
Chapter 3

Mabel ushered Pete into the house and the apologizing began. Kevin was more than understanding, although still a little shaken by having been held at gun point. Pete graciously invited Kevin to take full advantage of their acreage, to feel free to ride, boat, or whatever anywhere he pleased. Kevin smiled and said he would more than likely take him up on the offer.

The following day Kevin arrived at the inn with a large horse trailer pulled by a sleek black truck. Mabel met him at the porch and invited him in for breakfast. The moment he walked into the dining area his eyes began to scan the room in hopes of seeing Beth. Watching him carefully, Mabel knew exactly what was going on. She had seen the way they had looked at one another the day before and had sensed some sort of tension in the room when she and Pete had entered.

“She took one of the boats out early this morning,” Mabel said, answering his question before he could even speak it. “She was planning on spending the day out in the swamps exploring and relaxing.”

Kevin thanked Mabel and kissed her on the cheek, making her blush from head to toe. As Mabel watched through a window, Kevin began unloading his horse from the long trailer. He brushed the tall muscular steed and carefully saddled him. With his mount fully ready for a day of riding he went back into the trailer. Curious, Mabel walked out onto the porch to get a better view. Kevin walked down the slope of the ramp leading an incredibly beautiful palomino mare. With obvious attention to detail he gently brushed her down and carefully strapped an exquisite saddle to her back. The final touch, a single peach colored rose tied to the mare’s saddle with a long white ribbon. It dawned on Mabel that he intended to find Beth and take her riding. She smiled and waved at Kevin as he mounted his dark horse, and leading the mare behind trotted down the dirt road towards the swamps.

Beth floated lazily through the swamp, reveling in it’s mystery and it’s beauty. She watched a pair of young scarlet cardinals frolicking in the tall trees, she stared in awe at the tangled roots of hundred year old trees. Everywhere she turned there was something new and fascinating to see and Beth relished in the fact that she was still able to see things she’d never seen before and was still able to enjoy them with the inquisitiveness and amazement of her childhood days.

Beth rowed through the maze of trees and fallen logs, excited when she’d see a young alligator swimming cautiously by or a large carp swimming near the surface of the water. As the morning gave way to early afternoon, Beth’s stomach loudly reminded her that she hadn’t eaten all day. Remembering the secluded area she’d found two days before, she decided it was time to drop anchor, so to speak, and dive into the basket of goodies that Mabel had prepared for her. She easily found the hidden jewel of a cove and carefully maneuvered the small boat through the hanging moss.

She sat in the boat quietly humming to herself as she ate a delicious sandwich. Her eyes were constantly exploring every inch of her surroundings, wanting to memorize every detail of the most beautiful place on earth she’d ever seen. When she looked through the opening and saw Kevin walking by on his horse she nearly fell out of the boat. It was if she were living a dream as he once again gazed through the trees and moss, looking for something, or someone...perhaps even her. Not wanting to let the opportunity to speak with him again pass by, Beth deftly rowed out of the hidden cove and she followed him as he walked his horse along where the field ended and the swamps began. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him, and it wasn’t until she approached a long dock and began tying her boat up that she realized he wasn’t alone. Behind him was a tall lean horse the color of gold, with a long flaxen mane and tail that flowed like liquid sunshine.

Beth carefully stepped onto the dock and called out his name. Kevin looked around for a long moment before his eyes finally settled on Beth. A warm smile embraced his face and he excitedly stood down from his horse. He tied both horses to a small tree and quickly walked down the long length of the dock, finally meeting Beth near the middle.

They didn’t speak at first, just stood there smiling at one another. Beth finally broke the silence. “You’re not out here hunting alligators, are you?” They both laughed and Kevin shook his head. “No, I’m out here hunting something a lot prettier than some wrinkled up old gator.” he said, capturing her eyes with his. “Oh?” Beth asked, hoping she already knew the answer. Kevin quietly replied “I was out here looking for you.”
