chapter 25

Rhiannon and AJ helped Nick into the house and up the stairs. Rhiannon pulled off his shoes and his shirt and he fell into bed.

"Come to bed with me," he moaned.

"Go to sleep, Nick," she laughed.

"Come to bed with me," he repeated. He reached out and grasped her hand, trying to pull her on top of him.

"Hey, hey! That's my woman, Nickolas Gene," AJ said gently. He took Rhiannon's other hand and started to pull her out the door. Nick refused to let go, and they stretched Rhiannon's arms out.

"HEY NOW! We are not playing tug of war with my body," Rhiannon said, laughing. AJ let go suddenly, and Nick pulled Rhiannon down on top of himself. He let out a loud groan as her weight fell onto him.

"Let me go," Rhiannon said to Nick.

"No. Kiss me," he said, giggling.

"You're drunk," she said.

"Not that drunk," he replied, smirking.


"What? All I want is a kiss. AJ can I have a kiss?"

"From me? No. I'm not gonna kiss you, Nick," AJ replied.

"AJ..." Nick said, laughing. "Come on. A kiss from her. That's all I want."

"Ask her, not me," AJ said, smiling. "I don't own her. Who she kisses is her own choice, not mine."

"Please, Rhiannon. One kiss," Nick begged, sticking out his bottom lip.

Rhiannon looked into Nick's blue eyes and smiled. He wanted her. Badly. Very, very badly. She could see the thoughts going through his mind, and they were definitely not wholesome. She felt a tingle in her groin.

"Ok. One kiss. Then you're going to bed, and AJ and I are going out for a bite," she said. Nick's hands grazed up her back, and he pulled her down for a soft, sweet kiss. She closed her eyes, allowing his tongue to enter her mouth. Hot and sweet. She sucked his tongue into her mouth as his hands traveled back down her back to settle on her ass. AJ stood in the doorway, smiling to himself. His two favorite people... enjoying each other. He loved it.

"Nick," Rhiannon whispered, breaking their kiss, "you're being bad."

"I know. But don't you just love it when I'm bad?" he responded, smiling that sexy half-smile that only Nick could pull off.

"Let me up."

"Nope. You're not going anywhere," he said, still holding onto her ass. "Besides, I know you really don't wanna get up anyway."

"Oh? And how do you know that?"

"Because you're stronger than I could ever dream of being, and if you really wanted to get away from me, there's no way I could stop you," he said, still smiling.

Rhiannon laughed and started to get up.

"No, don't get up," AJ said from the doorway. "I'm enjoying this."

"You're enjoying this?" Rhiannon asked, incredulously.

"Yes I am actually," AJ said, nodding.

"You actually like to see me kissing Nick?"

"Yes. Strangely enough, I do. You know I'm not the jealous type anyway."

"Yes, you are the jealous type. Why do you like to see me kissing Nick?"

"Stop asking questions. Kiss him again."

Rhiannon gave him a confused look, then turned her attention back to Nick, who was still smirking. She lowered her head and kissed him again. Those sweet, soft lips. It was like kissing an angel. But Nick was no angel. His groping hands were a dead giveaway. She placed her hand on Nick's cheek, feeling the soft stubble under her palm. Nick's hand ran up her side and gently grasped her breast. AJ could feel his own arousal growing as he watched Nick touching Rhiannon. Rhiannon sat up a little and stared into Nick's blue eyes. He was mesmerized by her. He felt a warm tingle going throughout his body, starting at his head, and working it's way down to his feet. He immediately grew hard beneath her body. His breathing became more rapid, and his heart began to race.

"What are you doing to me?" he asked, feeling her entering his mind.

"Mind-fucking you," she said, smiling.

"What the hell is that?"

"You'll see..." she said, running her finger down his nose, then over his lips, down his chin, to his throat. Her finger came to rest in the soft spot at the very base of this throat. She could feel his hot, pulsing vein, and she felt her fangs begin to descend. She had to fight hard to keep them at bay. She kissed Nick again, putting thoughts of them, rolling naked on satin sheets, in his mind. Nick closed his eyes and moaned as Rhiannon began to kiss his neck.

"Please," he gasped. "Do it."

"Do what, baby?" she whispered, still kissing his delicious neck.

"Make me like you. Like you and Kevin and AJ," he begged.

"No," she replied quietly. "Now relax. Let me taste you."

She moved down his body, kissing his hot skin, tasting every inch along the way. She unsnapped his jeans and glanced over at AJ. AJ had a curious smile on his face. When he noticed her staring at him, his smile grew, and he nodded his approval and encouragement. Rhiannon slid Nick's pants and boxers down, revealing the mythical thing known to Backstreet fans as Thor... Rhiannon smiled up at Nick as she took his hardness in her hand. He groaned as she sucked the end of his cock, then lifted his hips to force his way deeper into her hot, wet mouth. As she sucked, she put repeated erotic images into Nick's mind. He grasped the rails of the headboard and bit his lower lip as she moved her mouth up and down his shaft. AJ moved in behind Rhiannon and knelt on the floor behind her, pushing her skirt up to her waist. He pulled her hips up so that she was on her elbows and knees, and spread her legs wide. He ran his hand between her legs, over the thin, silky material of her panties. He could feel her wetness through them, and he had to taste her. He reached to the waistband of her panties and ripped them off effortlessly.

