Chapter 2

Aj stood outside the door waiting patiently for an answer. After what seemed like an eternity, the door finally opened and a beautiful brunette stood on the threshold.

"I see you found me alright." She said in a husky voice. She was wearing a black lace dress with what appeared to be nothing underneath.

Aj looked her up and down, liking what he saw. She was tall, with high full breasts and long legs. Her face was exquisite with widely spaced emerald eyes, smooth olive skin, and full pouty lips. Her long ebony hair hung in a curtain down her back. Yes, he most definitely liked what he was seeing.

"Alex, care to come in?" She asked him, gesturing toward the center of the room. It was no surprise that she knew his name, after all, she knew everything there was to know about Mr. McLean.

"Sure." He answered, walking into the room confidently. He was still extremely confused by the whole situation. Who was this woman? why had she gone to all this trouble? He was intrigued to say the least.

As if reading his thoughts, she announced, "I've been watching you for some time, Alexander James McLean, and I like what I've seen so far." her voice full of innuendo.

He paused for a moment before asking, "Well, since you know so much about me, can I ask what your name is?"


"Pleasure to meet you, Topaz." Aj said extending his hand. She didn't take it. She just nodded slightly in his direction.

"Let's begin. I am sure you are wondering why I brought you here." Topaz said, with a sly grin on her face. Of course he was curious. She wanted him that way. Oh how she wanted him...

It had been 2 years ago, when Topaz first saw Aj perform. Dallas, Texas. She remembered it like it was yesterday. He had been wearing black leather pants, an embroidered tank top, and his usual dark shades. She watched him move across the stage never taking her eyes off him. She knew that he had a reputation with the ladies, and she was bound and determined to get into his bed. Later on, after the concert was over, he invited her back to his motel room. They talked, laughed, and then had some of the most intense sex she'd ever experienced. After that night, she'd never heard from him again....and she always promised herself that she would see him again one day. She had been determined to find him.

"I must admit, you've got me curious." Aj said, eyeing her nipples through the see-through dress she was wearing.

"Well....Alex...we've met before." She said, letting the words sink in.

Aj looked surprised. He was sure he would remember a girl this good looking, "We have?"

"Yes. A couple of years ago. I've been following your career ever since."

Aj still couldn't place her. He searched deep in his mind, trying to remember her. But, he'd met and slept with so many girls on the road that it was hard to remember all their names and faces.

"I don't expect you to remember me, Alex." Topaz said calmly, though inside her heart was beating. Did she honestly think he'd remember her after all this time? No. But she had hoped deep down that he would.

"I am sorry, I wish I could remember." Aj said, apologetically.

Topaz reached out and placed her hand on his knee, "Don't be. You'll remember everything soon enough."
