chapter 36

Rhiannon kissed Brian tentatively. His lips were warm. So soft. His tongue entered her mouth and she could taste him. He tasted just as she imagined he would... sweet. She could barely contain herself. His soft, trembling hand caressed her cheek as she pulled away.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, closing his eyes. "I shouldn't have done that."

"It's ok," she replied, taking his had in her own. "That was nice."

"Nice?" he said, smiling.

"Nice," she said, smiling back.

"Do you think we could..." he started.

"No," she said, before he could even finish.

"You're right. I know you're right. But... I wish..."

"Brian. It's wrong. The timing. The place. The whole thing is just wrong."

"I know, I know. But if you ever decide..."

"I know where to find you," she said, smiling. She patted his cheek and got up. As soon as she got into the hall, she leaned against the wall and let out a long sigh. Her body was screaming. She had to find AJ. Fast. She walked quickly down the corridor leading to the stage. The road crew was busy setting up for Krystal's set, and the crowd was making their way inside. Rhiannon sensed AJ's presence, and she followed the feeling. She got to the door that led under the stage and she stopped. A security guard was standing in front of the door, and he didn't look like a nice one, either.

"Is AJ in there?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am, but he gave explicit instructions that he didn't want to be disturbed," the man said gruffly.

Rhiannon stared at him, her eyes boring into his brain. Within a few seconds, she had him under her charm.

"But don't you think you could just let little ol' me in? I'm sure he won't mind," she said, smiling her most beguiling smile.

"Sure," he said, moving aside. She patted his arm as she walked through the door. The area under the stage was small and cramped. There were wardrobe areas set up, but nobody was there quite yet. They didn't normally come in until after the second act performed. Rhiannon found AJ lying on his back on one of the wardrobe boxes, his eyes closed and covered with dark glasses. She crawled up onto the wardrobe with him and straddled his body.

"You awake?" she whispered.


"You mad at me about something?"


"Wanna tell me what's bugging you?"




"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

He didn't answer her. She kissed his lips, expecting him to push her away. But he didn't. He wrapped her in an embrace and pulled her down on top of his body. His hands rubbed her back, then cupped her ass.

"Make love to me," he whispered.

"Here?" she laughed.

"Right here," he said, opening his eyes.

"What if somebody sees us?"

"Who cares?"

"I have no idea," she said, smiling. "Certainly not me." She moved down his body, unsnapping his shorts. She pulled them down, then took him into her mouth. He moaned and grasped her hair.

"What the hell?" he said, picking up a few of the tiny braids and looking down.

"Brian wanted to braid my hair," she laughed.

"Tell him to stay the hell out of your hair. Better yet, I'll tell him," AJ muttered, laying his head back down. Rhiannon continued to suck him, making every muscle in his body tense up. Just before she felt he was about to come, she stopped.

"Shit," he moaned. "Don't stop."

"I thought you wanted me to make love to you," she said, moving back up to kiss him.

"Oh yeah. I did say that, didn't I?" he said, laughing. His hands groped under her short skirt, and he slid her panties down. His fingers probed between her lips, feeling the damp warmth of her folds. She moved up to his hips and lowered herself onto his harness. He sucked in his breath as her tight walls closed in around him. He put his hands on her hips and began to thrust into her roughly. She allowed him to use her... to pleasure himself with her body. She loved him, and her body was his to do with as he pleased. Of course, she was enjoying just being with him. Sex or no sex, AJ was an amazing person, and she loved being with him. She loved his body, and his sense of adventure. She especially loved the way he held her at night. His strong, warm arms around her... caressing her, making her feel safe. Funny how their roles had changed since they first met. In the beginning, she was his protector and the one who comforted him. Now he was the protector. He owned her. She ran her hands down his muscular chest to his tight stomach, relishing the feeling of his hot body under hers. She could feel that he was nearing his climax, and she deftly cut her wrist with her fingernail, then held it to his lips. Her hot blood poured into his mouth, and a look of pure ecstasy came over his face. He held her wrist tightly to his mouth long after his own throbbing stopped, just drinking from her. His eyes were closed, and she could see color coming to his cheeks. She could feel him stealing her strength. Her energy was leaving her. He was taking too much. She barely had the power to pull away from him.

"Stop," she said breathlessly, watching the room spin around.

"No," he muttered, pulling her wrist even tighter.

"AJ, please!" she gasped, wrenching herself from his grasp.

"You ok?" he asked, smiling and folding his hands behind his head. She nodded, but she certainly didn't feel ok. She was feeling very, very bad, in fact. She pulled away from his body and got off the wardrobe box. She searched for her underwear, then pulled them on slowly.

"I've gotta go," she said, shaking her head and trying to get her bearings back.

"You sure you're ok?" he asked, pulling up his pants.

"I'll be ok. Don't worry," she replied, waiving him off. She walked out from under the stage and went back to the dressing room to lie down. She was a little surprised and hurt that he didn't follow her.

Nick entered the room and saw Rhiannon lying on the couch covering her eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked, stooping down beside her.

"I did a stupid thing," she said, unable to open her eyes, for the room was spinning badly, and she was afraid she'd wretch.

"What did you do?" Nick asked. "I do stupid stuff all the time. Maybe I could help you out."

"I let AJ take blood from me," she said, her muscles aching from just speaking, "and he took too much. I had to make him stop. I need to replace it pretty fast. God, how could I be so stupid? I haven't fed in 6 days, and I knew I shouldn't have. But I just couldn't resist. The look on his face was so beautiful, and I wanted him to be happy. Now I can't even see straight, and the room is spinning. Ohh my head."

"Damn," Nick muttered. "Are you gonna be ok?"

"I will be as soon as I get some fresh O negative," she said, trying to laugh.

"Well, I'm A positive. Will that do?"

"Are you volunteering?" she laughed, looking at him... both of him... Damn, two Nicks? The world was in for it now.

"Yeah. You can suck me," Nick leered. He pulled her into a seated position and knelt between her legs. He leaned in close and offered his neck to her. She closed her eyes and inhaled his scent. Nick... so young and full of energy. She could feel his life force, and it was strong. Her lips brushed his neck until she sensed arterial flow. Her teeth pierced his skin and she began to drink from him.

"Oh God," he moaned, pulling her closer. "Rhiannon... Oh shit... That feels soooo... "

Nick's essense was hot, and he was so full of enegy. She didn't take too much from him. Only enough to satisfy her immediate need. She could get the rest later. She pulled back and allowed Nick to slump over onto her chest.

"I think I love you," he groaned. "Do that again."

"No," she said, laughing. She ran her fingers through his soft blonde hair, then kissed the top of his head.

"I think I had an orgasm," Nick giggled.

"You probably did. And now you'll be all sticky."

"Yuck. I need a shower."

"Yeah, don't wanna go onstage all crusty," she laughed, still holding his head against her chest.

"Why'd you let him take so much from you?" Nick asked, looking up with glazed eyes.

"Because I love him. I'd do anything for him," she said, smiling.

"Could he have killed you?" Nick asked, his eyes locking with hers.

"Possibly. But he didn't. I don't think he would have taken that much anyway."

"But you said you had to make him stop," Nick said, looking a little concerned.

Rhiannon thought about it for a second, "He loves me, Nick. He would never hurt me on purpose."

Nick nodded. AJ entered the room and stopped in his tracks.

"Well, don't we look comfortable?" he said, laughing bitterly.
