Second Chances

Chapter 8

Jennifer hated to admit it, but she was a little excited about going to the concert. She sighed as she dressed for the evening. It had been a VERY long time since she had allowed herself to just cut loose and have fun. Randy was right. She did think too much about work.

Randy had gotten front row tickets for the concert. Normally, Jenn would just wear the first thing she grabbed out of her closet. But, Randy had been very adamant about her not doing that. In fact, she had insisted on going through the closet and picking out Jennifer’s outfit for her.

She had to admire her kid sister’s flair for style. The violet top brought out the color of her eyes. And the long, black silk skirt hugged her curves to perfection. It looked harmless enough, until she walked or sat down. Then the slit that was invisible up until that point showed off an almost indecent amount of her long shapely legs.

“I’m not sure about this skirt, Randy.” She commented looking in the full length mirror. “Are you positive it’s not too much?”

“Trust me, sis. You are breathtaking. Just don’t go taking AJ’s breath away, k? He’s mine.” She teased.

“You know I am only going to hear the music and make you happy. I don’t even know which one AJ is.” Jennifer rolled her eyes at her sister.

“I know. I just love being a pain in your ass. But, I only do it because I love you.”

“I know, kid. I love you too. Let’s go, so you can drool over AJ.”

“Backstreet Boys……here we come!” Randy exclaimed, practically skipping out the door.


Jenn paced the floor of her motel room. What if her plan didn’t work? There was no way that she could go back to what she left behind. She could not continue her life if Brian wasn’t a part of it. He meant too much to her. She loved him. She had always loved him. But, she’d let him think that they were only friends. Why the hell didn’t she ever tell him??? Why couldn’t she open up more? Why couldn’t she be the kind of woman he had needed her to be? Now it was too late.

“NO!” She cried. “This time it WON’T be too late.”

She had to get out and DO something, anything to take her mind off Brian. A movie. That was a good idea. She’d go see a movie.

She grabbed her coat and headed out the door.


Brian looked out into the crowd as they sang the last song, and almost fell off the stage.

“Rok, you ok, man?” AJ whispered, following Brian’s line of vision. “Wow! She’s gorgeous. No wonder you almost fell on your butt. She can knock me on my ass anytime she wants.”

Brian had to be seeing things. There was no way that Jenn could be at this concert. Where could she have gotten the ticket? And front row? It just wasn’t possible.

He glanced at the front row again. It definitely was Jenn. He would know those gorgeous violet eyes anywhere. His eyes traveled lower, and he sucked in his breath. That skirt should come with a warning label……..DAYUM. Brian quickly transferred his eyes back to her face.

Jenn was looking directly at him. She smiled, then looked away.

What the hell....?!?!?! Brian was freaked out by what he had seen in her eyes. Actually, it was more like what he hadn’t seen. She had looked at him as though she had never seen him before in her life.

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