chapter 35

Kathleen made her way to the back entrance of the arena and walked up to the security guard. There were tons of girls standing around the door, waiting for the slightest glimpse of one of the guys. Shit. Local security, not one of their own guys.

"Can I help you, ma'am?" the guard said, smiling sarcastically.

"Yes, I'm Kathleen. I'm with Kevin," she said.

"Uh huh. Sorry. Not buying it, honey. I've been doing this for 10 years, and I've heard that one before."

Kathleen sighed. Damn it. Why hadn't she remembered her laminated pass? It was too late to go back to the hotel to get it.

"Will you just get on your little walkie talkie and ask?" she said, exasperated.

He stared at her for a few seconds, then clicked on the radio.

"Hey Charlie, there's a girl out here who says she's supposed to be inside with Kevin Richardson. Her name's Kathleen. Could you check it out for me?"

"Thank you," Kathleen muttered. She wasn't feeling very well. She sagged against the wall, her shoulder holding her up. A few minutes later, Kevin poked his head out the door. The crowd went nuts. Kevin smiled when he saw her.

"Hey baby," he said, smiling. "Where the hell have you been?" He held out his hand and led her inside.

"Just had some business to take care of," she said, smiling back at him. He could see in her eyes that she wasn't feeling well.

"Are you getting Nick's flu?" he asked, kissing her forehead.

"I hope not," she sighed, leaning against his chest. He held her for a few moments. Kathleen could hear the final strains of Krystal's set, and she knew he'd have to go very soon. He was already dressed in his leather pants and the sparkly shirt. She loved him in those pants. They fit him like a glove... unlike everyone else's. She always wondered why none of the other guys wore clothing that fit...

Kevin tipped her chin and kissed her softly. "I've gotta go," he said, smiling. "It's time for me to earn my keep. I'll see you after, ok?"

"Ok," she said, smiling up at him.

"You gonna watch the show?"

"Of course. I never miss your shows. I love to watch you up there. You look sooo sexy," she laughed.

"Whatever," he said, wrinkling his nose. "I think I look kinda dorky."

"Never. And you know it, too."

Kevin laughed and hugged her. He suddenly got the feeling that there was something wrong with her. He pulled back and stared at her.

"Kev! C'mon dawg!" Nick yelled. He was clearly bouncing off the walls from Rhiannon's miracle oil. He ran up and jumped on Kevin's back. "Giddy up!"

Kevin rolled his eyes. "Nick, one of these days you're gonna give me a hernia."

"I said GIDDY UP," Nick laughed, gently kicking Kevin's butt, as if he were spurring him. Kevin sighed and wrapped his arms around Nick's legs so he wouldn't fall off.

"Love you, baby," he said, kissing Kathleen once more.

"I love you too, Kathleen," Nick laughed, leaning forward to try to kiss her. Kevin bent over so he could get in closer. Nick kissed her on the cheek.

"I love you too," Kathleen said, smiling.

"Which one of us?" Nick asked.


"Good! You will be mine. Oh yes... you will be mine," Nick said, trying to look serious, but failing miserably.

Kevin rolled his eyes again and walked down the corridor toward the stage. Kathleen went into the dressing room and found Rhiannon straddling AJ's lap, cradling his head against her breasts.

"Oh, excuse me," Kathleen said, embarrassed.

"No, don't go," Rhiannon said, smiling. "AJ just needed a little attention. We're not doing anything naughty."

AJ didn't look up. He rested his head against her and held tightly around her waist.

"Havin' a bad day, AJ?" Kathleen asked.

"Very," he answered.

"Sorry about that," Kathleen said, flopping down on the couch. "You know the others have already headed under the stage."

"I know, I know. I'm going," he said, looking up at Rhiannon. She stood up and helped him out of the chair. "Don't make me go."

"You have to," Rhiannon said, laughing. "If you don't there will be sooo many disappointed people."

"I know. But... Kevin's gonna hit me."


"Why is Kevin gonna hit you?" Kathleen asked, surprised.

"Because I decked him earlier," AJ said, shaking his head. "I didn't mean to. I just... I don't know... I guess I just lost it."

"He didn't seem mad a minute ago," Kathleen said, trying to encourage him.


"Really. He was fine. He didn't even get mad when Nick jumped on his back."

"Good. Maybe I'm in the clear."

"Don't count on it," Rhiannon said, smiling. She kissed AJ's nose. "I just wanted to kiss it one last time before Kevin flattens it."

"Ha ha. Very funny," AJ said, pulling on his sunglasses. "Kiss me, wench."

Rhiannon laughed and kissed him. He held onto her, his hands running down her sides. She could feel his erection pressing against her hip.

"Hmmmm I seem to remember somebody saying it wasn't cool to go out onstage with a hard-on," she laughed.

"Shit. Oh well. Nick does it all the time. I'll just give them a thrill," he replied, pulling on his sleeveless coat.

"You look so hot in that outfit," Rhiannon said. "I just wanna lick you."

"Later," he joked. He kissed her quickly and ran out the door. Rhiannon sat down beside Kathleen and let out a long sigh.

"What did they get into it about?" Kathleen asked.

"AJ's jealous."

"Of Kevin?" Kathleen asked incredulously.


"Why on earth would he be jealous of Kevin?"

"Lonnng story for another time," Rhiannon said, smiling. She looked into Kathleen's eyes.

"You're sick," Rhiannon said. Kathleen looked down.

"Is it that obvious?" she asked.

"Yes," Rhiannon answered.

"Do you think Kevin knows?"

"I don't see how he couldn't know," Rhiannon said. "Kathleen, let me help you." "How?"

