chapter 24

"Finally," AJ said, sighing.

"I know. It's been a long time. Do you feel up to it?" Rhiannon asked, her head in his lap.

"Oh hell yeah," AJ said, smiling. "I don't think I can stand being cooped up in this house for another night."

"You know what I mean," Rhiannon said, raising an eyebrow. "Are you ready to go back out there?"

AJ nodded. "I think so."

"Good. How do you want to start? I think you need to start slowly, so you don't get overwhelmed. Maybe we could go to the mall or something."

"Sounds good to me. I need to buy some new clothes. All my stuff's probably out of style by now," AJ laughed.

"You're such a dork," Rhiannon said, giggling. "You've been here less than a month."

"I know, I know. But it feels like a year."

"Hungry?" Rhiannon asked, feeling like a bite herself.

"Of course. Always. When does that part get better?"

"Oh, a few years I guess. Fifty or so."

"Fifty? That's a long time, Rhiannon."

"Not really."


AJ, Rhiannon and Nick walked into the party, and all eyes were on them. AJ, with his dark sunglasses, holding Rhiannon's hand, led the way. Everyone looked at Rhiannon, wondering who this girl was. Her long dark hair fell in waves down her exposed back, and her violet tinted sunglasses set off her white skin. Nick walked behind them, looking very confident and cocky, as usual. They took a table near the back of the dark room, and Nick ordered a drink.

"Damn, now that guy is hot," Rhiannon murmurred, more to herself than anyone else at the table.

"Which one?" AJ asked, smirking. He loved to make her uncomfortable.

"That one. Vin Diesel. He's just... ugh!" Rhiannon answered, giggling.

"You wanna meet him?" AJ asked, raising an eyebrow. AJ wasn't jealous. He knew where Rhiannon's loyalties were.

"NO!" she almost shouted, feeling like she was twelve years old again.

"Vin!" AJ called. Vin turned to look in their direction, and smiled when he saw AJ flagging him down. He walked over and sat down beside Nick.

"Hey, AJ," Vin said, his voice deep and gruff, "glad to see ya out and among the living again."

"Thanks. I feel a lot better. It was rough going there for awhile, but I think I'm over the worst of it."

"Well good. And who's this?" Vin asked, nodding in Rhiannon's direction.

"Vin, this is Rhiannon. Rhiannon, this is Vin," AJ said, smirking at Rhiannon.

"Hi," Rhiannon said, blushing, as much as a vampire can blush. She shot AJ a look that let him know he'd pay for this later.

They all chatted for awhile, as Rhiannon sipped her drink slowly. The alcohol had very, very little effect on her, but Nick was well on his way to getting toasted.

"Ah hell," Nick muttered. "Sink boys. Headed this direction."

AJ let out a groan when he saw Justin Timberlake and JC Chasez crossing the room toward them. They stopped just in front of the table and Justin looked directly at AJ.

"Hey JC, look!" Justin exclaimed with mock excitement. "It's Vin Diesel and his Mini-Me! Oh wait, it's not Vin Diesel's Mini-Me, it's just AJ. How's it goin' buddy? Feeling better? All rested up and shit?"

AJ stared at Justin and smiled amusedly. He wasn't intimidated or cowed down by Justin's comments, but he hated Justin nonetheless. Hated him with a passion. This arrogant little shit. AJ looked over at Rhiannon.

"Please let me," AJ said softly, smiling. Rhiannon could see a little glint of his fangs.

"What's wrong, Alex? Cat got your tongue?" Justin chided, picking up Nick's drink and taking a sip. Justin made a face. "Damn, Carter, you're trying to get wasted, aren't you? Not a very nice thing to do in front of your newly sober buddy, huh?"

"Please," AJ whined to Rhiannon, folding his hands together in mock prayer.

"No," she said, smiling and shaking her head. "Not a good idea."

"C'mon. Just this once? Please," he whined again.

"What the fuck is he talking about?" Justin spat.

Rhiannon turned to face him, her eyes colder than ice. She looked at him through the tinted glasses and raised an eyebrow.

"You have no idea how close you are, Justin... You have no idea of the fine line you're jumping up and down on," she said softly, deadly serious.

"Oh, I'm scared," Justin said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

You should be, Rhiannon said, directly into Justin's mind. His eyes flew open wide and he looked around, trying to figure out where the voice came from. He knew she didn't actually speak them, because he hadn't seen her lips move. She smirked at him and sat back in her chair.

