chapter 2

It hath often been said that it is not death, but dying, which is terrible." -Henry Fielding

Kevin pulled up in front of his darkened house. He had forgotten to turn on the outside lights when he left. He got out and walked toward the front door with Lorelei following close behind him. Once inside, he turned on a few lights and sat down on the couch. Lorelei knelt down in front of him and smiled. Or was that a smirk? Damn, this girl sure was hard to figure out. Her fingers found the waistband of his shorts and began to slowly lower them. He lifted his hips to allow her to do so. It was as if he couldn't help it. He could think of nothing else besides her. Something had taken over his will, and he couldn't control himself.

Lorelei ran her tongue up his hardness, pausing for a moment to flick her tongue on the underside of the swollen head. Kevin felt his breath catch from the sensation. She looked up at him as she wrapped her lips around him. He groaned and allowed his head to fall back as she continued. Her hand ran up his hard inner thighs and cupped his balls. Her other hand ran up under his shirt and caressed his smooth, firm chest. She teased one of his nipples with her middle finger, and a soft moan escaped his lips. He pushed her back onto the floor and pulled her shorts off roughly. Without thinking, he thrust into her fully with in one fluid motion. She made no noise, but from the look on her face, she clearly enjoyed it. He thrust into her over and over, savoring the feeling of her tightness surrounding him. She rolled over on top of him and rode him, clenching her walls tighter than Kevin thought humanly possible. His orgasm overtook him with such ferocity, and it caught him completely off guard. He came into her, his body shuddering with each throb. He closed eyes and let out a prolonged sigh. When he opened his eyes, Lorelei was still sitting on him, and she had that strange smile on her face again. She finally spoke.

"I've been watching you for a long time now," she said, grasping his hands. He smiled up at her, lacing his fingers between hers.

"Really?" he asked. "I've never seen you before."

"I know," she said. "I don't like the people I'm watching to know I'm watching them."

Kevin's smile faded a little. Was this chick some kind of stalker or something?

"Why have you been watching me?" he asked, cautiously.

"Because I always watch my victims before I take them. It's part of the thrill," she said, still smirking. Kevin's eyes grew wide. Victims? Oh shit... He tried to get up, but for some reason, he couldn't move. He felt panic overtaking him. Why wouldn't his arms and legs work? Oh God...

She smiled. A really evil smile. There was no mistaking it this time. He caught a glimpse of her teeth. Her canines were slightly elongated. Nothing that one would notice unless you were really paying attention. But Kevin was paying attention. How could he not? He felt his heart begin to race, and tears began to form in his eyes. Lorelei moved Kevin's arms straight out beside him into a "T" position, palms up. She climbed off of him, and he was hoping he could now move. He couldn't. She knelt over his left arm, running her tongue over his wrist, up his arm, to his shoulder, then to his neck. She turned Kevin's head to the side and brought her lips to the soft flesh of his throat. He was only able to let out a soft moan as she sank her teeth into him. The pain was exquisite. As she began to drain his blood, he could feel his life leaving him. This was not happening. This couldn't be happening. He tried to cry out, but he was completely paralyzed. She seemed to drain him for an eternity. When she finally stopped, she looked at him, her mouth covered with his blood. She smiled into Kevin's near-lifeless eyes.

"Very soon, you'll drift off to sleep, Kevin," she said. "Then the pain will go away. Sorry you have to die, beautiful one. But rest assured, you were wonderful."

She stood and walked out the door, leaving Kevin to die. He was still conscious, if only barely. He was beginning to feel very, very sleepy. No! He couldn't go to sleep. If he did, he would never wake up. He had to survive. This woman wasn't... no... she couldn't be. There was no such thing as... vampires? He tried to cry out again. Nothing. No sound. He could barely breath, and he could feel his heart struggling to pump what was left of his blood through his body. He heard the front door open again. Oh God. She was coming back to kill him. He closed his eyes and held his breath. Hopefully she'd think he was already dead. He felt someone move beside him and kneel down.

"I'm so sorry," a voice said. "I should never have let her come here."

The voice wasn't Lorelei's. Kevin was still terrified, and he remained completely still.

"Open your eyes, Kevin," the voice said. He did so, slowly, almost painfully. There was a beautiful woman beside him. Her long, dark hair framing her pale face. Her beautiful pale blue eyes stared at him in striking contrast to the rest of her.

"Kevin," she said, stroking his cheek, "I'm so sorry. I should never have allowed her to take you. I would change things if I could. I'm so sorry."

Kevin looked at her with pleading eyes. Please save me, he thought. Please save me. I don't want to die.

"I know you don't want to die, Kevin. But she has taken too much for you to survive," the girl said. How did she know what he was saying?

"I can hear you," she said softly.

Help me, he thought. Please, help me.

"The only way I can help you is to give back what she has taken from you from myself. But Kevin, you don't want that. You'll become like me. Like Lorelei. You'll be one of us forever. You don't want that. I promise you don't want that. They call it a gift, but it's more like a curse," she said, wiping a silent tear from his face.

Yes! Please give it to me. I don't want to die! God!

"No," she said. "I can't do that to you. I won't do it."

PLEASE! God, I'm begging you, give it to me. Don't let me die! I don't want to die! I'm so scared!

Tears streamed down the girls face as she looked into his eyes. She couldn't stand the look of fear, of hopelessness in those beautiful jade eyes. She could feel his heart growing weaker. She knew he didn't have much time.

"I'll give it back to you," she said, crying softly. "You're so beautiful. I can't bear to see you die, Kevin. But you will regret this. I swear you'll regret it. Once I do this, there is no turning back. You'll be one of us... for eternity. You'll never grow old. You'll never die. But you'll be cursed with a thirst that is never completely quenched. Do you understand what I'm saying to you? You'll be a child of darkness, Kevin. Forever."

PLEASE! I don't want to die. I'm so scared. Please help me! DO IT!

The girl nodded sadly and used her thumbnail to cut her wrist. As the blood began to flow, she brought it to his lips. She could see the terror in his eyes.

"Kevin, this is the only way. You have to drink from me and take back what Lorelei took from you. This is how you become one of us. It's the only way," she said, stroking his forehead. He closed his eyes and attached his lips to the wound on her wrist. As soon as he began to suck, he could feel the life coming back into his body. The blood burned like fire down his throat and into his stomach. Her blood. This angel of mercy. She continued to stroke his forehead as he took in her blood. He found that he could now move his arms. He slowly grasped the girl's arm and held her wrist to his mouth, pressing it harder. She began to breathe faster, her eyes closing. The pleasure and pain of his drinking was nearly orgasmic. She tried to pull her wrist away when he had taken his fill, but he wouldn't allow it. He groaned and bit her flesh.

"KEVIN!" she yelled breathlessly, shocking him back to his senses. He let go, and she fell back on the floor, clutching her wrist.

"I'm... sorry..." he said, sitting up and wiping his mouth. He looked down at the blood on his hand. Her blood. Revulsion overtook him. He felt the need to throw up. What had he done? He could still feel her blood burning in his stomach. It was beginning to burn in his veins, too. Her blood was taking over his body. He stared at her.

"What happened?" he asked. It was the only thing he could think of to ask.

"She tried to kill you. I brought you back. Damn me to hell, I brought you back," the girl said, looking at the floor. She was weak and pale.

"Thank you for saving my life," he said.

"You won't thank me when you realize what I've done."

"What do you mean, what you've done?"

"Like I said. You're one of us now. A vampire."