"The oil."

"No," Kathleen answered, smiling.

"Please. Just try it, ok. A little? It'll make you feel so much better. It's no cure for anything, but it'll make you more comfortable."

Kathleen considered it for a second. She was hurting pretty bad. The pain in her muscles was getting worse and worse, and she knew she'd be in bed most of the day tomorrow if it got worse.

"Ok, I'll try it," she said, "But do you have to bite me?"

"Sorry, chick. That's the only way I can administer it into your bloodstream. I don't have a hypodermic handy or anything else sterile, do you?"

"Your teeth are sterile?" Kathleen laughed.

"Yep. Sterile as a surgeon's knife. Remember? I'm not living. Nothing in my body is living. No bacteria. No nothing. But don't worry. I can make it not hurt."

"Ok," Kathleen said hesitantly. She held out her arm. Rhiannon stared into her eyes for a moment, and Kathleen felt a tingling sensation come over her body. Rhiannon entered Kathleen's mind, dulling her pain receptors. Kevin had never done anything like this to her before. She could tell Rhiannon was very powerful and she was very good at this. Kathleen felt the pain leave her body as Rhiannon's teeth pierced the skin of her wrist. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the little green bottle, dropping a tiny drop into the wound. Kathleen felt her muscles instantly relax. It was like she had just been injected with... bliss. She felt wonderful. In fact, she couldn't remember the last time she felt this incredible. She smiled at Rhiannon.

"Thank you," Kathleen said, sitting back against the couch.

"Come on. We're gonna miss my favorite part of the show," Rhiannon said. "You know I just love the beginning. AJ... GOD he looks so hot when he's just standing there at attention. I love it!"

"Ok," Kathleen said dreamily.


Weeks went by, and AJ's jealousy of Kevin grew. He tried to hide it, but every time Kevin would hug Rhiannon or touch her in any way, AJ would feel daggers going through his heart. He couldn't stand seeing them together. He could just imagine what Rhiannon and Ethan were like together, and it was killing him. He wondered if Rhiannon loved Kevin... Of course she did. How could she not? Kevin was just... Tall, dark, handsome, and reminded her so much of her dead husband that she had stalked him for a year before... God, he had to stop doing this to himself. This was crazy. Rhiannon loved AJ. Not Kevin. But the feelings... he just couldn't make them go away.

"Whatcha thinkin'?" Brian asked, sitting down beside AJ on the couch backstage.

"I'm hungry," AJ growled.

Brian covered his neck with both hands and smiled. "Don't look at me, dawg."

"Watch it," AJ said, smiling a little.

"Really, AJ. What's bothering you? Maybe I can help."

"You can't help, Rok," AJ said, shaking his head. "Nobody can." AJ got up and left the room.

Rhiannon passed AJ in the hall. He didn't even look up at her as he walked by. She shrugged and walked into the dressing room. Brian was alone. She looked around.

"Where is everybody?" she asked.

"Let's see... Nick and Howie are driving a golf cart around the arena. Kevin is off somewhere with Kathleen. AJ's pissy, so I don't care where he goes as long as it's not around me. And that leaves me and you," he said, smiling.

Rhiannon sat down beside him and rested her head on his shoulder. A lock of her long wavy hair fell down across his chest. He twirled it around his finger.

"You know, I've always loved long hair," he said softly. "I just love to play with it."

"Feel free," she laughed. "That feels nice."

"Put your head in my lap and let me braid your hair," Brian said, giggling.

"Braid my hair? You know how to braid?"

"Of course."

She laid her head down in his lap and he began to braid her hair in little tiny braids. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of someone playing in her hair. It was one of her favorite feelings in the world. She was getting sleepy. She needed blood. Badly. She hadn't fed in nearly a week, and she was fading. She could feel Brian's blood flowing through his body, and she felt her fangs trying to descend. She fought off the urge.

"Rhiannon, what do you miss the most?" Brian asked softly.

"About life?"


"Chocolate," she laughed. "Chocolate truffles. I miss them a lot. And... riding my horse. Oh, and watching the sunset on the beach. And.... let's see... Oh and cool October afternoons walking through the leaves. You know? Right when it starts getting cooler, but not quite cold enough for a coat? The leaves are yellow and orange and red and they're so thick you can't see the grass? I really miss that. If I ever die, I hope I come back as a breeze on one of those October afternoons."

Brian swallowed hard. Those were things he took for granted, yet she missed them so much.

"Do you ever think about dying?" Rhiannon asked.

"Sometimes," Brian said. "Why? Do you?"

"Yeah. I do. Sometimes I wonder what really happens when one of us dies. I wonder if we really do get to come back. Or if we go to heaven or hell. Nobody really knows."

"Faith," Brian said quietly. "I have faith that I'll go to Heaven."

Rhiannon laughed. "Well, I don't have any of that left. I wish I did. I've just seen too much."

Brian nodded. He wished he could make things easier for her, but he knew he couldn't say or do anything that would change her situation. He picked up her hand... her beautiful hand... and he placed a sweet, soft kiss on it. She could feel the warmth of his lips, and she closed her eyes.

"You're beautiful. Did you know that?" he asked. As soon as he said it, he wished he could take it back. He hadn't meant to say that...

Rhiannon smiled at his embarrassment. "I'm glad you think so," she said.

"I really do," Brian said, silently cursing himself. Why couldn't he shut up? His mouth had a mind of it's own. "AJ's a very lucky guy."

She laughed lightly and sat up. "I'm sure he'd be glad to hear you say that," she said.

Brian's body moved toward her, and he couldn't stop himself. Or maybe he didn't want to stop himself. He ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her softly.
