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I always come here after the crowd leaves. I never could stand all those posers, flexing their huge biceps in the mirror, grimacing like it really hurt, veins popping from face to toe. Way too much testosterone for my tastes. Way too much machismo. Its not that I felt insecure around them, mind you. I can hang in there with the best of them, rep for rep, pound for pound. But I never felt the need to compete with that crowd. I never had the desire to see my veins popping like that, or to have muscles so huge that I had to have clothing specially tailored. Uh-uh... that's not me. I like my body. I sculpted it myself. My friends tell me that my body reminds them of a cross between Heath Ledger and AJ McLean... though I'm not as decorated as AJ, and I'm a bit older than both of them. Still, at 39, I look damned good.

Besides, working out to me is almost a sort of Zen thing. I mean, knowing every muscle in your body, knowing its limitations, and knowing exactly how to push those limits. Total Zen... that's how I see it. Its also why I do yoga instead of something more aggressive, like Tae-Bo. The way of the peaceful warrior. Yeah... that's who I am. Of course, the fact that the gym stays open till 1 AM, and my crazy schedule won?t let me workout any earlier, has a lot to do with it, too.

Last night, during my workout, I was aware of another man in the room. I couldn't see his face, but what I could see looked good. Real good. The first thing that caught my eye, though, was not his strong back or muscular arms and legs. No... the first thing was that beautiful long dark hair. For a moment, I let myself fantasize about running my fingers through it... burying my face in it and drinking in his scent. I got so caught up in that brief fantasy, that I almost dropped the weights. But, there was something else. An energy... an aura... that surrounded him and filled the room. As I moved over to the leg press machine, it hit me that, despite his grunts and heavy breathing, this was a Zen experience for him, too. Nice... a man after my own heart. But he seemed so into his workout, he probably didn't even know I was there.

Moving to the bench press, I looked around for one of the personal trainers to spot for me, but there was no one around. Ok... I just won't go to failure this time. I lifted the bar and began my reps. Closing my eyes, I went to that place inside me of peace and power. Ten... eleven... I love this. I love feeling the stress of a long day as it drains out of me with each rep. Fifteen... sixteen... gonna have to stop soon. Arms are getting tired... nineteen... one more. C'mon... one... more...

I opened my eyes when I felt someone helping me. I looked straight up the leg of his shorts and saw heaven. I would have dropped the bar right then, had he not been holding it. With his help, I completed my rep and put the bar back on the rack, and just laid there for a minute, breathing hard as the sweat poured off of me.

        "Thanks, man.." I smiled as I found his eyes. People look strange upside down.

        "No problem... you mind spotting for me?" He asked in deep, sultry voice that made something move in my shorts.

        "Sure... I owe you one, anyway." I responded as I got off the bench and started to wipe my sweat off of it.

        "Don't worry about that... I'm gonna get it wet again, anyway." He smiled. My knees got weak as our eyes locked for a moment. Damn, he?s beautiful...

He lay down on the bench after loading the weights on the bar, and I stepped closer to spot. With his first rep, his eyes closed, and I took the opportunity to let my gaze travel over his body. He was a work of art... built like a God. No veins popping, no over developed muscle... just lean, toned, and perfect. He was really getting into his workout, and I was about to study that gorgeous face for a few minutes when I noticed something. The ample bulge in his shorts had gotten bigger. I swallowed hard and returned my gaze to his face, fearing the stirring in my own shorts was about to get out of control. He was looking straight up at me... well, straight up the leg of my shorts... smiling, as he completed his last rep.

        "Thanks!" He smiled at me, locking eyes again as he lay there breathing hard and sweating.

        "My pleasure..." I responded with my own smile as I tossed him his towel. He sat up and wiped the sweat from his face.

        "You workout here often?"

        "Yeah, I always come in after the crowd's gone. It's more peaceful like that..." I told him.

        "Yeah... I like working out late, too. I deal with crowds enough when I?m working..."

        "I hear ya... Look... thanks again... er..."

        "Kevin... and you are?" He asked, extending his hand. I smiled as I took it, noticing the firm, but soft, grip.

        "Tim... Nice to meet you, Kevin. Well, guess I?d better hit the showers and get out of here. Maybe I?ll see you here again?"

        "I'm sure you will... probably around the same time. I think I?m gonna try that abs machine before I call it a night."

        "I promise you, you?ll feel it in the morning! That machine's a killer!" I laughed as I turned to leave.

        "Later, Tim!"

        "Later, Kevin..."

I went back to the locker room, stripped, and stepped into the warm, steamy shower. After rinsing all the soap and shampoo away, I closed my eyes and just stood there, directly under the warm spray. As the warm, healing water cascaded over my tired body, I suddenly felt a pair of strong, yet gentle hands on my chest. I could feel his body pressed against my back, his face buried in my long, wet hair, and I moaned as his hands slowly slid down my torso. His fingers traced the six pack of my abs before moving lower. His hardness was pressed against my ass, nearly burning me with its heat. I let my head fall back onto his shoulder as his hand wrapped around my own erection, his other hand gently rolling my nipple. Opening my eyes, I looked up into his again. We smiled, and he leaned down for a kiss. Parting my lips, our tongues met and danced with each other as our passion grew. I reached back and grabbed his firm, chiseled ass, pulling him closer into my backside.

        "I want you..." He whispered into my ear.

        "Mmmm..." was all I could manage.

