chapter 27

"Ughhhhhhhh I'm dying," Nick groaned.

"Shut up," AJ muttered. "You big baby."

"I'm serious. I'm sick," Nick said, clutching one hand to his stomach and the other to his head.

"You're a hypochondriac," Howie said. "You're always sick."

"No, really. I'm serious this time. Something's wrong with me," Nick groaned. "Well don't get close to me," Brian chimed in. "I don't want your disease."

"What's wrong with me?" Nick whined. "My head hurts and I feel like I'm gonna throw up."

"Flu?" Rhiannon asked, taking the Playstation control from AJ's hands and taking her turn at the game.

"Nooooo don't say that," Nick cried. "I can't have the flu."

"Come here, baby," Rhiannon said, pausing the game. Nick lumbered over and sat down beside her. She felt his forehead.

"You're hot," she said, her brow furrowing with concern. "Really hot."

"Now is not the time to be flirting with Nick," Brian laughed. "He's already got a big enough head as it is. You telling him he's hot isn't gonna help matters."

"No. I mean, he's got a fever, Brian, Rhiannon said, rolling her eyes.

"Really?" Brian asked, placing his hand on Nick's face. "Damn, Nick. You really are sick, aren't you?"

"I told you," Nick moaned, falling back onto the couch and whimpering. "I feel bad."

"Ok, I'm outta here," Howie said as he headed for the door.

"Me too," Brian said, holding his fingers out in the sign of a cross in front of Nick. "You're sick and we don't want it."

"You're abandoning me?" Nick cried. "Noooo somebody has to take care of meeeeee."

"Don't look at me," AJ said. "I don't do sick people. Sorry, buddy."

"Kevinnnn," Nick whined.

"I'll take care of you," Kevin said, rolling his eyes. He had seen Nick through every illness for the past 8 years. Why should this be any different? Chicken pox. Strep throat. Stomach viruses. Kevin had seen it all.

"Good. We'll see you guys tomorrow," Brian said, closing the door behind him.

"But Kevin, what do I do during the day?" Nick asked, holding his head.

"Well... Kathleen can look after you during the day," Kevin replied, smiling at Kathleen.

"Oh great. Thanks. Listen, I'm not the nursemaid type, guys," Kathleen said.

"Amen to that!" AJ said. "I don't like being around sick people either."

"I think I'm gonna throw up," Nick said, rushing to the bathroom.

"Oh this is just great," Kathleen said. "He's gonna be puking, isn't he? I can't do this, y'all."

"Sure you can," Kevin said, smiling. "I've held the washcloth on his head many, many times. It's not so bad."

"Yeah right," Kathleen responded. She could hear Nick throwing up even through the closed doors, and her stomach rolled over.

"Ok, I've gotta get outta here," AJ said. "I'm gonna be sick if I don't."

"I'll go with you," Kevin said.

"Hungry?" Rhiannon asked, eyeing Kevin. He nodded. He knew it bothered Kathleen when he went out looking for prey, so he tried not to mention it around her very often.

"You coming?" Kevin asked Rhiannon.

"Nah. I'll stay here and keep Kathleen company. She might need some help with sicko in there."

Kevin raised an eyebrow. "You two girls play nice."

"Always," Rhiannon said, smiling. Kevin knew she wouldn't hurt Kathleen. He trusted Rhiannon with his life, and with Kathleen's.

Nick came out of the bathroom and fell down onto the couch. Rhiannon moved Nick's head into her lap and she ran her fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes and shivered.

"Kathleen, could you get us a blanket?" Rhiannon asked.


"Rhiannon, talk to me," Nick said, still not opening his eyes.

"About what?"

"I don't know. Tell me a story."

"A story?" she laughed. "What kind of story?"

"Tell me what you were like before you became a... um... vampire." Nick still hated that word. He didn't like to use it unless he absolutely had to. It sounded like he was calling her a monster. And she certainly wasn't a monster. She was... Rhiannon.

"What do you wanna know?"

"Just tell me what you were like. How old were you when you... you know... got changed? Did you have a family? That kind of stuff."

Rhiannon laughed. "Nobody's asked me about that in years."

Kathleen sat down at the other end of the couch to listen. She pulled Nick's legs into her lap and rubbed them gently with her nails.

"That feels nice," Nick said, smiling, eyes still closed. "I like being petted."

"You're just like a cat," Kathleen said.

"A sick cat," Nick whined, poking out his bottom lip.

"You're gonna milk this for all it's worth, aren't you?" Rhiannon laughed.

"Yep. Now tell me..."

"Well, ok... I was born in 1896 in Georgia. My mother and father were from Ireland, and they named me Rhiannon, which is Gaelic for great witch or goddess. Fitting, huh? My mother died with I was really young, and my father raised me on his own. There's not a lot to tell about when I was growing up. I married when I was 14, and I had my first child when I was 18."

"Whoa, back the truck up," Nick said, opening his eyes. "You were married?"

"Yes. My husband's name was Ethan."

"What happened to him?" Kathleen asked softly.

"Well if you two will let me finish..."

"Sorry," Nick said. "Go ahead. Please."

"Thank you. I had my first child when I was 18. His name was Alexander. Strange coincidence, I know. He was a beautiful little boy, too. He had the most gorgeous blue eyes and blonde hair. Like you, Nicky. He was my angel." Rhiannon smiled as she thought of her son. It had been so long since she had spoken of him. She shook her head and blinked back a tear. "I had my second child when I was 21. Her name was Rebecca. She died when she was 8 months old. Typhoid. It broke my heart, and I thought I'd die when I lost her. But, life went on, and my third child, Annaliese, was born when a year later. She was the sweetest little red-haired baby you have ever seen in your life. She was so happy all the time. She was never any problem at all. Oh how Alexander loved his baby sister. He used to kiss her so much. Ethan used to tease him and tell him if he kissed her too much, she'd turn into a frog," Rhiannon chuckled to herself, thinking back on her sweet little girl. Her smile faded though, and her eyes clouded visibly.

