chapter 16

Kathleen, where are you taking me?" he asked, giggling a little.

"You'll see," she said, smiling. Along the way, they chatted. Kevin learned all about Kathleen, and her family, and her friends. Did this girl ever shut up? He smiled, though. It was nice being around someone so carefree. He was so used to being around intense people. Rhiannon. Stephen. Lorelei. AJ... God, he had to stop thinking about AJ. Kathleen was like a female Nick. Only smarter. The entered Panama City Beach, and the traffic began to get heavier. It was a tacky little city. Bright neon lights. Tattoo parlors. Head shops. T-shirt shops. Cheap motels. Horrible place. AJ would have loved it. So would Nick. Kathleen pulled into the parking lot of a large amusement park. Miracle Strip Amusement Park. He turned to her and laughed.

"You've got to be kidding," he said, shaking his head.

"Nope. Get out."

Kevin was still shaking his head as he exited the car. He could smell the sickly sweet scent of cotton candy, and the delicious aroma of carnival hot dogs in the air. It brought back memories of his childhood and the county fair. He and Brian used to go every year. Kevin would always beat the hell out of him on the bumper cars, and he'd rock the seat on the ferris wheel to make Brian cry. Brian always hated heights, but Kevin wasn't afraid of anything. Never had been. Kevin paid their way in and they walked down the midway. Kathleen pulled him to the first ride they came to... The Abominable Snowman. It was a glorified Scrambler inside a tacky fake igloo. Loud music blared through the speakers, strobe lights flashed, and the walls were covered with mirrors. Kevin hated to admit it, but he really did enjoy it.

"Having fun?" Kathleen asked, her eyes shining brightly.

Kevin looked at her and tried not to smile. It didn't work. The smile found it's way to his lips, and he nodded his head. "Yeah. I am."

"Good! Come on," she said, pulling him to another ride. The Log Ride... Oh man... Kevin really didn't want to get wet. Too late. Splash. They were both drenched. Kathleen laughed as they got off the ride.

"My shoes are squishy," she said, giggling.

"Mine too," Kevin said, shaking his wet hair.

"Yeah, but you look good wet," she said, smiling up at him.

He grasped her hand and pulled her toward the ferris wheel. Nothing like a ferris wheel to bring back memories. They got on the ride and it began. When they were at the top, the ride stopped, and they could see for miles around. They looked out at the ocean.

"This is cool," Kevin said, putting his arm around Kathleen. It was the first time he had let his guard down in nearly a year. He was happy. Honest to God happy. Kathleen leaned toward him, allowing him to hold her a little closer. He hadn't actually held a woman in so long. He kissed the top of her head. He felt almost... normal.

They continued to ride the roller coasters, the Himilayan, the bumper cars, and the rocket ships until Kathleen was pretty exhausted.

"One more ride," Kevin said, pulling her toward the garishly ridiculous haunted house.

"Ok. One more, but I think you're going to have to drive home," she said, yawning. It was well after 2am by then.

"Fine," Kevin said. They sat down in the little car and the ride started. It was so bad. Dayglo paint on fake skeletons. The animatronics were from the early 70's. Fake rubber spiders hung from the ceiling. Mist sprayed out at them from the nostrils of a big ugly hairy monster on the wall. They laughed hysterically at all of it. Suddenly, the ride came to a grinding halt in the middle.

"What the heck?" Kathleen said, looking around.

"Don't know," Kevin said in his best scary voice. "Maybe it's... haunted... Maybe the boogie man is gonna get you."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't try that shit with me," she replied, punching him in the arm. "There's no such thing as monsters."

If you only knew, Kevin thought, frowning a little. The lights suddenly went out, and they were sitting in the dark.

"Ok, I don't like this at all," Kathleen said. Kevin could hear the trepidation in her voice. He could feel her fear beginning. He put his arm around her and pulled her close.

"Don't worry. I won't let anything get you," he said, laughing.

"Yeah. Whatever. What if there's some kind of axe murderer in here?"

Kevin looked around. He could see everything around them. "Nah. No axe murderers in here."

Kathleen moved in a little closer, resting her head on his shoulder. "I think I'll just close my eyes. Then I won't know it's dark."

Damn. She really did sound like Nick. Kevin shook his head and giggled. They sat quietly for a few minutes, waiting for the ride to start back up. Finally, it did. When they exited, Kevin gave the operator a nasty glare. They made their way back to the car, and Kathleen handed Kevin the keys. She slept on the way back to the hotel. Kevin kept glancing at her, admiring her sweet face. She was a pure soul. He kept telling himself that. Perhaps to remind himself that he shouldn't be with her. He didn't know. When they reached the hotel, he ran his finger down her cheek to wake her. She opened her eyes and smiled. It was after 4am, and he knew he would need to get inside soon.

"I had a great time," he said. "You helped me forget my troubles for a few hours. Thanks. That meant a lot to me."

"Me too. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," she replied, sitting up.

He couldn't help himself. He kissed her. A sweet, soft, gentle kiss. Not like the kisses he had shared with his victims. This was a real kiss. No hidden agendas. No expectations. No anticipation of anything more. Just a kiss. When the kiss ended, she smiled at him.

"Thank you," she said.

"Kathleen, can I see you again?" he asked softly, looking down. He knew he shouldn't even think about seeing her again. It would do him no good to get involved with a mortal, but he just couldn't help it.

"Sure," she said. "How about we go parasailing this afternoon."

Kevin's smile faded. "Um, I was thinking maybe something tonight."

"Sure," she said, smiling brightly. "We can go bungee jumping. Or maybe go out to dinner."

"Sounds great," he said. He kissed her once more, savoring the taste of her. He could imagine what it would be like to... NO he had to chase that thought from his mind, because it would never, ever happen. He hadn't made love to a mortal woman since... since before he was changed. It was wrong, and he knew he couldn't do it.

"Well, I'd better go," he said, kissing her forehead.

"See ya tonight," she said, smiling. "I'll meet you... um... I guess at your room?"

"Ok. I'm in room 1280," he said, hopping out of the car. What was he doing? He knew better...