"Hey," Rhiannon said softly, smiling back at him, "it's a good thing those weren't my favorite panties or you'd be in trouble."

"I'll make it up to you," he murmurred, moving his head down. His hot tongue lapped at her sweet folds, and she drew in a quick breath. His hands massaged her ass as he continued. He plunged his tongue into her body, then flicked it mercilessly on her most sensitive nub. She tried to concentrate on Nick, but AJ's lashing was filling her with such desire. The images she was projecting into Nick's brain were of her and AJ... and Nick... writhing, twisting, entertwined in the sheets. Nick groped at the sheets and bit his lip, trying to stifle his own cries. Rhiannon felt her fangs coming down again, and she pulled back from Nick's cock. Wouldn't want to hurt the poor boy.

"No! Don't stop," Nick cried breathlessly. "Please, don't stop!"

"Just a minute," Rhiannon said, just as AJ's talented tongue darted inside her once more. She let out a groan and allowed her head to drop onto Nick's stomach. She kissed his soft skin, wanting so much to taste his essense... his blood... at that very moment. No, she told herself. No, no, no. She should make AJ stop. The erotic pleasure was getting to her, and she didn't know how she was going to control her impulses. But oh... it felt so good. She couldn't ask him to stop. Even if she wanted to, her body wouldn't let her utter the words. AJ could feel her getting hotter and hotter. He couldn't stand it any longer. He stood behind her and dropped his pants to the floor. He pushed into her body to the hilt, causing her to cry out. His hands on her hips, he began to thrust roughly into her. She knew she couldn't control herself any longer.

"Back up, Nick," she groaned. "Get away. Now."

"No," Nick said. "I don't want to back away. Do it."

"NO! Back up," Rhiannon cried. Nick's femoral artery was right there... throbbing... she could feel the pulsing heat. She could smell his sweat... sweet and inviting... she wanted to taste him... now.... Nick could see her eyeing the artery and he gently placed his hands on the back of her head, leading her to his inner thigh. Rhiannon tried, but was unable to stop him. She ran her lips along his skin. Nick gasped softly, wanting her to take from him. She carefully... as gently as possible... sank her teeth into Nick's flesh. Nick whimpered at the stinging pain, but it was quickly replaced by an orgasmic warmth that spread all over his body. AJ's hand found Nick's cock and he grasped it. Nick lifted his hips, grinding himself against AJ's hand. AJ stroked Nick rhythmically as Rhiannon drank from him. Within minutes, Nick groaned loudly, spurting all over his stomach and AJ's hand. Rhiannon stopped drinking and looked up at Nick. The expression on his face was pure bliss. She hadn't taken much from him. Not much at all... just enough to satiate her desire for his essense... and to give him an unbelievable orgasm.

AJ wiped his hand on the sheet and rolled Rhiannon over. He stared into her eyes and smiled as he entered her again. She arched her back and gasped, as she wrapped her legs around him. AJ placed kisses on her neck as he made love to her, rocking gently, then intensifying as he felt his own ardor rising. She raked her nails down his back, bringing blood to the surface of his skin. He groaned and arched, his muscles tensing. Rhiannon pushed him up slightly and flicked her tongue over his nipple, causing AJ to shudder. Nick watched from only inches away, as AJ's thrust into Rhiannon, over and over again. Rhiannon came with a vengeance, calling AJ's name, and digging her nails into his shoulders. As AJ reached his climax, he sank his teeth into Rhiannon's bared neck, drinking from her, and feeling the intensity of the orgasm flooding his brain... his body. AJ collapsed on top of Rhiannon, who stroked his back lightly then absentmindedly tasted the blood from her fingers.

"You touched my monkey," Nick giggled as he punched AJ in the arm.

"Shut up," AJ muttered, "or I'll bite your monkey's head off next time."

"Ooooooooh so there's gonna be a next time? Ohhhhhhh that's a nice thought," Nick said, laughing harder.

"Rhiannon, why did I touch Nick's monkey?" AJ asked, trying not to laugh. "Why the HELL did I do that?"

Rhiannon lifted AJ's chin and stared into his eyes. She smiled gently and kissed him.

"Because you've got a higher sense of awareness now. You won't be attracted to a gender anymore. You'll be attracted to... I don't know how to explain it exactly... you'll be attracted to the way someone is. Their energy, or their life force. Maybe it was because Nick was giving off some sort of energy that attracted you. I don't know."

"AJ's attracted to me," Nick said, giggling.

"I am not."

"Yes you are. You like me. You wanna kiss me. You..." Nick was silenced by AJ's fist in his stomach. "OOWWWWW!"

"Shut... up..." AJ growled.

"Ok, ok. I'll shut up."

"You didn't even let ME have some, and I'm the one who was hungry to begin with. Asshole." AJ muttered.

"Sorry. Maybe next time," Nick said, patting his shoulder.

"Yeah. Whatever."
