
Chapter 8

As soon as the lights in the arena were turned up people started to disperse. Beth really didn’t know what she was supposed to do, so rather than wander around looking lost she sat down in her chair and savored the feeling that the last two hours had left with her. Not long after all of the people around her had cleared out, the young limousine driver appeared. Beth smiled knowingly and without even being told what to do she followed him outside to the same car she had ridden in earlier.

They drove past her hotel and Beth quietly asked where they were going. The driver only turned back to her and smiled, shaking his head as he drove. They drove into central park and Beth’s heart began to pound. The driver stopped in a dark spot and came around to open the door for her. Beth was unsure and a little frightened, as Central Park had a long standing reputation for being unsafe at night. All of her fears faded as she saw Kevin leaning against a tall slender tree.

She ran to him, his arms were outstretched waiting for her embrace. They stood unspeaking for a long time, enjoying the feeling of the other’s arms wrapped so tightly, afraid to let go. Kevin was the first to break the silence.

“Baby, I don’t want to ever let go of you” he said, talking into the softness of her hair, his face buried in it. “I can’t ever go this long without being with you again.”

Beth couldn’t speak, she was only able to nod in agreement.

“All this time I’ve been imagining you, remembering how beautiful you are; how you’re the most beautiful person, inside and out, that I’ve ever met. But now that I’ve got you here” he said, pulling away and taking her face in his hands. “You’re a thousand times more beautiful than I remember.

He kissed her then, slowly and delicately at first, but with growing passion and intensity. They kissed until the distant klip-klopping of horse’s hooves was upon them, and when Beth opened her eyes she saw an exquisite horse drawn carriage, a young man in a top hat sitting high atop the shining white coach. Beth looked to Kevin, her eyes blinking disbelief. Kevin took her hand and led her to the carriage, holding her hand as she stepped up to the bench.

They sat down and Kevin reached across to the opposing bench, taking a large plaid blanket and spread it across their laps. Beth could not take her eyes off of the beautiful man sitting beside her. He was absolutely glowing and Beth could tell that he was thoroughly enjoying pampering her. Beneath the blanket was a large wicker basket and Kevin took from it a bottle of champagne and two delicate crystal flutes.

“To the future, to OUR future and all of the wonders and possibilities it holds” Kevin said touching his glass to hers. As they toasted the buggy took off at a slow pace on a tour of quiet splendor of the park.
