
** Four months later... **
"Please be seated," Judge Roberts stated plainly. The crowded courtroom obliged and watched as the Jury filed into their seats. "Your next witness, please," the Judge added. The trial proceedings had just reconvened after a small lunch break.
"I call Alexander McLean, the Plaintiff, your honor," Jonathan Owens had known AJ for years. He'd been a Backstreet lawyer, in fact, for years.
"Thank you," The Judge said, looking down at his right side towards AJ. This was going to be interesting. AJ rose, straightened his suit slightly, and walked towards the stand. Before he was seated, the bailiff approached.
"Would you raise your right hand, please?" The bailiff asked politely, reciting the court's typical oath of truth. "Would you have a seat, please?" AJ nodded and complied. He was nervous. Very, very nervous. "Would you state your full name for the record, and spell your last name?"
"My name is Alexander McLean. M-C-L-E-A-N," AJ replied, swallowing the lump in his throat. Looking around, he took in everyone around him. He barely heard the deputy to his side thank him. Taking a deep breath, he prepared to recount everything that had happened. It wasn't going to be easy. He went over it with Jon the night before, everything he was going to be asked, but it hadn't been easy in front of him and it wasn't going to be any better in front of all these people.
"Traditionally, we would not bring Mr. McLean out here so quickly for testimony, but it is an integral part of the case. It is traditionally thought that testimony such as yours," Owens glimpsed in AJ's direction for a moment, "sways juries and only serves as a distraction. However, I do not believe this is the case. Are you ready for this, Mr. McLean?"
"Yes, sir," AJ lied. He wasn't ready at all. Jon looked at him and the look on his face surely was meant to be a reassurance, but it wasn't much of a help.
"What were you doing, on the night in question, before the assault occurred?"
"I was getting ready to go out to a restaurant."
"And the assault occurred, as you were leaving your room?"
"Yes, sir."
"Is the person who attacked you in this courtroom today?"
"Yes, sir. He's the defendant," AJ answered shakily. He hated this.
"How exactly did the defendant enter your room, Mr. McLean?"
"I um... I grabbed the last of my things and when I opened the door, he pushed his way in, and um.. he threw me to the floor."
"Did he harm you, in any way, in order to subdue you?"
"I was trying to get up off the floor. I was kind of on my knees, pushing up with my arms. He... um..." AJ stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. "He kicked me in the stomach, twice. Then he grabbed my arm, flipped me over, and held me down with his knee on my chest." Thank God they let him wear his sunglasses in here. His eyes were already watery.
