Children of Darkness

chapter 10

JULY 7, 2001



"NO! AJ leave me the fuck alone! I'm not going to do it. You don't know what your asking."

"Kevin, come on! I've thought about it. You HAVE to do it! I want you to!"

"No. AJ, I'm not going to do it. You're... you're not responsible enough for this. You'd end up getting killed, and I couldn't stand it. Now stop asking."

"Come on," AJ pleaded. "I want you to do it. I want to be like you."

"NO! AJ, I think you've got some really fucked up ideas in your head. I'm not making you into what I am. Live your life, man. Grow up. Get married. Have babies. All that shit. Enjoy your life! I am NOT making you into a vampire."

"Kevin, look at me. Do I really seem like a growing-up-and-having-kids type of guy to you? This is what I was made to do, Kevin! I was meant to be a vampire. I don't want to get old. I don't want to die. It scares the shit out of me. I want to be like this forever! Please, please, please, please..." AJ was begging now. Kevin looked at him with disdain.

"Shut up, AJ. You have no idea what you're asking me to do. If I could change places with you right now, I would." Kevin stomped out of the room, leaving AJ to pout.

Kevin went back to his room and threw himself onto the bed. He never should have told AJ. He should have just called Rhiannon and asked her to come back so she could erase AJ's memories or something. He needed Rhiannon right now. He needed her to be there to comfort him. He was pissed and scared. He tried to call her, but he couldn't reach her. He hadn't talked to her in days, and he was getting worried. He didn't feel like hunting tonight. He hadn't fed in two days, though, and he was getting very weak. He was starving, in fact. But he just couldn't do it. He was too stressed. He turned on the television and bought a porn flick on pay per view. He heard a soft knock on the door, and he just knew it was AJ. He stomped over and flung the door open, a scowl on his face. Nick stood on the other side of the door, startled.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you," Kevin said, smiling at Nick.

"That's ok. Can I come in. I'm lonely tonight," Nick said, looking sad.

"Sure. C'mon in," Kevin said, opening the door wider. "We can be lonely together."

Nick smiled and walked into the living room of the suite. He flopped down on the couch and turned on the television.

"Cool! Porn!" Nick exclaimed excitedly. Kevin laughed. About halfway through it, Kevin announced that he was going to bed. No use getting himself all worked up. He wasn't gonna be having sex with anybody anyway. Sometime after 3am, he fell asleep. Nick had long since passed out on the couch in the dark living room.

AJ let himself into Kevin's room, stealthy and silent. He made his way across the living room, not noticing Nick sleeping on the couch. He entered Kevin's bedroom and crawled up onto the bed. He knew Kevin was hungry. He had seen Kevin watching the vein on the side of his neck earlier, and he noticed how pale Kevin had been that night. He had missed a few steps on the stage, too. Very un-Kevin. AJ knew this was his chance. Maybe the only one he would get, too, because Rhiannon was coming back the next day. AJ stripped off his shirt and laid down beside Kevin, who was lying on his stomach. He ran his hand over Kevin's back and kissed his shoulder. Kevin stirred, then rolled over onto his back.

"AJ, I said no, ok? No means no," Kevin growled. AJ fastened his lips over Kevin's quickly, silencing him. Kevin moaned as AJ broke their kiss and moved his neck over Kevin's lips.

"Please stop," Kevin whispered. He knew he couldn't stand it much longer. He was starving, and the hotness of AJ's skin was torture. Kevin drew in a ragged breath and ran his tongue over the throbbing, protruding vein.

"I can't stop," AJ rasped. "Kevin, I want this so much. Please do it for me. I'm begging you."

"No, AJ. I can't do it," Kevin moaned. "I can't. Please don't ask me to do this."

Kevin couldn't feed on a friend. He just couldn't. This was just too much for him to handle.

"Kevin, I want it. I want to be like you. I want to be with you forever. Please do this for me," AJ whispered. He was beginning to sweat a little, and the scent was driving Kevin absolutely crazy. Kevin's lips grazed AJ's shoulder, then to his chest. AJ's erection was pressing against Kevin's thigh. Kevin rolled over on top of AJ, straddling his hips and pinning his arms over his head. He could see the fear and the passion in AJ's eyes as he bent to kiss his neck.

"Oh God, Kevin," AJ moaned, thrusting his hips up, grinding against Kevin's body. He turned his head to the side and offered his neck to Kevin once more. Kevin closed his eyes, trying not to see what AJ was doing, but the image was burned into his brain.

"Do it," AJ moaned, his voice raspy and breathless. Kevin could feel the hunger pains in his stomach. Unbearable spasms. He could feel his teeth unsheathing. No, he couldn't do this! This was wrong! But God he wanted AJ so much. He wanted to feel AJ's hot blood running through his veins. That young, hot blood. AJ's energy in flowing through his body. He had to have him. Now.

Kevin ran his hands up AJ's chest and bent to his neck. He nipped at AJ's neck, drawing a tiny amount of blood to the surface of his skin. AJ yelped a little. Kevin moved back and looked into AJ's eyes.

"Please don't stop," AJ gasped. "Don't stop!"

"AJ, are you absolutely sure? I am warning you, you'll regret this," Kevin said, licking the drops of blood from his lips. The blood on his tongue burned like fire. He could taste the essense of AJ, just barely the essense of him, on his tongue. He wanted more. He didn't want to stop.

"YES!" AJ moaned. "Please. Please, Kevin. Do this for me." Tears streamed down AJ's face as Kevin bent back to his neck, sinking his teeth into that beautiful vein. AJ moaned and writhed under Kevin's touch. Kevin drank and drank, feeling the life leaving AJ's body. He pulled back suddenly, scared that he was going to kill his friend. AJ looked at Kevin, his eyes rolling back into his head. Kevin knew if he didn't give back to AJ, his friend would die. Now he had done it. Panic overtook Kevin. Either he made AJ immortal, or he would live with the knowledge that he had killed one of his best friends.

"Please," AJ whispered, barely able to speak. Kevin nodded sadly, then took his pocket knife from the nightstand. He drew it across his own wrist. As soon as the blood began to flow, he pressed his wrist against AJ's lips. AJ drank deeply from Kevin. AJ could feel the room beginning to spin as Kevin's vampiric blood entered his veins. It was mindblowing. AJ never wanted to stop drinking. The salty liquid was like a tonic to his soul. He felt a peace coming over him like he had never felt before. Kevin pulled his wrist back and fell back onto the bed beside AJ.

"Oh God," AJ whispered. "Oh my God."

"AJ, I'm so sorry," Kevin said, covering his face with his hands.

"Why are you sorry?" AJ said, sitting up and looking around the room. He was feeling different already. His senses were sharpening.

"Because now you're like me. You're undead. Oh God, why did I do that?" Kevin moaned.

"Because I asked you to. Oh shit. This is incredible," AJ said, shaking his head in amazement. He stared at his hand, noticing every line, every detail for the first time in his life.

Kevin looked over at AJ, who was smiling like an idiot. AJ was loving this. But he had no idea what he was in for. Kevin closed his eyes again. Something didn't feel right. He felt a presense... He opened his eyes and glanced out of the bedroom door. Nick stood silently, his eyes huge with fear and revulsion, in the doorway.

"Nick!" Kevin exclaimed. AJ's head whipped around and he saw Nick too. Nick turned and ran as fast as he could. Kevin and AJ listened as the door slammed behind him.

"Fuck," Kevin said, closing his eyes. "FUCK!"
