Chapter 9

The next day passed slowly for Aj and Topaz. Aj spent most of the day in his motel room, thinking about everything. Even after all she had told him, it didn't change the fact that he had fallen for her. Hard. He decided to go to her. He slipped on a pair of jeans and a tight tank top, then left his room. As he got nearer her motel room, he knew what he needed to do.

He knocked on the door. Soon she was standing there, looking disheveled. It was obvious to him that she too, hadn't had much sleep the night before.

"Alex." She said, shocked to see him standing outside her door.

"I think we need to talk some more. Can I come in?" He asked, making his way into her room.

She closed the door behind him, and turned to face him. "I am truly sorry...."She started saying.

He held his hand up to quiet her. "Don't..ok? I have been doing alot of thinking, and I want to know something. I need to know if Kayla is really my daughter or not."

"She is, Alex. There is no doubt in my mind."Topaz started again.

"Maybe not in your mind Topaz, but I need to know for sure. Don't you understand? I barely know you and all of a sudden you come walking into my life telling me that I am the father of your child. I need more than that, I need proof." He stated gruffly.

She nodded. She did understand. Although in her heart she knew once he saw Kayla, there would be no question who the father was. She cleared her throat, "When do you want to do this?"

Aj responded quickly, "As soon as possible."

" Alright, let's go to the hospital then. I don't want to drag this out any longer than necessary." Topaz announced, grabbing her purse.

Aj spun her around, "You've held onto this secret for the last 2 years, I think that's long enough don't you?" With that, he let go of her arm and walked out the door.

She stared after him. He was angry. She didn't blame him. She just wanted this nightmare to end. If only he could see Kayla, then none of this would be necessary.

********* After an hour of waiting, Aj was able to see the doctor. He led him into a small examining room.

"All I have to do is take a swab from inside your mouth..ok? It will take all of 5 minutes tops." The doctor said reassuringly. He had a strong German accent, but spoke English very well.

"That's it? But how will you know from that?" Aj asked curiously.

"Well, we won't. We still have to take a swab of DNA from the little girl's mouth and match it with your own, then paternity can be determined. It takes perhaps a few days for the complete results." The tall grey-haired doctor informed him.

"Ok, let's get this over with." He said, opening his mouth wide so the doctor could take a DNA sample.


"Thanks. So, after we get the DNA from Kayla, then we can see if it's a match right?" Aj asked, just wanting to make sure he was getting the details right.

"Yes. It will take no time at all. Then I'll have one of the doctors here call you with the results ok, Mr. McLean?"

"Sure. Thanks again." He said sliding off the examining table and walking out of the room.

He walked out into the waiting area where Topaz sat reading a magazine.

"Well? what did the doctor say?" She asked him, a worried look on her face.

"We have to get a DNA sample from Kayla, and then compare it to mine. If it matches, I am her daddy. If not....well...that's it." He said, unsure of how he felt about the whole situation.

"I guess now we have to wait until after I go back home then?"

"I guess so."
