chapter 14

"Good God, Rhiannon. How in the hell am I gonna do this? This guy is freakin huge!" AJ hissed, keeping one eye on the bathroom door. Eric had excused himself from the room for a moment, and AJ was getting very nervous.

"Control him," Rhiannon said, her face expressionless.


"AJ, you can do this. Just concentrate on him. Concentrate on his thoughts. You'll know when you've got him. You'll feel it. You can be sure you have him under your control by willing him to do something simple, like hum a song or something. Once you're sure, you can make him do just about anything. You just make him go catatonic, then your instincts will take over. I'm here if you get into trouble. Don't worry." Rhiannon smiled reassuringly as Eric came back into the living room and sat beside Rhiannon.

Rhiannon turned to Eric and raised an eyebrow. "So, Eric... what do you want to do?"

"Fuck," Eric said, giving her a sexy smile. AJ rolled his eyes. What the hell was this guy doing? That's not how you pick up women.

"Oh," Rhiannon replied, opening her eyes wide and snickering, "you sure aren't shy, are you?"

"Not at all," Eric said, grasping her shoulders and kissing her hard. AJ felt a twinge of jealousy. He didn't want this big oaf touching Rhiannon. He began to concentrate on Eric, staring at him through his sunglasses. He suddenly felt something. Something strange. It was a kind of tingling sensation, but it was warm. Was this it? He willed Eric to hum New York, New York. Immediately, Eric broke the kiss and began to hum lightly while kissing Rhiannon's neck. Rhiannon looked over Eric's shoulder at AJ and winked. AJ smiled. He had him. AJ willed Eric to lie down on his back, which he did. AJ moved over to him, as Rhiannon cradled Eric's head in her lap. She gently moved his head to one side and smiled at AJ. Rhiannon's fangs began to unsheath, which was quite surprising. Normally, she had much better control over herself than this. AJ could feel his own fangs emerging for the first time. He moaned in pain.

"It's ok," Rhiannon said, laughing softly. "It's kind of like losing your virginity. Well, if you were a girl, that is. It hurts the first few times, but after that, it's quite pleasurable."

AJ looked up at her with pain in his eyes. The spasms in his stomach were unbearable. He could feel his instincts taking over his body, telling him what to do. He lowered his lips to the man's neck and felt the silky softness of his flesh. AJ licked the man's jugular lightly, enjoying the salty taste. His breath was coming quicker. He closed his eyes and plunged his teeth roughly into the soft skin. Rhiannon watched as AJ's shoulders tensed with the effort he was exerting to drink as much as he could from Eric. Rhiannon reached over and rubbed the muscles in his shoulders gently, reminding him to relax. AJ ran his hands over Eric's chest, almost caressing. Rhiannon had to fight the urge to throw AJ off of him and latch onto the would herself. What was wrong with her? She never had self control problems like this. AJ was gorging himself on Eric. Rhiannon smiled. He was such an eager little feeder...

"AJ, you have to stop now," she said quietly. AJ looked up at her, his eyes filled with disappointment.

"But why?" he whined sadly.

"Because you don't want to kill him. And if you drain him, you'll make yourself sick."

AJ nodded and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He sat back against the couch and sighed deeply, looking around the room. The warm, soothing feeling of fresh blood overtook him. He closed his eyes allowed his head to drop back. Rhiannon couldn't help herself. She had to have AJ... right then. She rose from the couch, dropping the unconscious Eric back down onto it. She straddled AJ's hips and kissed his arched neck, feeling the warmth of his body and she smelled the scent of him. AJ sighed softly and pulled her body against his. His hands roamed her back, his fingers digging into her soft skin. She trailed her lips up his throat and kissed him. Oh, she kissed him. His hands fastened on her shoulders, and he pulled her down onto his hardness, which was threatening to burst through his pants. She ground her body against him, and he moaned into her mouth. His tongue entered her mouth, and he felt the sharp sting of her fangs. He pulled back, surprised, his eyes wide. Rhiannon smiled slowly, revealing her elongated canines. She leaned in close and spoke directly into his ear.

