chapter 32

Rhiannon stopped in front of Brian's door and rested her hand against it. She thought about knocking, but figured he would be asleep. She hoped he would accept them for what they were, but she knew it was going to be very difficult for him. His faith was strong. Believing in the undead went against everything he held dear. The concept that you could be dead, and not be in Heaven or Hell, but walking the earth... it was just beyond Brian's comprehension and Rhiannon knew he was going to have a hard time with this. She shook her head and began to walk towards her room. Brian's door opened.

"Rhiannon?" Brian called. She turned and tried to smile a little.

"Hey Brian. You're still up?"

"Can't sleep," he said, looking down at the floor. "Can you come in for awhile? I'd like to ask you some questions."

"Sure," she said, walking back to his room. She sat down on the couch and Brian sat on the floor in front of her. He stared up at her like a wide eyed child. The expression on his face was so sweet. So earnest. He was looking at her as if he had never seen her before in his life.

"What do you want to know?" she asked, smiling down at him.

"Well... tell me about you first," he said, crossing his legs and propping his elbows on his knees.

"You already know I'm a vampire. I'm 106 years old. I was made into what I am when I was 24. I've wandered around the world for the past 82 years, but I like the American South the best. The people are so friendly down there. Also, it's where I was born and raised, so I'm sort of partial. What else would you like to know?"

"How many of you are there?"

"What? Vampires? Oh, wow... I don't know. Probably three or four thousand worldwide. Some are pretty good at hiding, so it's hard to say, really."

"Do you kill people? Does Kevin kill people? And AJ?" Brian asked, his voice tight and squeaky.

"Short and simple answer... no. Occasionally, it does happen on accident, but it's very, very rare. Some vampires do kill their victims, though."

"Do you have a soul?"

"Of course. But unlike mortals, our souls stay with us when and if we die. They come back with us in the next life."

"Reincarnation? That stuff's for real?"

"For us it is. We're earthbound creatures. We're always a part of the earth. We just take different forms in each life."

"So you can't go to Heaven or Hell?"

"No. As far as I know, there's no Heaven or Hell for us. We're chained to the earth. When and if we die, our spirit just becomes something else. Not human or anything animate. Maybe a tree. Or a rosebush. Or a breeze. I don't know. That part is still kind of confusing for me, because obviously, no one has ever come back to tell us what happens."

Brian nodded. She could see he was confused. She leaned forward and ruffled his hair. He smiled.

"I know this is a lot to swallow," Rhiannon said. "But I hope you'll give us a chance."

Brian nodded again. "I'll have to do a lot of thinking about this."

"I know you will."

Rhiannon stood to leave. Brian caught her arm and she turned back to him. He kissed her cheek, lingering maybe a little longer than he should have. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his lips still on her skin. He felt a tingle going through his body, and his heart began to race. Rhiannon slowly pulled back and smiled. She touched his cheek, then left him standing in the doorway. He touched his lips softly, then smiled. He was going to be ok with this, but he knew it would take some time.


Rhiannon entered the suite and looked over at Kathleen. Nick was sleeping with his head in her lap and she was rubbing his hair. She smiled up at Rhiannon and put her finger to her lips.

"How long has he been asleep?" Rhiannon whispered.

"About an hour. You know, he's kinda cute when he's knocked out on codeine," Kathleen giggled.

"Yeah, he is, isn't he?" Rhiannon sat down in the chair and stared at Kathleen.

"Why are you staring at me?" Kathleen said, smiling self-consciously.

"Just wondering..."

"Wondering what?" Kathleen asked, the smile fading from her lips.

"Wondering when you're going to tell him."

"Tell who what?"

"Tell Kevin that that you're dying," Rhiannon said, crossing her arms and tilting her head to the side.

Kathleen was shocked. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She looked down at Nick, hoping he hadn't heard Rhiannon.

"He's in lala land," Rhiannon said dismissively. "So, when are you gonna tell him?"

"How did you know?" Kathleen asked, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Kathleen, you know how Kevin can read your mind? Well, I can do it much, much better than he can. I've known for awhile. I've just been waiting for you to say something. But I can see that he's very attached to you. And you're getting very attached to him, too. Do you think it's fair to let him go on thinking you're gonna be around forever?"

Kathleen shook her head. "No. It's not fair to him. I've been wondering how in the world I'm gonna tell him. I just don't know how to say it."

"Just like you don't know how to tell him you love him?" Rhiannon asked softly, smiling a little.

"Yeah. Something like that."

"Well, I won't say anything to him, but I think it would be best if you told him sooner rather than later," Rhiannon said.

"I know. I just..."

"It's going to hurt him no matter when you tell him, Kathleen. He loves you. I just think it might help take a load off your mind if you go ahead and tell him."

"You're right. I know you are. I've just got to find the right time..."

"There is no perfect time to tell the man you love that you're going to die. At least you get a chance to say goodbye to him. I never even got a chance to say goodbye to my Ethan. He just..." Rhiannon stopped. She felt a little lump in her throat and her eyes welled up. She blinked, and two tears rolled down her cheeks. She wiped them away, embarassed.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I never cry about Ethan. I guess it's just knowing that Kevin's going to have to... Oh, never mind. I'm going to bed."

"Rhiannon, wait!" Kathleen called. But it was too late, Rhiannon moved into the bedroom with lightning speed and closed the door behind her. Kathleen sighed and looked down at Nick. He was snoring lightly, oblivious to his surroundings. She rubbed his hair again, and he wriggled on her lap. A sweet little smile came over his face. Must be the codeine, she thought.

Kevin and AJ returned an hour later, both satiated, their skin glowing and beautiful. Kevin knelt in front of Kathleen, his green eyes shining.

"Come with me," he whispered.

"But what about Nick?"

"He's a big guy. He can look after himself for awhile. I want some quality time with you. I've been neglecting you lately," Kevin said, smiling.

Kathleen giggled slid out from under Nick. He moaned a little, but settled back down to sleep. Kevin took Kathleen's hand and led her out of the suite and down the hall to another room, one which was originally reserved for AJ.

"People are gonna start talking if the maids come in here one more day and his bed isn't slept in. I just thought we'd mess it up," Kevin said, laughing a little.
