chapter 22

Kevin went upstairs into the living room. Kathleen was sitting on the couch watching television. Kevin smiled when he saw her. He sat down wordlessly beside her and took the remote control from her hand.

"Just like a man," she said, smiling. "Gotta have the remote, huh?"

"Hell yeah," Kevin said, smiling back at her. He leaned over and kissed her softly. "Thank you, Kathleen. You saved me. You know that, don't you?"

"I'm glad I did," she said softly, looking down. "I don't even want to think about what would have happened if we hadn't gotten back here in time."

"Let's not think about it," Kevin said, lifting her chin. He smiled at her a little. "Wanna go out tonight? See the sights of Orlando?"

"No," Kathleen responded. "Can we just stay in?"

"Sure," Kevin replied, kissing her lips again, this time not so softly. Kathleen responded by running her hand to the back of Kevin's head, throught his soft, dark hair. Kevin kissed her more passionately, cupping her face in his hands. He gently parted her lips and his tongue probed the inside of her mouth. She was shocked at the skill of his kisses. She felt tingles of excitement beginning in her stomach, then moving down to her groin. They continued their makeout session, Kathleen's hands roaming over Kevin's back, then up his muscular arms to his shoulders. Kevin's insistent hands dove under the back of her shirt, his fingertips grazing the soft flesh of her back. He pushed her shirt up and pulled it over her head. She looked up at him, a little shocked at his forwardness. He had never even made a move like this before. Kevin smiled and kissed her lips again. He gently laid her down on the couch and began to kiss her chest. He pulled one cup of her bra down, exposing her breast. He looked up into here eyes and gave her a naughty smirk, then lowered his head. He licked her nipple with his warm tongue, sending ripples of excitement through her body. She gasped as he fastened his lips to her breast and took her nipple gently in his teeth. Kevin was intoxicated by the warmth her body was giving off, and he could feel her heart pounding. He moved to the other breast, giving it equal attention. Kathleen couldn't remember the last time she felt this aroused. She was getting lightheaded, and her face was getting uncomfortably warm. Kevin moved down to her stomach, planting tiny, soft kisses over her skin. He rested his head on her stomach, enjoying her scent. She could feel his erection pressing against her leg, and she wanted Kevin so badly, she felt she would faint. She reached down and rubbed his hardness through his jeans, making Kevin squirm and moan. She unbuttoned his pants and inserted her hand, taking him in her hand. The silky flesh was hot... throbbing... she wanted him inside her... right then and there...

AJ entered the room and rolled his eyes. "DAMN! Get a fucking room!" he exclaimed, laughing. Kathleen's hands flew to cover her exposed breasts.

"Don't worry, honey. Nothing I haven't seen a million times before," AJ said, shaking his head. He sat down in the chair on the other side of the room and raised his eyebrow. "So, what do you guys have planned for tonight?"

"Sex," Kevin said, his head still on Kathleen's stomach. Kathleen laughed nervously.

"Cool," AJ said, nodding. "I might have to go out and get me some tonight, too."

"You can't go out in public yet, Age. Sorry. No hussies for you tonight," Rhiannon said, standing in the doorway. She looked over at Kathleen and Kevin and laughed a little. "You two... my god. Could you not take that upstairs?"

"Sorry," Kathleen said, groping around on the floor for her discarded shirt.

"No need to be sorry," Rhiannon said. "I'm joking. AJ and I won't bother you two. Will we, AJ?"

"Nah. We'll leave ya alone," AJ said. "Rhiannon, I need sex. Badly."

"You and your libido," Rhiannon said, rolling her eyes. "You have two settings... horny and really horny."

"I can't help it," AJ whined. "It's their fault! They were all over each other and they got me all hot."

"I believe that," Rhiannon laughed. "Come on, horn-dawg. Let's get out of here and leave the lovers alone."

AJ and Rhiannon left Kevin and Kathleen to their previous activities.

"Well, that was embarassing," Kathleen said, shaking her head.

"Nah, don't be embarassed. They don't care," Kevin said, laughing.

"Yeah, you can say that. You weren't the one with your boobs hanging out for all to see!" she exclaimed.

