I know you're probably thinking "when the heck is she going to update?" Right? LOL Well, I've been working. Trust me. We have officially purchased our own domain name and I am in the process of slowly moving things over to our new server. I can't make any promises as to when the new domain will launch, but it will be soon. We are all VERY excited about the move and can't wait to share it with you.

Our writers have been very busy so expect new visuals and stories soon! Trust me when I say you're going to LOVE what they've been writing!!

Just a little reminder: Voting for the Vote for Me @ Beatitude Awards! and has begun! Please take a moment to check out the voting process and cast your vote for your favorite stories!!

Thanks for your patience as we make the move to our new server. If you haven't already, take a minute to join our mailing list so that you'll be one of the first to be notified of when we officially make the move.


Our family is growing!!! I am just tickled all shades of pink to announce the latest addition to the Take Time To Dream family. Rubenzfan brings to us an incredible writing talent that will leave you begging for more (I know I am!). Her first story is called "Second Chances" and can be found on the main stories page as the current feature story. Be sure to check it out!!

I've added the remaining chapter to Tim's story "Nature's Gift" which includes an alternate ending. How cool!!

I've added a new feature visual, "Surprises" by Faye. As always, Faye has put together a beautiful visual that I know you'll enjoy.


Just a tiny update today. The worst ice storm my state has seen in 120 years has kept me from the computer. LOL I thought going without electricity was bad...having no cable SUCKED! No cable=no internet. But I'm back up and running now, so expect a hefty update sometime next week, once I've had a chance to recover from the storm. Want to see what we went through? Right click here and select 'open in new window'. :)

I did add new chapters to "Nature's Gift", so enjoy!!


Added new feature story "Unsuspecting" and "Chance Encounter". Added new feature visual "Wrong Number. Added NEW section to the "Wonderland Series"

You might notice a few subtle changes to the site. I've been working to organize things a little better. If you are a Netscape user, the main page may appear a bit bugged out, as the frames script I had to use only works for IE. I apologize if this cause any problems for any of you.

You will also encounter a new pop up ratings advisor before you enter each story and visual. This is just an added assurance to me that people are aware of what they're about to read and won't find themselves viewing something that may offend them. A bit annoying, I know. But I'd rather deal with a little extra click than to have someone complain and have us shut down.

Keep enjoying the site and take a minute to leave the writers a little feedback. :)

webmistress *cracks whip* - Take Time To Dream


Added chapters to "Not A Moment Too Soon" and "Nature's Gift". Added section to the "Wonderland Series".

Hey! Did you see? A number of our stories have been nominated for awards. Check out the links below.


Added chapters to "Aladin" and "Nature's Gift". Added new visuals "Into The Madness" and "Sabine".


We here at Take Time To Dream Fan Fiction are pleased to introduce to your our newest family member. Tim brings to our collection a beatiful writing style that is poetic, romantic and sensuous. He joins us with two works, "Nature's Gift" and "Steam". You can check out Tim's bio on the "About our writers" page.


Added NEW Story-"Crash Into Me". Added NEW visuals-"Snow Angels", "Down and Dirty" and "Wicked Pleasures"
