Children of Darkness

chapter 12

Where is he," AJ asked, taking another draw off his cigarette. He was a little calmer now that Rhiannon was here with him.

"I don't know," Rhiannon said sadly. She missed Kevin. Her child. Her friend. Ever since he made AJ, he had been so distraught. Inconsolable. He couldn't forgive himself.

"Well damn it, he shouldn't have left. What am I supposed to do now?" AJ asked bitterly. He was scared. Rhiannon could feel it. New and scared. Confused. Just like Kevin had been after she made him.

"I'll take care of you," she said, smiling softly."I'll teach you what you need to know, and I won't let anything bad happen to you, ok?"

"Why did they come up with that story about me anyway?" he asked, pulling his sunglasses back on.

"Because it seemed realistic. Would you rather them say 'well, Kevin made him into a vampire last night, and he's a little under the weather right now'?"

"No," AJ said, looking down.

"AJ," she said, casting a sympathetic gaze in his direction, "everything will be ok." She could remember saying those exact words to Kevin a year earlier.

Nick entered the room and sat down in a chair far away from both of them. His eyes were still puffy and red from crying.

"Nick," AJ said, "come here. Sit with me."

"Hell no," Nick said bitterly. Rhiannon could feel the fear in Nick's body. Nick knew. He knew what they were. He had seen Kevin make AJ. He had accidentally walked in on them. At first, he thought it was some kind of kinky sex game... Kevin's mouth on AJ's neck, AJ moaning and writhing under his touch. Nick had watched... getting very aroused at the sight, even considered joining in for a minute. But then... AJ was begging for something. For Kevin to give it to him. Of course, Nick's mind had been somewhere else. Then, when Kevin had cut his wrist and given it to AJ... that had just been too much... the blood. Nick felt the bile rise in his throat as he thought back to the blood. How it poured over AJ's mouth. Into his mouth. Very unsanitary, in Nick's mind. Disgusting...

"Nick," Rhiannon said, snapping him out of his trance.

"Huh?" he said, looking at her.

"Nick, we're not going to hurt you," she said, staring at him through the purple tinted sunglasses.

"Sure. I'll bet you say that to all the boys," he said, rolling his eyes skeptically.

Rhiannon laughed. "Why would I want to hurt you?"

"Because you drink blood, you... you VAMPIRE!" he yelled.

Rhiannon laughed louder. "Nick, I don't kill people. Or, I should say, I don't kill people who don't deserve to die. And AJ... he's never even fed before. Well, except on Kevin..."

"Stop! I don't want to hear this," Nick said, covering his ears.

"Nick, I'm scared. I need you," AJ said, his voice a plaintive whisper.

Nick looked at AJ. His friend, AJ. His friend for nearly 10 years. He knew when AJ was afraid, and right now he was the most afraid Nick had ever seen him. Nick slowly got up and moved to the couch. AJ rested his head on Nick's shoulder, and Nick put his arms around him. AJ started to cry. Nick slowly began to stroke AJ's head and comfort him with soft whispers.

This is all my fault, Rhiannon thought.

"No it's not," AJ said, opening his eyes to her. Rhiannon smiled a little. He was a strong one already. AJ closed his eyes again as Nick kissed his forehead.

"Nicky, you know I would never, ever hurt you," AJ whispered.

"I know. I'm sorry I ever even thought it," Nick said. He knew AJ loved him. They were brothers. To the end.

"AJ," Rhiannon said, looking at her watch. "It's time to go."

"Go where?" he asked.

"To sleep."

"But... can't I sleep here?" he asked.

"No. I know you slept here last night, but it's too dangerous. You have to come with me. I don't want anything to happen to you. Kevin would never forgive me," she said, standing. She held out her hand. AJ hugged Nick one last time and stood up, taking her hand.

"Bye Nick," Rhiannon said. "We'll see you tonight." She led AJ out the door and to her car, then drove back to the house. She was hoping to find Kevin there, but she didn't.

She and AJ shared the coffin. She blinked back tears as she thought back on the first night she had spent there with Kevin. The first of many, many nights. Kevin hadn't been nearly as afraid as AJ was. Kevin had just liked to sleep in the luxury of the soft white satin with her. AJ, on the other hand, needed her. Needed to be close to her. Needed to be comforted. AJ held onto her tightly. She could feel his fear. It was so strong, she could practically reach out and touch it.

"AJ," she whispered,"you're going to be ok."

"Promise me you'll never leave me," he said, sniffling. He never thought Kevin would leave him, and he couldn't stand the thought of being alone again.

"I promise. I'll never, ever leave you," she replied, kissing the top of his head. He smelled so wonderful.

"Thank you," he said, relaxing the slightest little bit into her arms. Within a few minutes, they were both asleep.