"I want you," she said huskily, then sucked his lobe into her mouth. AJ let out a whimper as her hands snaked under his shirt. She removed his shirt and stared down at him.

"You have an amazing body, Alexander," she whispered, climbing off of his lap. "Let me see all of you."

AJ blinked a few times, then stood in front of her. She looked up at him longingly as he unbuttoned his jeans. He stopped, then smiled and didn't proceed any further.

"Oh, so you wanna play that way, huh?" Rhiannon said, laughing. She sat up on her knees and pulled down AJ's clothing, revealing the most perfect cock she had ever seen in her life. She felt the overwhelming need to take him into her mouth. She placed her hands on his ass and pulled him to her, taking as much of him into her mouth as she could. AJ groaned and placed his hands gently on the back of her head, encouraging her to go further. As she sucked, her fangs grazed the sensitive flesh of his engorged member, sending little shock waves through his body. It was thrilling for him, just thinking of the danger involved in the act. She could easily emasculate him if she so desired. Just the thought of that was enough to make him weak-kneed. He pushed her back and dropped to his knees, kissing her again. His hands pulled at her clothes, removing them piece by piece. He bent to kiss her bared breasts, taking each nipple in his mouth and tickling it with his warm tongue. He laid her down onto the floor, eager to get inside her body. He kissed his way down her stomach and removed her black lace panties, planting little kisses on the way down. She tried to pulled him back up to kiss her lips, hoping to god that he'd stop teasing and start fucking. But not AJ... AJ had other things in mind... He had to taste her. He opened her thighs and lowered his head. As soon as his lips touched her soft inner folds, he could feel her heat. He licked softly at first, relishing the taste of her body. As she began to shiver beneath his touch, he was encouraged to plunge his tongue into her depths.

"Please AJ," she begged, as he draped her legs over his shoulders, pulling her in as close as possible. He was enjoying this almost as much as she was.

"AJ, please... I want you right now," she cried, trying not to hurt him as she pried his mouth from her body. She pulled him up to her, and he stared down into her eyes. He smiled as he positioned his hardness outside of her body. He entered her skillfully, with no poking and prodding. He knew what he was doing. She arched her back and shuddered, feeling his full length inside her tight walls. AJ couldn't fathom how unbelivably tight she was, too. He had never felt anything like this in his life. He slowly began to thrust in and out of her body, knowing there was no way he could last very long with this tight hotness wrapped around him. She grasped his ass and began to push and pull him out of her body at will. He threw his head back in passion, a long sigh escaping his lips.

"Oh God, Rhiannon," he moaned, then kissed her lips, his tongue forcing its way into her mouth.

"AJ, don't be scared," Rhiannon said softly into his ear. "I'm going to share something with you. I won't hurt you. I promise. Trust me. Don't come yet. Wait."

AJ nodded silently and continued to thrust away. Just as Rhiannon reached her climax, she sank her teeth into the soft juncture between AJ's shoulder and neck. She heard him gasp as the warm blood began to flow into her mouth. Her orgasm was so explosive, her cries could be heard a block away. Her already-tight walls contracted around AJ's cock, and he knew he had reached his end also. Just as the hot orgasm began to overtake his body, Rhiannon pressed AJ's face into her neck. He took his cue from her and sank his teeth into her soft neck. As the first throbs of his climax began, her hot blood spurted into his mouth and down his throat. The orgasm was like none he had ever experienced in his life. For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Electricity coursed through his body. Every nerve cell fired at once. Every part of his body tingled and throbbed. The room swirled with colors, then disappeared completely, leaving him in a kaleidescope of reds, greens, blues, and yellows. He couldn't even cry out. He was not in control of his body anymore. He belonged to Rhiannon. Slowly, the sensation faded, and AJ collapsed on top of her in a sweaty, heavy breathing heap. He was unable to speak for several minutes as he collected his thoughs. Finally, he regained enough consciousness to say the only thing in his mind...