"Kat, they don't care. I'm telling you. Don't be embarassed."

"Whatever you say," she replied, still blushing.


As soon as they were in the coffin room, Rhiannon pushed AJ roughly against wall and kissed him. Her hands groped frantically under his shirt and over his hard pectoral muscles. AJ groaned into her mouth and put his hands on her shoulders. She kissed down the side of his face, then down his throat. She pulled his shirt over his head and placed hot, wet kisses down his chest, licking his nipples lightly. He drew in a ragged breath and bit his lower lip. She continued to move lower, unbuttoning his pants as she did. She ran her tongue down the soft fuzz below his navel as she sank to her knees. She pulled his pants down to his ankles and took him into her mouth, running her tongue the length of his hardness. With one hand, she grasped his cock, and with the other she dug her nails into his thigh. AJ sighed and closed his eyes.

"God, Rhiannon. You're... incredible," he moaned.

She continued to suck him, tasting the salty precum that he exuded. She loved the taste of AJ... his essense. He was the most desirable man she had come across in a long time. She could feel him beginning to tense, and she ran her hand around to his ass. She pulled him to her, forcing his hardness down into her throat. His mouth flew open and he came with a vengence, his hotness shooting down her throat. She contined to suck lightly until he finished. He shuddered a little, then pulled her back up and kissed her, tasting himself on her lips.

"Do you love me?" he asked quietly, looking into her eyes.

"With all my heart," she replied, smiling.

"I want you," he said, his voice raspy with desire.

"Then take me," she said, raising an eyebrow.

AJ fastened his lips to hers again and pushed her to the floor. He rolled her over onto her stomach and pulled her to her hands and knees. He pushed her short dress up around her waist, then entered her roughly. She moaned loudly, feeling his hardness deep within her body. AJ placed his hands on her hips and began to thrust into her, biting his lip. Rhiannon pushed back against him, wanting as much of his cock in her body as she could possibly get. She wanted him inside her. She wanted him to possess her. To become one with her. Her love. Her AJ. After a few minutes, AJ pulled her up to her knees, his hardness still buried inside her tight walls. He cupped her breasts in his trembling hands and kissed her shoulder, then bit it with his now-exposed fangs. Rhiannon jerked a little, not expecting the sudden sting of his bite. She moaned as he licked the small wound he created. He turned her around and laid her down on the floor, then looked deep into her eyes. His eyes, she thought, those deep brown eyes. She loved AJ's eyes. She loved everything about AJ. He entered her again, this time, much slower. More deliberate. More like a lover than a crazed sex fiend. He began to thrust in and out of her, then lowered his head to kiss her. His tongue explored her mouth gently, making her shiver with desire. He was an amazing kisser, this new one. Soft lips. Just barely a tickle from his moustache. Rhiannon ran her nails softly down his back, and he let out a little noise from deep within his throat. It was a sweet, soft, contented noise. As they made love, AJ whispered to her...

"I love you, Rhiannon. I never want to be without you. You are my destiny. I would die without you."

Rhiannon smiled. She could feel her orgasm building, and she pulled AJ down to her. Just as it hit, she inserted her sharp teeth into the vein on the side of his neck and the blood flowed. She was too enraptured to even speak, as the waves and waves of warm orgasmic bliss overtook her. She could feel the warmth of AJ's blood as it entered her veins. They were one. He was inside of her body in all ways... As AJ reached his own climax, he sucked on the wound he made on her shoulder, and he felt as though his brain was exploding. Rhiannon was so strong, and when her blood entered his body, it overwhelmed him. Finally, they rested. AJ laid down beside her and she rested her head on his shoulder. He held her, kissing her head.

"Did you mean what you said?" she asked quietly.

"What?" he asked, trying to play innocent.

"You know what I'm talking about," she said, slapping his stomach softly.

"I don't know. You tell me," he said. "You can read my mind, right?"

"I don't want to read your mind, AJ. I want you to tell me."

"Yes. I meant it. Every word of it. I love you, Rhiannon. You're my savior and my muse, and I love you more than anything in the world."
