chapter 34

"STOP!!!!" Nick screamed, as the ice ran down his back. "KEVIN! Make him stop!"

"Brian, quit bothering Nick," Kevin said nonchalantly.

"But he's bein' such a baby," Brian said, laughing. "He's been sick for a week. I don't think he's really sick anymore. I think he's just wanting attention now."

"I am too sick," Nick said, pouting. "My throat hurts. And... and my neck is sore."

"Maybe you have mono. That's what you get for swapping spit with strangers," Howie said, laughing.

"I do not have mono," Nick said, snarling at Howie. "Wait, maybe I do. C'mere and let me give you some sugar, Big Boy."

"You stay away from me!" Howie yelped, jumping up and running across the room to hide behind Kevin. Nick chased him.

"Leave me out of this," Kevin said, shrugging away from Howie.

"AHHH! Kevin, he's trying to kiss me!" Howie screamed, running into the bathroom and slamming the door.

"And I will get you if you come out of that bathroom, you little shrimp," Nick laughed, sitting down on the floor with his back to the door.

"Let me out," Howie whined.

"Nope. You're being punished for being mean to me."

"NICK! Let me out!"

"No. You stay in there and think about how you mistreat me. Maybe this'll teach you a lesson, Howard."

"FINE! But you know you have to let me out soon. You can't do a show without ME!"

"Do you think anybody would notice?" Nick asked, laughing.

"Heyyy... that's not funny," Howie whined.

"Nick, be nice," Brian said, kicking Nick's foot.

"Owwww... watch it or you're next," Nick said, sticking his tongue out at Brian.

"Where's Kathleen," Brian asked.

"I don't know," Kevin said, concern written on his face. "She said she had to go out for a while. She should have been back before now I would think."

"Did she say where she was going?" Nick asked, also concerned.

"No. She just said she had to go out," Kevin replied. He sat down on the couch and sipped a hot cup of coffee. He didn't partake of human food very often, but hot drinks were a particular favorite.

"So you do eat and drink stuff?" Brian asked quietly. He was getting used to the idea of Kevin's vampirism, but it was taking some time. He had so many questions.

"Occasionally. I can't overdo it, though, or I'll get sick to my stomach," Kevin explained. Brian nodded and looked away.

"Brian," Kevin said, placing his hand on Brian's arm, "thanks."

"For what?"

"For trying to understand. You don't know how much this means to me, man."

Brian nodded again. He was trying. He really was.


AJ and Rhiannon sat on the roof of the hotel, looking out over Los Vegas. It had taken some sweet talking and "charm" from Rhiannon to make the guard let them up there alone, but once they got out there, it was so quiet and calm. Rhiannon loved being up there... alone with AJ. She grasped his hand and they walked to the edge of the building. AJ held her hand tightly.

"What's wrong?" she asked, smiling.

"I don't really care for heights too much," AJ said. "Well, this high, I mean."

"I like heights," she said, climbing onto the ledge and letting her legs dangle over the side. AJ wrapped his arms tightly around her. She hugged his arms. They sat silently for several minutes, looking out over the lights of the Strip.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked quietly.

"Just stuff," she said, smiling a little. He detected a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Like what?" he asked, kissing her neck.

"Mmmm that feels nice," she purred, tilting her head to the side to give him better access.

"Really?" he said in a low voice. "How about this?" His warm lips traced up the side her neck to her ear. She could feel his hot breath as his tongue ran along her earlobe

. "Verrrry nice," she murmured.

"I love you," he whispered.

"And I love you," she replied, turning her head to kiss him. His lips were warm, soft, and inviting. She parted her own lips to receive his tongue. He caressed her face, as their kiss lingered.

"We've gotta go soon," he said into her mouth.

"I know." She threw her leg over the ledge, and lost her balance. Her body hurtled back toward the open air.

"SHIT!" AJ yelled, grabbing her arm before she could fall over the side. He pulled her onto the roof and hugged her tightly.

"Wow! That could've been bad," Rhiannon said, laughing lightly.

"Bad? That would have been... I can't even think of a word to describe how fucked up that could have been!" AJ yelled, looking into here eyes. "Don't you ever scare me like that again! No more rooftops for you, Miss!"

Rhiannon laughed and shook her head. As they walked back to the stairway leading down to the hotel, she held his hand.

"What do you think would happen if I fell off the roof?" she mused.

"You'd..." AJ started to say 'die', but that couldn't be right. "I don't know. What do you think would happen?"

