless person.”

Jenn glanced down at herself. She didn’t think she looked all that bad-----considering.

“I’m supposed to believe that you’ve zipped back”, he took another sip from his beer, “…from 5 years in the future, where you and I just happen to be friends.”

He didn’t believe her. Why should he believe her? Time travel. It seemed so science fiction. He was gazing at her with such disbelief in his eyes, she couldn’t help but smile.

She smiled as she hid her trembling hands, as she fought to keep the emotions from overpowering her.

God, ten hours ago, she hadn’t thought she’d ever smile again. Ten hours ago, the man sitting across from her on the deck had bled to death in her arms. Ten hours ago, he’d been shot in the back. And there had been nothing she could do to save him. Nothing.

Jenn gazed at Brian, shifting in her seat, trying to rid herself of the disturbing memories of death on an extremely personal level. She took a deep breath.

None of that had happened yet. And she was here to make damn sure it wouldn’t happen at all. This time around was going to be different. She’d never tried to tamper with time before, not to this degree. She had no idea how easy or hard it was going to be. But easy or hard, it didn’t matter. She was determined to keep Brian from dying.

But for right now, all she wanted to do was gaze into Brian’s eyes. She didn’t care that they were filled with skepticism. She didn’t care that one eyebrow was lifted in disbelief. She’d expected as much from him. He was so straightforward, so honest and down-to-earth, she would have been surprised had he believed her without an argument.

Jenn was ready to argue with him all night, if he wanted. She didn’t care. She just wanted to look at him. He was just so beautifully alive.

He thought she was nuts. The look in his eyes made her want to laugh, but she was afraid if she started, she wouldn’t be able to stop.

“So, you’ve come back in time to save someone from being killed? I just can’t believe any of this.”

There was no way that she could tell him that the person who had been killed was him.

“It’s true, Brian. I could never lie to you about something like this. I could never lie to you period. You have always been able to tell when I was lying.”

“That’s another thing I can’t believe. That we have been friends for years. So, what am I like 5 years from now? Do I have any kids? A rich, gorgeous wife? No, wait a sec. Don’t tell me. You’re my wife, right?”

“Wrong.” She looked across the deck at him.

He was gorgeous in a boy-next-door kind of way, with a brilliant smile that could light up the darkest night. He was funny and smart and sweet. And incredibly sexy.

She’d been wildly attracted to him from the very moment she’d first set eyes on him-----five years ago, her time. And he’d been attracted to her. It had happened this time around, too, despite the fact that he doubted her sanity. She could feel the familiar sexual pull, even now, each time he looked into her eyes.

If history was going to repeat itself, she would learn to hide the attraction from him, letting him see only friendly warmth in her eyes. But she was here to make sure that history didn’t repeat itself.

“One year from now you’ll marry a woman named Leighanne,” she finally told him. “It won’t work out. One of the last times we spoke, you told me you were waiting for the divorce papers to arrive.”

Brian looked at her in shock. How did she know that he was gonna propose to Leighanne? He hadn’t told anyone yet about the ring he had just bought for her.

“I think it’s time you left.” He stated.

“Brian, what can I say to make you believe me?”

“Well, you might have tried telling me that I’m going to win a Grammy next year rather than all that doom and gloom about a failed marriage.”

She shook her head. “But that wouldn’t be true.”

Brian felt a flash of pity. Poor girl. She actually believed all that she’d told him.

“You really have to go now. I don’t suppose you have a car or money for a cab?”

She looked embarrassed. “Not at this time, no. I used an early prototype to make the leap back. It was in my basement---it was less sophisticated than the final version in my office, and because of that I could take nothing with me---not even my clothes.”

“Well, there’s a convenient explanation for why you were walking around naked.” Brian said handing her a twenty-dollar bill from his wallet. “Keep the change, Nostradamus, all right?”

“I’ll pay you back. I’ll bring it to you tomorrow.”

“I’d rather you just stayed away from my house. In fact, if I see you again, I’m going to have to call the police and…”

“Then maybe I better warn you. We’re going to meet for the first time in just a few days,” she told him. “In New York City.”

Brian took a step back toward her, startled. New York City. The band had only just learned today that a concert had been scheduled there. How did she know about that?????

“You won’t meet me,” Jenn told him. “At least not exactly. You’ll meet my younger self----Jennifer. Dr. Jennifer Townsend.”

“Your younger self….” Brian had to laugh. “Of course. If you’re from the future, then there’s another you----a younger you---running around somewhere.”

She didn’t smile. “Look, I know this sounds crazy to you.”

“Well, there you go,” Brian said. “We’ve finally agreed on something.”

“I really need your help.”

“Jenn, you need help----that’s for sure, but I’m not the one who can give it to you.” Brian said. “Let me make some calls, find you a doctor who can…..”

“Nostradamus,” she said suddenly.

“Excuse me?”

“You called me Nostradamus,” she informed him. “And you’re right……I know your future. All I have to do is remember something….I don’t know, some event that happened after August 24th this year.”

Brian closed his eyes pressing a hand against his forehead, as if he had a headache. He sighed and opened his eyes again. “I have to go to a meeting with the fellas,” he said. “Tonight is AJ’s first concert back with us. I can’t worry about where you’re going to spend the night or…….”

“That’s it……the concert,” Jenn suddenly remembered. “Actually, it happened after the concert. It was on the news the next day. Every station showed the same clip. A cute little girl……handing AJ a flower. I remember, she hugged him really tight and told him she was very proud of him for not giving up. It was the sweetest thing. It was so memorable because AJ was not wearing his sunglasses as usual, and he was openly weeping not caring who was watching.”

Brian stood up. He really had to go. This was getting too weird. He placed another two twenties on the deck. “Stay someplace safe tonite, Jenn. And think about getting some help.”

She picked up the money and held it out to him. “Brian, I don’t need this. Honestly. I’ve got access to a bank account.”

But Brian was backing away. “Good-bye, Jenn.”

“I’ll be staying at the Days Inn in town.” She didn’t raise her voice to call after him, but it carried to him just the same. “If you change your mind, you can find me there.”

Brian pushed open the door and stepped into his house, resisting the urge to turn one last time and look back.

next chapter