chapter 5

Kevin, Rhiannon, and the frat boy Rob, made their way back to Rob's apartment.

"This is so cool," Rob said, slurring slightly. "You're that guy... that... um... Kevin guy... from the Backstreet Boys? Right?"

Kevin didn't speak. He couldn't. He could feel the hunger in his body. Painful spasms. He knew if he spoke, he would scream. Rhiannon could feel his pain, too. She lifted his chin and looked into his eyes.

"Soon," she said simply, and kissed his lips. She turned to Rob and pushed him down on the bed. She crawled up his body and straddled him.

"Awesome," Rob said, smiling. Kevin stood back and watched for a moment. Rhiannon kissed Rob. His hands ran up her back and pulled her down on top of him as he moaned. His tongue probed deeply into her mouth. So deeply she wanted to gag. This guy was piss drunk. He rolled over on top of her, pinning her hands over her head. He bent his head and began to kiss her neck, then down to her half-bared breasts. Rhiannon looked up at Kevin, and she could see the passion in his eyes. He wanted to be the one with her.

Come to me, she thought. Kevin suddenly looked up, surprised. He could hear her. She smiled.

Come to me, Kevin, she thought again. Kevin slowly made his way to the bed. He ran his hands under the back of Rob's shirt, feeling his warm, damp skin. The feeling excited him. He could feel his hardness growing. Why? He had never been aroused by a man in his life. But he couldn't help himself. Rob sat up, and Kevin pulled his shirt off.

"This is too cool," Rob said, turning to Kevin. "I've never done this shit before."

Kevin wrapped one arm around Rob's waist and pressed his lips against his shoulder. Rhiannon ran her nails up Rob's chest, and he moaned softly. Kevin slowly rolled Rob onto his back, and fastened his lips to Rob's. Rob hesitated to respond at first, but soon found himself wanting more. He wanted Kevin. The unexplainable force drew him to Kevin. He pulled Kevin's shirt over his head and ran his hands over Kevin's back, drawing him in closer. Kevin broke their kiss and moved down to Rob's neck. He glanced at Rhiannon to make sure he was doing it correctly. She smiled slightly. Rob's eyes were closed. Kevin's hands pinned Rob's arms down, their fingers intertwined. Kevin's lips grazed the warm flesh of Rob's throat. Kevin could feel his own head spinning. He was terrified. But he was starving. His instincts took over. He nipped a little at Rob's neck, then suddenly, he sank his teeth in. Rob let out a loud moan, but that was it. Kevin felt the blood begin to flow, and he put his lips over the wound. He allowed the blood to flow into his mouth, slowly at first. But as he began to feel the orgasmic warmth coming over his body, he began to suck. Harder. Harder still. Rob's body convulsed, and he writhed under Kevin's. Kevin felt he would never get enough. He wanted it all. He never wanted to stop. This feeling was amazing. His erection grew harder than he ever imagined he could be.

"Kevin," Rhiannon said softly. Kevin ignored her.

"KEVIN," she said, a little louder this time. Reluctantly, he pulled away from Rob's delicious neck and looked at her. She smiled. "That's enough."

"No," he whined, still wanting to feel the power... the awesomeness of the blood flowing into his mouth.

"Yes. Any more and you'll kill him," she said.

Kevin didn't care. The world didn't need more frat boys. Kevin wanted this so much. He abandoned all care. He didn't give a shit if the guy lived or died. He fastened his lips back over the wound and began to drink again.

"KEVIN! STOP IT," Rhiannon said, harshly. He looked up at her and growled from deep in his throat. Where did that come from? It frightened him. He looked down at Rob, who was now unconscious. "I know it's hard, but you have to stop. You don't want to kill him."

Kevin nodded, ashamed of himself. He let go of Rob's hands and sat up. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked at Rhiannon.

"You're beautiful," she said. "Even more so than before. Look at yourself."

Kevin glanced in the mirror over Rob's dresser. His skin had taken on a luminescent glow. It was perfection. Soft, flawless. It was liquid satin...

"Come on," she said, grasping his hand. "Time to go."

She walked to Rob and licked the wound on his neck, then whispered in his ear. "You won't remember any of this tomorrow, Rob. You won't remember anything."

Kevin stared in amazement as the wound on Rob's neck suddenly closed, then disappeared completely.

"How did you do that?" he asked.

"It just happens," she replied. "I don't know how it works. It just does."

He allowed her to lead him outside to her car. As they drove back to the house, he noticed things he had never noticed before. Sights. Smells. Everything was different. Everything had an aura around it. When they stopped at a red light, he looked at the man in the car beside him. The man had just left his mistress, and he was going home to his wife. How did Kevin know this? Oh shit, he was reading the guy's thoughts. He smiled.

"I told you," Rhiannon said. "It gets stronger as you get stronger."

"Stop doing that!" Kevin said, laughing this time. "I hate it when you do that."


Once they reached the house, Kevin was too happy... too wired... to go to sleep. They walked in the front door and Rhiannon locked it behind her. Kevin pushed her against the wall and kissed her hard. He was still so aroused from the events of the evening, there was no way he could go to sleep like this. She allowed him to kiss her. His tongue probed her mouth, but unlike Rob, Kevin was skillful. His kisses were passionate without being messy and gagging. He ran his hands up her stomach and over her breasts. He grasped the collar of her shirt and ripped it completely off in one motion. He let out an animalistic growl as she grasped his back, digging her sharp nails into his flesh. Within seconds, they were completely naked, rolling on the living room floor. Kevin grabbed her legs and forced her knees up. He entered her body, savoring the feeling. As they began to make love, he realized what she was talking about when she said sex was so much better now. He could not only feel his own passion and pleasure, but he could close his eyes and feel hers too. She nipped at his shoulder with her canines, bringing a little blood to the surface. She licked at it playfully, enjoying the taste of him. He followed her lead, nipping at her neck and allowing the blood to collect on his lips. She was intoxicating... He pushed in and out roughly, moving her body across the floor just a little more with every thrust. She arched her neck and let out a long moan. Within minutes, they were both climaxing... But it was unlike any climax Kevin had ever experienced before. His entire being was involved in this orgasm. It overtook him. Everything around him swirled with chartreuse and gold. His body was screaming. He was momentarily unable to speak, or breathe, or comprehend anything that was going on. The pleasure was inexplicable.

"Oh shit..." he muttered. "Is it always like that?"

"Yes it is," she answered, smiling.

