
Chapter 9

The carriage ride lasted over an hour and Kevin and Beth talked the whole time. Eventually they ended up at the front door of large Victorian house with a sign that read “The MaxPaul: A Bed and Breakfast”. Beth’s eyes explored Kevin’s, trying to decipher the smile that had taken over his face.

“What are you up to, Mr. Richardson?” Beth asked, the answers coming to her faster before the words were even out of her mouth.

“I hope I’m not out of bounds here, but I’ve reserved a room for us here” he said, his voice somewhat nervous yet full of hopefulness.

“Well let’s see this room. Let’s see if it compares to Mabel and Pete’s place” Beth said smiling. She hoped she knew what the night held and she couldn’t stand the wait any longer.

They were escorted through a large double door into an exquisite room decorated in soft smoky blues and grays. It was masculine in it’s colors, but softened by delicate floral prints that lent a gentle feminine touch. They agreed that while this particular room was decorated to perfection, it lacked a certain feeling of “home” that Mabel and Pete had managed to fill their entire Inn with.

Kevin took Beth in his arms, pulling her close to him, pressing his entire body against hers. They wasted no time finding the bed, laying upon it while they kissed, their mouths exploring the other’s. Kevin had wanted to take things slow, had wanted to take his time, but the passion was overwhelming him and he found himself unable to control the sense of urgency that was overpowering him. Beth was a little surprised by his aggression, but at the same time she too could wait no longer to be as close to him as two people possibly can be.

Kevin removed Beth’s clothes, tossing them on the floor. He sat back on his heels and admired her naked form lying before him. Beth watched as he rose to his feet and began to slowly undress. It was if he were doing a stip-tease, slowly revealing himself to her in an achingly drawn out way. He unbuttoned his shirt slowly, his eyes moving between his chest and Beth’s eyes. He pulled the shirt back, revealing a dark tank top, one strong shoulder and then the other. He tossed the shirt to the floor. He pulled the shirt tail from his trousers and slowly, deliberately pulled the shirt up, disclosing his chiseled abs, then his muscular chest. He threw the tank to the floor.

Beth lay on the bed unmoving, her eyes feasting on the gift that was being unwrapped before her. Kevin slowly unfastened his pants and with an intense stare in Beth’s direction he unzipped them. Beth was torn, she didn’t know whether to look into the intensity of his green eyes or to see what lay beneath the confines of his trousers. Curiosity won as her eyes fell to the obvious bulge that was revealed as Kevin lowered his pants. The final article of clothing to be removed was a pair of fine silk boxers. Kevin chuckled a little as Beth licked her lips and swallowed hard, like a hungry predator about to devour it’s prey. Deliberately he lowered the boxers and stood before her completely nude.

Beth could contain herself no longer and she moved toward him to sit on the edge of the bed. She pulled him to her so that he was standing before her, his still limp manhood level with her face. She took him into her hand enjoying the velvety softness of his penis. Kevin put his hands in her hair. Beth lowered her mouth to take the tip of him into it’s wetness. Kevin moaned, his hands beginning to work through her hair. In it’s flaccid state Beth was easily able to take the entire thing in her mouth. Beth wrapped her hands around Kevin’s buttocks and pulled him to her, pressing him fully into her mouth. Beth’s tongue began to slowly work the soft, pliant flesh, and as Kevin’s moans became louder, his manhood became harder. Beth worked to keep the entire thing in her mouth, but the length of it was overwhelming and soon she was forced to take it from her mouth, leaving only the head just beyond her lips. She ran circles around it with her tongue before once again pulling him to her, plunging his hardness deep in her throat.

Kevin’s body tensed and he pulled away, wanting not to give in to the screams of his body. He wanted to please Beth, to satisfy her before he allowed himself to acknowledge his bodies own needs. He took her in his arms, pulling her close to him, pressing his entire body against hers. They wasted no time finding the bed, laying upon it while they kissed, their mouths exploring the other’s. He had wanted to take things slow, had wanted to take his time, but the passion was overwhelming him and he found himself unable to control the sense of urgency that was overpowering him. She was a little surprised by his aggression, but at the same time she too could wait no longer to be as close to him as two people possibly can be.

Unable to contain herself any longer, Beth begged him to make love to her. She needed, yes needed to feel him deep within her. Her pleas were met with a look of determination as Kevin made his way up, positioning himself between her legs. With his knees he spread her legs wide and she closed her eyes in anticipation of feeling him moving inside her for the very first time. With careful deliberation he placed himself against her opening, putting more and more pressure against her until just the tip of his hardness slid into her wetness.

Beth let out a gasp as he slowly began working himself in and out of her, each solicitous movement taking him deeper and deeper into the soft, wet depths of her core. When he at last buried his entire length into her she let out a cry of pleasure, the pressure of him filling her so completely overpowering her. She reached out to him, digging her nails into the flesh of his buttocks. With her hands firmly holding on to his cheeks she guided him in and out of her, setting a slow, yet purposeful pace. Their bodies moved in an age old dance of passion, their cadence gradually increasing as their bodies craved the gratification that only the heights of orgasm could provide.

Her body began to tremble, her legs quivering as she neared the peak of passion. Sensing her approaching climax, Kevin quickened his pace and deepened his thrusts until at long last her entire body tensed and she whispered “I’m coming”. He covered her mouth with his as she cried out in rhapsody. He wanted to inhale the passion that overflowed from her, and he quickly removed himself from her burning hole. His mouth went to her wetness and he drank of her the juices that the culmination had unleashed.

His thirst for her fluids quenched, Kevin could no longer deny the needs of his own carnal appetite. With one long expeditious motion he impaled her again. His mouth at her ear he whispered “I love you”. His motions were frenzied and animal like as he drove himself into her over and over again. His need for release overwhelmed any thoughts of gentleness as he pounded into her, ever nearing his zenith. Beth lay beneath him, accepting his aggression as she knew he would never purposefully hurt her. The knowledge that it was her body, his desire for her that was the cause for his bestial actions aroused Beth, and the harder, more furious he thrust into her the closer to rapture she became as well.

Kevin’s body tensed as the first spasms of climax took hold of him. He buried himself deep within her one last time and held himself planted firm there as his seed exploded into her depths. He moaned loudly as Beth’s body reacted, contracting around his throbbing hardness, pulling him deeper and deeper into her core. Finally she too exploded, spilling forth her own juices to cover his still aching shaft so much so that it ran down his legs.

Kevin collapsed on her, letting his full weight cover her. His body was blanketed by a fine covering of sweat. The smell surrounding them was intoxicating, the combination of sex, sweat and fine linen. His breath was hot in the crook of her neck, and she relished in the scent of their sex. His breathing slowed, yet he didn’t want to remove himself from her warmth. As his hardness began to fade he rolled to the side to lay face to face with her, still inside her. They talked through the night, and made love to the sun coming up. The urgency gone, the love making was slow, intense, unhurried.

Neither had ever been so satisfied by another. Yet in their satisfaction lay an undeniable want, a need to experience this euphoria again and again. It was their desire to quench their thirst for that carnal gratification, as well as their want to explore every aspect of the other’s personality that would keep them together for years to come. For although they often would think that they’d reached unmatchable heights of sexual satisfaction, each touch, each kiss would open doors to newfound desires to explore. And although they often would think that they knew the other as well as they knew themselves, each day would bring new and exciting facets of their personalities to become familiar with.