"What happened to your family?" Nick whispered hoarsly.

"They died," Rhiannon said, taking a deep breath.

"Rhiannon, if this is too painful..." Kathleen started. Rhiannon waived her hand.

"No, no. It's been a long time. Time heals, you know?" Rhiannon said. "Ethan had been in Virginia for a month, and he came home sick. At first, we didn't know what was wrong with him, but after a day or so, we realized it was small pox. Alexander came down with it a few days later, then Annaliese. The baby died within 48 hours, then I lost Alexander the next day. My poor babies... she was only a year old, and he was 5. For some reason, I was spared. I never even got sick. Ethan got better, but the pain of knowing he had brought the sickness into the house was more than he could bear. He hung himself a month after they died."

"Oh my God," Nick whispered. "How did you..."

"What? How did I survive? I don't know. My heart just kind of died, I guess. I was pretty much like the walking dead then. That sounds so strange to say now. My father sent me to Ireland to live with my relatives. He thought it would do me good to have a change of scenery. Of course, it didn't. I was just as lost in Ireland as I had been at home. One night, I went out for a walk down a booreen, that's what they call a little path lined with shrubs... and Stephen found me. Before I knew what was happening, he had drained me almost completely. But he had a change of heart. Don't ask me why. He cut his wrist and put it to my mouth, and then I was like him. He never asked me what I wanted. Truth be told, I would have rather died right there on that dirt road than to be revived. My heart was broken, and if I hadn't been a devout Catholic, I would have killed myself. But... he didn't ask. So, here I am. Forever 24 years old. Cursed with this so-called... gift."

Nick and Kathleen were speechless, which was an amazing feat for both of them. Nick stared at Rhiannon, open-mouthed, but couldn't say a thing. He reached up and stroked her cheek softly, wanting to comfort her in any way he could, but it seemed such a hollow, meaningless gesture. Rhiannon smiled a little and pressed Nick's hand against her cheek.

"Have you ever told anybody your story?" Kathleen asked.

"Not really. Nobody's ever really asked me," Rhiannon said, stoking Nick's head. She could feel the tremendous heat his body was giving off.

"You should write a book," Kathleen said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Nah. Let's just keep it between us."

"You mean AJ doesn't know any of this? Or Kevin?" Nick asked.

"No. Why should they? They never asked me about any of it."

"But your son..."

"It's a coincidence, Nick. Nothing more."


"But nothing. Coincidence. Now let's get on to a happier subject, ok?"

"Ok. Hey Kathleen, did you know Rhiannon bit me?" Nick said, giggling a little.

"HUH? She did what?"

"She bit me. I let her."

"That's enough, Nick," Rhiannon said gently.

"She bit you? Did it hurt?" Kathleen asked, her mouth dropping open. "Does AJ know?"

"No to the first part. Yes to the second. AJ was there when she did it. Can you believe it?"

"No... I... Why... Oh, I'm at a loss here," Kathleen stammered.

"Drop the subject," Rhiannon said firmly.


"BUT drop the subject," she said again.

"Ok. Damn, I can't say anything right tonight, can I?"

"Why don't you go to bed?" Rhiannon asked.

"Because I'm sick. I'm starting to hurt all over. My bones ache," Nick whined.

"I'll get you some Tylenol," Kathleen said, scrounging around in her purse. She produced two pills and handed them to Nick.

"Thank you," Nick said, smiling. He swallowed the pills and laid back down on Rhiannon's lap.

"Well guys, I've got to get out there and get a bite to eat before bed," Rhiannon said, pushing Nick up. He whined pitifully.

"Don't leave. Who's gonna rub my head?" he whimpered.

"UGH! God, you really are a baby, aren't you?" Kathleen laughed. She sat down in Rhiannon's spot and pulled Nick's head back down onto her lap. "I'll rub your head."

"Thank you," Nick said, smiling and snuggling up to her. She ran her fingers through his hair, rubbing his scalp softly. He pulled the blanket up around his neck. Rhiannon kissed his forehead and waived goodbye to Kathleen. After she left, Kathleen changed channels and she and Nick began to watch Joe Dirt on HBO. They were both asleep when Kevin and AJ returned.

"Oh, don't they look sweet?" AJ asked, snickering. Nick's head was still in Kathleen's lap and her hand was on his up the back of Nick's shirt. She had been rubbing his back when she dozed off.

"Very," Kevin said, smiling. He wasn't jealous. He kissed the top of her head as he and AJ went to the bedroom and locked the door. They had to share a room, because it was safer. Less of a chance that someone would walk in on them. Much easier for Kathleen to watch one room than two or three.

"One bed, dude," AJ said, wincing. "Why couldn't we get two?"

"That's all they had. You stay on your side, I'll stay on mine. No snoring. If I feel a hand on my leg, I'm breaking it first, asking questions later. Understood?" Kevin said, giving AJ the evil eye.

"Understood. You keep your morning wood on your side of the bed, I'll keep mine in my hand," AJ replied, smiling brightly. They both stripped off their clothes and hopped into bed in their underwear.

"I felt that," Kevin snapped.

"Felt what?"

"YOUR HAND ON MY ASS," Kevin said, sounding irritated.

"Not me, man. I have absolutely no interest in your ass."

"AJ, I mean it. Stop touching me."

"Ok, ok. I'll stop. But your ass is just so..."

