by Lori

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Yawning, I stretched langorously in bed, giggling as I untangled my legs from the navy blue flannel sheets. Throwing back the thick, goosedown comforter, gooseflesh rises across my body, my nipples peaking at the assault of early-morning chill against my nude form.

I don't know whether it was the chill in the room or thoughts of our love-making session from the night before that had my innards tingling. With a smile and a sparkle in my eye, I rose from the bed, my hand instinctively moving up to smooth my "bed head". I went to the closet, pulling out his emerald green terry cloth robe, wrapping myself in its warmth.

Opening the bedroom door, the magnificent aroma of fresh-brewed coffee led me down to the kitchen, where he was waiting. I padded over to him silently, slowly running my nails up his back.

Smiling as he turned to face me, he took me in his arms, placing the sweetest of good morning kisses on my upturned mouth, before handing me a steaming hot cup of coffee.

"G'morning." I purred.

"Mornin'. You're hair's a mess!" he teased.

"Yeah, well, it's all your fault." I replied with a grin.

"Fair enough. Hey - it snowed last night! Did you see?"

He moved aside so that I could look out the kitchen window, standing behind me with his arms wrapped about my waist, nuzzling at my neck. For as far as I could see, an expanse of pristine white stretched out over our fenced-in six-acre backyard, covering every inch of land and tree. I could feel the excitement within me building, becoming giddy like a child, at the thought of playing in the snow.

"Ooh ... I wanna go play in the snow. Wanna come with?" I said to him, my eyes sparkling with giddiness.

"No." he chuckled. "I have to meet up with the guys and work on some new tracks for the next CD. I'll be back in a couple of hours, though; and, maybe we can play then." he soothed, lightly running his fingertip along my pouty lower lip. "I'll see you in a bit."

"Well, that sucks." I muttered aloud as the door closed behind him. Determined not to give in to the disappointment, I went and took a hot, quick shower. After blowdrying my hair straight and pulling it back into a high ponytail, I grabbed a heaver sweater and some jeans and, throwing on a coat, hat and gloves, I made my way outside.

I had a snow fort to build. *grin*

I found a large bucket, which I used to pack the snow in to make the "bricks" for the walls. I would've liked it to be higher; but, I couldn't raise the bucket any higher than 3 high. Ah well. It was good enough and coming along nicely. I packed snow in most of the spaces in between the bucketloads, leaving some larger ones open ... to throw the snowballs out of, of course.

After the snow fort was done, I put together a snowman, setting him right outside the "door" to the fort. I ran back into the house, grabbing a scarf, some buttons, a carrot, and two thin branches from the kindling pile. Putting my own knit cap atop his head, I stood back to admire my handiwork when I felt a hard, cold sting at my back.

"Oh, no you did not!" I squealed as another snowball hit me square in the face as I turned to face him.

"What are you doing back so soon?!" I yelled, lobbing a snowball of my own.

"We got done early!" he yelled back, running across the yard, forming and throwing snowballs as he went.

I began to chase in earnest and anyone who happened to see us then would swear that it was two children playing in the snow as opposed to two adults. He tripped and I took the opportunity to shove handfuls of snow down his pants, laughing hysterically at his yelps.

"You're gonna get it now!" he har-rumpfed, jumping up to give chase. It was my turn to trip, sliding on my stomach into the snow fort. I began to scream in delight as he exacted his revenge, pushing more and more snow up my sweater.

My legs were pinned between his and he pinned my arms next to stop me from squirming. As he held my hands above my head, our eyes met, our breathing heavy. He leaned down, kissing me hard, as he slid his body down my own, molding his to mine as if we were one flesh.

Still holding my arms, he began to move against my body, the melting snow sending shivers across my heating flesh. He held both my arms in one hand as he reached the other down to pull up my sweater. His hand covered my left breast and he quickly removed his glove, using his teeth, before pulling down the lace of my bra to completely expose my breast to the elements.

I cannot describe the feeling of the cold air and his hot mouth against my aching nipple. His teeth and tongue toyed with it, nibbling and sucking as his hand moved down between my legs to caress me through my jeans.

He had to release my hands to remove my jeans as they were soaked and stuck to my legs. Removing them, he placed them beneath me for some degree of warmth. Holding my arms down at my sides, he used his knee to spread my legs, bringing his mouth down to my sodden panties, attacking my core through the flimsy material.

I giggled as he used his nose to push my panties aside, then moaned as his tongue touched my flesh. He thrust his tongue deep within me as his top lip moved against my clit. He drank greedily at my nectar and I cried out his name, begging him to fill me.

He acquiesced and let go of my hands and my nible fingers made quick work of unzipping his pants, unleashing his swollen member. I began to stroke his shaft in earnest as his fingers probed my depths, his mouth finding a breast, latching on like a hungry child.

I pushed down his jeans, spreading my legs wide; and, wrapping my hands across his ass, I pulled him within me in a single thrust. He postioned my legs around his waist, lifting my hips up off the ground, pounding down hard inside of me. Our rhythm increased as we reached our peaks, our bodies convulsing and covered in sweat.

He collapsed on top of me and I relished in the feel of his weight, my senses invaded with his masculinity. He propped himself up on his elbows, leaning down to kiss me gently, when we began to shiver from our quickly-cooling bodies. We dressed hurriedly to make our way inside to warm up.

Just before we exited the snow fort, he turned to face me and broke into a huge smile. "Check out that funky looking snow angel we made." he commented and we began to laugh at the sight, before running into the house.

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