Children of Darkness

chapter 11

JULY 8, 2001


It was just after dawn. Kevin wasn't at his best during the daylight hours. Of course, the windows were covered completely, but he just didn't think very well during the day. His brain turned to mush. He couldn't reason. It was like that with most vampires. They were pretty much dimwitted during the day. He was so tired. He looked over at AJ, who was marvelling at the way his tattoos had taken on a life of their own through his "new" eyes. AJ was awestruck by everything. The carpet fibers. The water droplets on the shower wall. The aura that the lightbulb was giving off. The sound of the mosquito that buzzed against the glass on the window. It was like he was on a massive acid trip or something.

"AJ, we need to sleep, man," Kevin said wearily. His brain was feeling mushy already.

"No fucking way. I'm never sleeping again," AJ said, smiling over at him.


"No! I'm not going to bed! This is just so... Oh shit... I wanna see everything! I wanna see the whole world!" AJ hopped off the bed and started out the door.

"AJ STOP!" Kevin yelled. AJ turned and looked at him, confused.


"AJ, it's..." Kevin stopped, searching for the word. His brain was frying quickly. "Daytime."

"Oh," AJ said, looking down, disappointed. "I guess you're right."

"God what have I done?" Kevin muttered, crawling back into the bed. AJ laid down on the bed beside Kevin, and Kevin covered him up with the blanket. AJ tried to sleep, but it was so hard. He finally drifted off long after Kevin.


AJ woke up to find Kevin sitting in a chair staring at him. Kevin had managed a few hours sleep, so he was a little more clear-headed now.

"Oh shit! It's nighttime, isn't it?" AJ asked, smiling like an moron.

"No. It's not. It's only about 3. AJ you've got to go," Kevin said, quietly.

"Go? Where? Why?"

"You've got to get out of here. You're not gonna be in any shape to perform. Look at yourself, man. You're freaked. You can't even look at your own hand without going into a trance. If you get on that stage and see the lights and feel all the people in the arena, you're gonna freak even worse. I've gotta come up with something. Some reason why you can't perform. You've gotta get used to this before you can get back up there."

"No! I'm not leaving. Where the hell will I go?" AJ yelled, jumping out of bed. He stared at Kevin's beautiful skin, and he couldn't take his eyes off of it. He had to touch Kevin's face. It was fascinating. It was the most amazing thing AJ had ever seen. He reached out and ran his fingers over Kevin's cheek. Kevin knocked his hand away irritably.

"Stop," Kevin snapped. "Wake up, AJ. Snap out of it. Do you really think you're in any shape to be in public?"

AJ thought about it for a minute. "No. You're right. I'm freaked. But what are we gonna do?"

"I'll think of something. I got you into this mess. Just go back to sleep," Kevin said, walked into the living room of the suite.

AJ laid back down in the bed and drifted off again. He was more tired than he had realized. When he woke, it was after 6. He knew it was after dark. He walked into the living room. AJ found his suitcases packed, and there was a note from Kevin, along with a plane ticket back to Florida.

What? How could he go home? He was clueless about what to do now. How was he supposed to stay alive. Or was he still alive even? God, his body was hurting so bad. AJ was aching in places he didn't even know he could ache. He cried. Real tears. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. He was supposed to be having fun, not going back to Orlando by himself. But he knew he had to do what Kevin said. Kevin would take care of him. He trusted Kevin.


JULY 10, 2001

AJ sat in front of the television in his bedroom, his mouth hanging open in disbelief. Kevin... on MTV...

"...It would be late and we'd have to do something the next day, and after that he would go on his own. He just didn't want to go back to the room and go to bed. He wanted to continue. He was becoming a vampire."

Kevin was calling him a vampire. Nick was crying. What was going on? Oh God. This was not happening. AJ shook his head. He waited for Kevin to call him. The call never came. **********************************

Rhiannon sat on the couch with Kevin. He had just flown home from New York on the redeye. She listened as he confessed what he had done. She knew it already. She could feel it. He was ashamed of himself. And scared. Scared for AJ. Kevin cried inconsolably.

"Kevin," she said softly, "you have to take care of him now. He's your responsibility."

"You make him sound like a puppy," Kevin said, trying to smile.

"Oh, you're gonna have him much longer than you would have a puppy," Rhiannon said, stroking his hair. He buried his face in her shoulder and cried again.

"I'm so afraid for him. He's so irresponsible, Rhiannon. He's gonna end up getting killed, and it'll be all my fault."

"Kevin, teach him. You have to teach him how to live now. Show him how to choose his prey. Teach him how to live out there on the road. I'll help you teach him, baby. You know I will. But he's your responsiblity."

"I can't do this," Kevin said, getting up. "I just can't handle this. I can't believe I did this to him. It's all my fault."

Kevin ran out the door and drove to AJ's house. AJ was locked away in his room, curled up in his bed. Kevin entered the room silently and sat down on the bed. AJ turned to him, his eyes red from crying. He was so relieved when he saw Kevin, and a smile crossed his lips.

"Thank God you're here," AJ said, sitting up.

"I can't stay," Kevin said quietly. "AJ, I can't stand this. I can't stand what I've done to you. I'm so sorry."

"What are you saying, Kev," AJ whispered, feeling another choking sob forming in his throat. Kevin reached for him, and hugged him tight. He kissed the top of AJ's head as tears fell in his hair.

"I'm saying I've gotta go," Kevin said softly. Before AJ could respond, Kevin swiftly moved out the door.

"Damn it!" AJ screamed. "What do I do now?? KEVIN!!! WHAT DO I DO??"
