chapter 21

Rhiannon showed Kathleen to one of the upstairs bedrooms, which was beautifully decorated with rich red tapestries a large wrought iron bed.

"You can sleep here. You'll be perfectly safe. Stephen and Lorelei, our housemates, are in Paris for the next month. AJ, Kevin, and I are the only others here. I'll get one of AJ's shirts for you to sleep in."

"Thank you," Kathleen said. Rhiannon left the room for a few moments, then returned with a white t-shirt and some towels.

"If you'd like to shower, you have a private bathroom. I hope you find everything you need in there. We don't have too many overday guests, as you would imagine."

"Thanks," Kathleen said, still feeling a little nervous. She would be glad when Rhiannon left. But then again, she felt she was safe with Rhiannon. AJ, she didn't know about.

"Well, goodnight," Rhiannon said, smiling. She left Kathleen to get ready for bed. Kathy was so tired, she didn't even feel like taking a shower. She undressed and pulled on the t-shirt. It smelled so nice. AJ must smell nice, too, she thought, smiling a little. She absently wondered who did the laundry for these vampires. She couldn't imagine vampires sorting whites and colors or folding a load of towels. It was just... undignified.

******************************** Rhiannon went to her coffin and opened it. Kevin slept peacefully inside. She smiled and crawled in beside him. She wrapped her arms around him and held him tight. She ran her fingers through his long, dark hair and kissed the top of his head. She had missed him so much.

"Rhian," he muttered sleepily.

"What baby?" she whispered.

"Where's Kathleen?"

"She's upstairs in one of the guest rooms. She's fine."

"Stephen? Lorelei?"

"They're gone to Paris. Don't worry, baby. I won't let anything happen to your sweet Kathleen," Rhiannon soothed.

"Love you," Kevin said softly.

"You too," Rhiannon replied, kissing his head again.

AJ sat in the chair across from Rhiannon's coffin and stared. He felt so much jealousy at that moment. He had occupied Rhiannon's coffin with her every night since he came to the house... now Kevin was taking back his rightful place. AJ sighed and crawled into Lorelei's coffin. He knew she wouldn't mind. Lorelei had the hots for him, and he knew it. Anyway, she was in Paris, and what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

************************************* The next evening, Kevin woke just as the sun set. He looked around, forgetting for just a moment where he was. Then he remembered. He hugged Rhiannon around the waist and kissed her cheek. She opened her eyes and smiled sleepily.

"Feeling better?" she asked.

"I feel great," Kevin said, smiling. "What was that stuff you put on me?"

"Just a little something we keep around in case of emergencies."

"What's in it?" Kevin asked.

"Herbs... bloodberry, damiana, evening primrose oil, kava kava, and a few secret ingredients..."

"What are the secret ingredients?"

"If I told you, they wouldn't be a secret, now would it?" Rhiannon said, laughing.

"Come on. At least tell me what it does."

"It heals you. It can be used for other emergencies. But we'll cross those bridges if we come to them," she said, looking into his beautiful green eyes. "I missed you."

"I know. I missed you too," Kevin said, looking away. "I'm so sorry, Rhiannon. I never should have left AJ with you. He is my responsibility. Thank you for taking care of him."

"Forget about it. Water under the bridge," Rhiannon said. "You just really need to be more selective about who you bring over."

"Is that a hint?" he asked, smirking.

"You know what I'm talking about, Kevin," Rhiannon said, looking very serious.

"You think I'm gonna bring Kathleen over and make her like us, don't you?"

"Are you?" Rhiannon asked, still serious.

"I wasn't planning on it. Why?"

"Because. I can see in your eyes and in your heart that you care about her. In fact, I can see that you're starting to fall in love with her. And she loves you. Kevin, think about this very hard before you make that decision. When you decide to bring someone over, they're you're responsibility forever. When you choose a mate, remember that they're going to be with you for an awfully long time. Now, I'm not saying don't do it. I'm just saying you should make sure she's the one before you do."

"Rhian, I told you. I don't have any plans to bring her over, ok?" Kevin said, sounding a little irritated. "I am perfectly content the way things are."

"For now," Rhiannon said. She could see things Kevin couldn't see, and she knew he would one day have to make this decision. She hoped he chose wisely.
