
Chapter 6

Surrounded by rotting wood, moss covered wall paper and general disrepair was the most beautifully set table that Beth had ever seen. In stark contrast to the raggedness of the shack was a lace covered table set for two. A large bouquet of creme colored roses sat in center with long white candles on either side. The china was creme colored rimmed in gold and the crystal stemware sparkled in the dancing candlelight. Beth could only stare in amazement as Kevin removed small trays and bowls of food from a large box and carefully set them about the table. When he was finished setting out the food he walked to Beth and stood before her.

“I’ve spent a lot of time out here, enjoying the raggedness of the swamp and just the outdoors” he said softly. “I never in a million years imagined that I would find something as beautiful as you in such a unsuspecting place.” He kissed her softly on the cheek and led her to sit in a softly padded chair at the table and sat across the table from her.

They ate and talked, drank wine and laughed. Surrounded by the darkness, yet basking in the glow of the candles they slowly moved their chairs closer to one another until they were sharing dessert side by side. Their plates empty, their stomachs full, the only thing left unsatisfied was Beth’s desire to kiss him. She leaned in, and following her lead Kevin pressed his lips to hers. As their lips met the candles seemed to burn brighter and hotter, Beth’s heart beat faster and harder, and as his tongue parted her lips everything around them faded away.

They kissed, their hands softly exploring the other’s body until they both felt as if they might explode. Kevin pulled away and looked deep into Beth’s eyes, his eyes filled with sadness.

“Beth, there’s something that I need to tell you” he said, looking down at her hands held tightly in his. Beth’s heart sank.

“There is a woman in my life” he began, his eyes still lowered. “She’s been a big part of my life for a long time now and for as long as I can remember I’ve been in love with her.”

Beth felt sick.

“But a few months ago I found out that she wasn’t what I thought she was. That she wasn’t being true. That she didn’t love me for all the reasons I had hoped she did.” He looked up at her then and his eyes were wet with tears.

“Beth, as much as I hate the word, I’m a celebrity. I’m in a singing group that has brought me more fame and fortune than I ever imagined. She...” and the words seemed to sting as he spoke them “she was only with me because of who I was...because of who I am.”

Beth was speechless at his overwhelming expressions of hurt.

Pulling himself together Kevin finally spoke. “So you’re probably wondering why I’m telling you all of this, right?”

Beth nodded.

“I like you Beth, really I do. But I have to tell you that I’ve been hurt, and hurt bad.” again, his eyes filled with sadness. “As much as I want to just let my heart take the reigns and just go with it, it’s hard for me to trust. Does that make sense?”

Again, Beth nodded, lowering her eyes to hide the disappointment in them.

“Beth, I’m not saying I don’t trust you.....it’s just....”

“I know who you are Kevin” Beth said, interrupting him. “I know who you are and I like you too. But the Kevin that you’re afraid I’ll want to be with isn’t the Kevin I know.”

Kevin looked at her, confusion filling his eyes.

“The Kevin I know is romantic and sensitive. The Kevin I know loves to ride horses and could spend all day outside. The Kevin I know is soft spoken and polite. He loves to make me feel beautiful and has soft hands. The Kevin I know has a smile that made my heart melt the very first time I saw it a few short days ago.”

Beth continued, her eyes begging him to understand. “The Kevin I know is just a man who has been the sweetest person I’ve met in a long time. He’s not a superstar. He’s not rich or famous. The Kevin I know is right here” she said, placing his hand on her heart. “right here in my heart, and that’s all that matters.”

Kevin’s eyes again filled with tears.

“Maybe someday I’ll meet this superstar man that you’ve told me about” Beth said, smiling. “but until that day, I’m content knowing the Kevin that I know. The one that’s sitting here with my heart in his hand.”