        "You're so beautiful... let me make love to you." He breathed heavily into my ear, tearing down any resistance that may have been left. I turned around and wrapped my arms around him tightly, as our lips met once again. His hands were on my ass now, and he was grinding his large cock against my stomach. I couldn't stand this any more... I had to have him. I slowly went to my knees, trailing licks and kisses all the way down, stopping for a moment to torture his nipples on the way. He threw his head back and moaned. My tongue followed the thin trail of hair from his navel down to his throbbing shaft. Flicking my tongue over the head a few times, I suddenly took all of his length down my throat. He let out a loud, deep moan as I worshipped his manhood, his fingers tangled in my long black hair. After a few minutes, he took my arms and pulled me back to my feet, holding me tight and kissing me again. Never had I tasted kisses so sweet, nor had I ever tasted such sweet nectar as was flowing from the tip of his manhood. The gods were smiling on me tonight... and I was in heaven.

His hands had explored my body, and now his lips began to explore as he licked his way south. He spent several glorious minutes sucking and nipping at my nipples, and seemed especially fascinated with the left one, which is pierced. I let my moans convey my approval. As I threw my head back and closed my eyes, his mouth suddenly devoured my erection, taking me all the way down his throat. My hands found the back of his head, and I played with his soft hair as he demonstrated his skill at the art of pleasure. I finally knew why they call this the "Ultimate Kiss". My body began to shake as I careened toward the edge. He worked more urgently now, using his nimble and skilled tongue to finally send me over the edge. As I exploded in his mouth, his hands grabbed my ass and pulled me deeper into his throat. He greedily drank my essence as I moaned with ecstasy. As my orgasm subsided, I realized that I had fistfuls of his hair in my hands, and gently untangled my fingers. My legs were weak, and he had held me up as I came. Now, his eyes looking up into mine, he pulled me gently to the floor as the water continued to flow over us.

He guided me onto my back in the steam filled room, gently lifting my legs as he moved between them. As I wrapped my legs around his tight waist, I felt him enter me, filling me with his hardness. I felt his heavy balls rest against my cheeks, and I pulled him down on top of me, supporting the full weight of his god-like body. Our lips met once again, and our tongues danced urgently as he began to thrust into me. He began gently, but was soon pounding into my warm, tight depths with hard, urgent thrusts. I bucked my hips up to meet his every thrust, wanting more of him inside me. His eyes were wild with passion as he looked into mine and moaned my name. My hands found his ass and pulled him even deeper into me. Then, as his body began to tremble, his mouth covered mine again, and he slipped over the edge. He slammed his hardness into me as his sweet, hot nectar tore from him in raging currents, and his guttural moans echoed in the steam. I could feel each blast as he filled me completely. My own cock, which had remained hard after my first orgasm, erupted once again, splashing my second load against his hard abs. Finally, as it ended, his arms wrapped around me and held me tight as we lay there in the warm, flowing water.

When we were breathing again, he raised his head and looked deeply into my bright blue eyes. With a smile, we kissed passionately again. A moan escaped us both as he withdrew himself from my depths, then helped me to my feet. We stood there, holding each other for a long time. Then, we playfully washed each other between sensuous kisses. In the locker room, as we dressed in silence, I prepared myself for what I knew was coming. He would hug me or shake my hand, get in his car, and drive out of my life, like every other man I'd ever known. I was quiet as I walked with him out of the gym. He walked me to my car, and when I had put my bag safely inside, he took me in his arms and kissed me again. My heart wanted to make this moment last forever, though I knew it wouldn't. Then, looking deep into my eyes again, he spoke in that deep, sultry voice of his.

        "You look sad, Tim. What's wrong?"

        "I... I'm ok, Kevin." I lied.

        "Ok... look, I need to be going, but I was wondering.. can I see you again?" His eyes were full of hope.

        "Huh? I... I mean... yeah... I'd really like that..." I could feel my eyes brighten as my heart swelled with hope. He must have noticed it, too, because his smile grew even wider.

        "Ohhh... I see... you thought I was just gonna hug you and drive out of your life, didn?t you? Well, I'm not like that, Tim. I feel a connection here... and I want to explore it, if that?s ok. I wanna see where this could lead..."

        "Me, too... I feel it... and I want to explore it with you..."

        "Good! Look, I'll meet you here tomorrow night, same time. After our workout, maybe we could grab a bite to eat, and then go to my place and get to know each other better..." I was lost in those emerald eyes again, and I could feel something powerful there. Could it be... love?

        "That would be great, Kevin!" My heart was now doing cartwheels. He means it! He really wants to know me! Whatever I did to please the gods, I?m sooo glad! In my soul, this feels like "the one". Please, let it be this time...

        "Ok... it's a date! Here's my private number. It's for my cell. I travel a lot and this is the best way to reach me. It's always with me, and it's always on..." He said as he handed me his business card. I looked at it, and then it hit me... it was THAT Kevin! Oh, dear gods!! Ok... when THIS Kevin makes a promise, I know he keeps it. My heart was airborne as it pounded in my chest. Keeping my composure, I handed him my card.

        "Here's mine... all my numbers are on there, and my email and street address..." He looked it over carefully before he slipped it behind his license.
        "I see we're in the same business! Do you sing?" His eyes twinkled and he flashed that beautiful smile again.

        "Singer, composer, and I play drums and keyboards..."

        "Great! Well... look... I really don't want to, but I need to go. I'll see you tomorrow night..." He said as he kissed me, running his fingers gently through my hair.
        "Ok... I'll be waiting, Kevin..." I said as I got into my car, smiling. He was parked next to me, and when I started the car, music blared from the stereo. He looked over and smiled again when he heard one of his own songs blasting from my car. We waved at each other, and he blew me a kiss as I drove off.

That was nearly a year ago. We don't go to the gym anymore... there's one right here... in our house...

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