
One year later.... "I miss you so much baby.We all miss you." Aj stared down at the headstone it read:

Topaz Johnson
Born-January 30, 1973
Died-July 25, 2001

He knelt down and placed the white roses at the base of the headstone. He sat there for a while, crying softly. "Kayla is getting so big now. She'll be 3 next month. She's so smart, Topaz..and so beautiful. Just like her mother." He placed a white envelope next to the flowers and got up. Kayla was waiting by the car.

"Daddy?" She asked, seeing the tears on his face.

"Yes baby." Aj said, trying to wipe the tears away before she saw them.

"Mommy is smiling down at us." Kayla stated matter-of-factly.

"How do you know that sweetie?" He asked, curiously.

" I feel her." Kayla sighed, looking up into her father's face.

"Me too, pumpkin. Me too." He said, taking his daughter's hand in his.