"I honestly don't know," she replied. "But I'll bet it would hurt."

"I think you're right. Again, I say... no more rooftops for you."


"Miss Reed, you know you really should be getting constant treatment for this," the doctor said.

"Why? So I can prolong my life for what? Another few months? And be in the hospital the entire time? No thanks. Just patch me up and send me on why way. I've got a lot of living left to do and not a lot of time to do it in," Kathleen said, smiling gently at the doctor.

"You know this transfusion isn't a long-lasting fix," he said, shaking his head. "You should let me admit you for a few days and let us give you IV medication. The effects would last longer."

"No thank you," she said again, still trying to smile. "I'm on the road a lot. I don't have time to be cooped up in the hospital for several days."

"Kathleen," the doctor said, his eyes sympathetic, "it could improve your quality of life."

"We both know what I have is fatal, right?"

The doctor's eyes were downcast as he nodded.

"Right," Kathleen said, nodding with him, "It's fatal. There's nothing we can do about that. My doctor at home told me I have 6 months without treatment. 9 months to a year with treatment. But in order to be treated, I have to come to the hospital every week and stay overnight, get IV medication, transfusions every month, and take all kinds of pills and stuff that'll give me heartburn, fatigue, make me sleepy, and God only knows what else. Now which would you rather do? LIVE for the next 6 months and get patched up when you need it? Or go thru hell and live your last days thinking about your next trip to the hospital?"

"I understand," the doctor said quietly. "You're a brave young woman."

"Thanks," she said, smiling sadly. She didn't feel brave. "Can I go now?"

"I'll sign your release papers and you can go."


Kevin stared out the window of the bus, hoping Kathleen would make it to the show. He was officially worried now. She should have been back two hours ago. The bus pulled under the arena and Kevin rushed into the backstage area. Rhiannon was already in the dressing room, sitting on the couch.

"Have you seen Kathleen," Kevin asked. She could clearly hear the concern in his voice. She shook her head.

"Kevin… I think you need to talk to her tonight after the show," Rhiannon said quietly.

"About what?"

"She'll tell you. I can't. It's not my place."

"Is she seeing somebody else?" Kevin asked, not wanting to imagine that.

"No. She's not seeing anybody else. She loves you."

"Good. I love her so much, Rhiannon. I never knew I could love somebody like this," Kevin said, hugging Rhiannon tightly. He rested his chin on top of her head and closed his eyes. He loved to hold Rhiannon. It was just a comforting feeling.

"I know you do," Rhiannon said, smiling sadly, hugging him back.

"How are you and AJ doing?" Kevin asked, still holding onto her.

"We're fine," Rhiannon said.

"He's treating you ok?"

"Of course. Would you expect anything else of him?" Rhiannon asked, laughing.

"Welll… AJ doesn't have a very good history with women," Kevin laughed.

"My history with women?" AJ spat, standing in the doorway, his arms folded. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Hey man, didn't' see ya standing there," Kevin said, letting go of Rhiannon. She sat down on the couch and looked up at both of them.

"Obviously," AJ muttered, entering the room. He sat down beside Rhiannon and put his arm protectively around her.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to offend," Kevin said, turning to leave.

"Sure," AJ snarled. "You never do."

"What?" Kevin said, whirling around. "AJ what crawled up your ass?"

"You," AJ snapped.

Kevin shook his head. "I have no idea what you're talking about, man. What did I do to you?"

"Forget it," AJ muttered, pulling his sunglasses on and resting his head on the back of the couch.

"No. I won't forget it. You're not gonna come in here and snap my head off, then tell me to forget it. Now what's your problem," Kevin said, stepping closer to AJ.

"I said… FORGET IT," AJ yelled, getting up and edging up to Kevin.

"And I said NO!" Kevin yelled back, pushing AJ's chest to get him out of his face. AJ's fist moved with lightning speed, catching Kevin square in the jaw. Kevin's head snapped back, and his eyes blazed with fury.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING??" Kevin screamed, pushing AJ against the wall. "What did I do to you? I oughta bust your face for that!"

"Why don't you?" AJ asked, the anger in his eyes matching Kevin's.

Kevin let go of AJ's shirt and shook his head disgustedly. He turned and left the dressing room. AJ sat down at one of the dressing tables and buried his face in his hands.

Rhiannon sat on the couch, her eyes wide with fear. She was afraid to speak. She had never seen either of them this livid before. She knew why AJ was angry… he was jealous.
