chapter 31

Brian sat with his mouth hanging open. He couldn't believe the tale Kevin was telling him. He could feel his blood run cold when Kevin said the word... vampire. Brian couldn't speak. His skin crawled. He felt sick to his stomach. He wanted to run, but he was glued to the seat.

"Do you hate me?" Kevin asked quietly, looking up at the ceiling.

"I... no," Brian answered, trying to think of what to say. He blinked and looked around the room. He forced himself to stand. He had to get out of there. Immediately. He needed air, or he was going to faint.

"Brian..." Kevin called, watching Brian walk toward the door. Brian held up his hand to silence Kevin, but didn't stop. He walked out, letting the door close behind him. Kevin covered his face with his hands and let out a deep breath. He shouldn't have told Brian. Maybe he should call Rhiannon and have her work her magic on Brian. Make him forget. No... that would be wrong. Brian deserved to know.

Brian made his way back down to the bar and he found Rhiannon sitting with a man. Brian sat at the table and stared hard at Rhiannon.

"Is there a problem?" the man asked Rhiannon.

"No. No problem. Travis, would you excuse us for a few minutes. I think Brian needs to talk to me about something," Rhiannon replied. "I'll come find you later, ok?"

"Sure. No problem," Travis said, looking Brian up and down. Brian never let his gaze leave Rhiannon. Travis left them alone, and Rhiannon turned her attention back to Brian.

"Something wrong, B?" she asked.


"Why what?"

"Why did you do it?" he asked, his voice tight with anger.

"Do what?"

"Don't play stupid with me, Rhiannon. Why did you do that to Kevin? Why did you make him..." He couldn't say the word.

Rhiannon took a deep breath. Kevin had told Brian. "You wouldn't understand."

"Try me," Brian growled.

Rhiannon looked at him and cocked her head to the side. She stared into Brian's angry blue eyes. Her heart melted. Brian was just so... good. She wanted to reach out and grab some of that goodness and put it into her own heart. She wished it were possible to do that.

"I loved him," Rhiannon said softly.

"You didn't even know him," Brian said, shaking his head.

"Yes I did. I watched him for years before Lorelei... before she got jealous and decided to kill him."

"Why didn't you just let him die?" Brian asked.

"Let him die? That wasn't even an option, Brian. I told you. I loved him. At first, he was going to be my prey, but I just couldn't. After I watched him for awhile, I began to see how good he was. He was a beautiful person. Inside and out. I could never hurt him. Lorelei told me she was going to get him, but I didn't believe her. She knew how much I loved him, and I really didn't think she'd hurt him. I was wrong. When I found him, he was almost dead. I just couldn't let him die, Brian. He begged me to save him, and I did the only thing I could do. I had no other choice. Maybe you could watch him die, but I could never do it. And to this day, I'd do anything in the world for him. I'd lay down my own life to protect him. Don't you understand that?"

Brian looked away for a few moments. "You love him that much?"

"Yes!" Rhiannon whispered. "That much."

"What about AJ?"

"What about him?"

"Did you make him, too?"

"No. I didn't make AJ. Kevin didn't tell you?" Rhiannon asked, not sure if she should discuss this part with Brian. Brian shook his head. Rhiannon took another deep breath. He knew this much. He might as well know the whole story.

"Kevin made AJ. Let's just say AJ wouldn't have been one of my prime choices for becoming one of us. But, what's done is done, and we can't change it."

Brian's eyes were wide, as he digested all of this information. Kevin... had turned AJ into a monster. This was unbelievable. Horrible. Too awful to imagine. He felt the tears stinging his eyes, and he tried to blink them away.

"Brian," Rhiannon said, placing her hand on his, "it's not the end of the world. He's still Kevin. The cousin that you've known and loved all your life. And AJ's still... well...AJ. He hasn't really changed a bit."

"No, they're not. They're... evil."

"Brian," Rhiannon said sharply, "they aren't evil! Do you think I'm evil?"

"No. I don't. I don't feel anything evil when I'm around you," Brian said quietly, looking down at her hands. Her hands were beautiful. Fluid, as if there were no bones in them at all. Her skin glowed. Brian just had the urge to run his lips over it.

"Exactly," Rhiannon said. "They aren't evil. I'm not evil. We're just different. There's no need to be afraid. Or worried. I'll take care of them. I promise I won't let anything happen to them. I'm teaching them everything they need to know to survive. Kevin's doing great. He barely needs me anymore. AJ's learning. He'll get there sooner or later. I know you love them, and I know this is more than a shock. I just hope you can accept them... us... for what we are. "

"Just give me a little time," Brian whispered, then wiped a tear away.

"Ok. Time... we've got plenty of that," Rhiannon responded, smiling at him.

"I'm going to my room," he said, rising.

"Alright. If you need to talk, you know where I'll be."


Kathleen came out of the bedroom and sat on the floor beside Kevin. She had heard his conversation with Brian, and she knew he was upset. She held his hand for several minutes before she spoke.

"You ok?" she asked quietly.

"I will be," Kevin replied, taking a deep breath.

"He'll come around."

"But what if he doesn't," he asked, tilting his head to one side. "What if he never accepts me? He's my cousin. My blood. What if he hates me?"

"I don't see that happening, Kevin."

"Kathleen, you don't know Brian like I do. He's so... fundamentalist. I don't see how he can ever see past this and just see me."

"Well, he was willing to accept it if you were gay," Kathleen said, trying to bring a little levity to the situation.

"Haha. This is just a little more serious than sexual orientation."

"I know, I know. But I think he'll eventually accept this too. Kevin, he loves you. It's obvious. He's just shocked. And probably a little scared. I know I was at first. But then I saw that you're you. You're a good person. You have a good heart," she said, kissing his hand.

"Do you love me?" Kevin asked softly, staring into her eyes.


"I'm sorry," he said, looking away. "I shouldn't ask you things like that. I guess I just need to hear somebody say it right now. I'm feeling pretty shitty."

"I'm sorry too. I just can't..."

"No. Don't explain, ok? I understand. You just can't say it. That's fine. Really," he said, trying to smile.

Kathleen rested her cheek on his hand, and he stroked her hair with the other hand. The door opened and AJ bounced in.

"Whazzup?!" he yelled, hopping over the back of the couch. "C'mon buddy! Let's get the fuck outta here! I'm starvin' and there are TONS of beautiful necks out there just waiting for my pearly whites!"

"They're not pearly white," Kevin muttered.

"Ah fuck you," AJ said, smiling. "Come ON! Let's GO!"

Kevin nodded. "Kat, I've gotta run, ok? I'll be back in a little while. I won't stay out long."

"Ok," she said, smiling sadly. She really wished he didn't have to go out right then. She wanted to do something to make him feel loved. Why couldn't she just say the words? She knew why... she didn't want to make it harder for him when...