Justin pulled at JC's sleeve, trying to get him to leave with him, but JC was glued to his spot. Rhiannon stared into JC's eyes, holding him... caressing him with her mind. He was completely in her control. His mouth opened slightly, as if he were trying to speak. As slow, seductive smile crossed Rhiannon's lips as she released JC. He shook his head a little, then swallowed hard.

"JC!" Justin hissed. "Come on!"

"Oh... Ok," JC said, still feeling slightly confused by what had just happened. Who was this girl? And why was he so attracted to her now? As he walked away, he glanced back at Rhiannon, who was still smirking in his direction.

"What was that all about?" AJ asked, laughing.

"He's pretty," Rhiannon said, smiling at AJ.

"I'm prettier," AJ said, pouting a little. Rhiannon patted his cheek.

"Of course you are, baby."


"Rhiannon, well you kissed me and stopped me from shaking. But I sent you away, Rhiannon," Nick sang from the backseat of AJ's car. He was very intoxicated. So much so, that it didn't even cross his mind that he was singing to the tune of the Barry Manilow song Mandy. He was certain to feel really bad the next day.

"Well, that was fun," AJ said, laughing.

"Glad you had a good first night out," Rhiannon said, holding his hand. "We need to get Jose Cuervo back there home."

"Yep. I'm hungry. Can we stop and pick up something to eat? Or can I just take a nip off of Nick."

"No, you can't take a nip of Nick," Rhiannon said, laughing. "That would be rude."

"Bite me, baby," Nick slurred, tilting his head and offering his neck to Rhiannon.

"I'm the one who's hungry, dildo," AJ said.

"No way. You're not getting your yellow teeth on me," Nick giggled. "Just Rhiannon. She's my favorite vampire. Bite me, baby."

"No thanks," Rhiannon laughed.

"But I want you to," Nick whined, sitting forward and thrusting his neck towards her. She gently pushed him back.

"Sit back and put on your seatbelt, Nick. Nobody wants to bite you," Rhiannon said.

"I do," AJ whined. "I'm hungry."

"You're not biting me, jerkoff!" Nick said, laughing.

"Oh, so you'll let her but not me? What's wrong with me? And don't say my teeth are yellow, because they're not. They're white just like yours," AJ said, pouting a little.

"She's cuter than you. That's what's wrong with you. You probably bite too hard, too. And your teeth could be whiter. Have you tried Rembrandt?" Nick said, his mind wandering. He was close to passing out. He could feel it sneaking up on him. "Rhiannon, if I pass out, don't let Captain Cheeseball up there bite me, ok?"

"Captain Cheeseball?" AJ yelled. " Ouch. Now that hurt. You're a dick. C'mere, Nick. Show me that neck again. I'll tear you up, boy."

"Boy, boys... Settle down," Rhiannon laughed. "Nick I won't let him touch you. Go to sleep."

"Can I sleep with you tonight, Rhiannon?" Nick asked, giggling. "I've never slept in a coffin."

"No," Rhiannon said.

"Please," Nick whined.


"Come on. I'll let you pet my monkey," Nick giggled.

"I don't want to touch your monkey."

"But he's a friendly monkey. He doesn't bite. Spits a little sometimes, but he never bites," Nick said, laughing harder.

"Ok. Enough!" AJ said. "Nick, shut up. You're talking to my woman."

"She's not your woman," Nick replied. "She's MY woman. She just doesn't know it yet."

"Yeah, right. I can give her so much more than you could ever imagine," AJ said. This was like a pissing contest. Rhiannon found it amusing.

"Oh yeah? What could you possibly give her that I can't?" Nick challenged. "You're dick is smaller than mine. I'm bigger. I'm more talented. I've got a much better tongue than you. And I'm cuter."

AJ snorted. "Ask her what sex with me is like. Go ahead. Ask her. It's incredible. It's unbelievable. It's unimaginable."

"Really?" Nick said, furrowing his brow. "Is he that good?"

Rhiannon smiled and nodded.

"Damn," Nick said softly. "I've never had anybody said that I was unbelievable. Ok, I'm officially jealous. AJ I wanna fuck you."

"NO!" AJ yelled. "You had your chance with me and you blew it. I've got yellow teeth, remember? My dick is small, remember? You're more talented than me, remember."

Rhiannon laughed. "You two are nuts. Did you know that? Stop it."

"Ok," Nick said. "I'll stop if he will."

"I didn't start it," AJ huffed.

"AJ," Rhiannon said, running her nails lightly up and down his forearm. AJ smiled, then purred.

"Ok, I'll stop," he said.

"Good. I'll reward you later," Rhiannon purred into his ear. He felt the goose bumps rising on his skin, and he smiled. This was going to be a good night after all. In his mind, he started making plans for the rest of their evening...
