chapter 8

From the time they went back out on the road, AJ was relentless. Every morning, he would bang on Kevin's hotel room door. Kevin always made sure it was locked and the deadbolt was fastened securely, just in case AJ actually got someone to unlock it for him. Kevin and Rhiannon shared a room now. It was much easier that way. Rhiannon took every precaution to make sure neither of them were hurt. She was like a mother, a body guard, and a best friend all rolled into one. He loved her so much that he couldn't stand it sometimes. She was the one person in the world who truly cared about him above all others, and he knew that. One night, Rhiannon was busy hanging their heavy, dark drapes over the windows when Kevin entered the room with their dinner. Twins. As soon as he walked in the door, he had a smirk on his face. Rhiannon giggled with she saw the girls. They were so cute. Tiny blonde creatures with enormous blue eyes. Very intoxicated. Rhiannon knew she and Kevin would feel a little tipsy from all the alcohol after partaking of these two. They were practically pickled.

"Well," Rhiannon said, walking up to one of the girls and stroking her cheek, "which one is yours and which one is mine?"

"Take your pick," Kevin said, thrusting both girls out in front of him. The girls laughed hysterically and stumbled around the room. One of them started looking through Kevin's suitcase. Rhiannon gave Kevin a wide-eyed look, and they both laughed.

"Can I have this?" the girl slurred, holding up one of Kevin's t-shirts.

"Sure," he responded, rolling his eyes. The girls squealed and jumped up and down.

"Um, Kev, how old are these twits?" Rhiannon asked, shaking her head.

"I have no clue," Kevin responded. "I found them in the bar, so I guess they're what? 21 or so?"

"Take off about 4 or 5 years and you'll get a closer estimate," Rhiannon said, sitting on the couch. Kevin sat down beside her and they watched the girls stumbling around. One of the girls knelt down in front of Kevin and began fumbling with the buttons on his jean. Kevin looked at Rhiannon and smiled a little.

"Uh, are you his girlfriend?" the other nitwit asked Rhiannon.

"No. I'm not," she answered. "Here, let me help you with that." Rhiannon unbuttoned Kevin's pants and sat back to watch the girl try to give Kevin head. He allowed her to do it for a few minutes, then he pushed her back. The girl pouted and tried to go in for another round.

"Way too many teeth," he said, laughing a little. The other sister knelt down and tried to take his enormous cock in her mouth, but Kevin shook his head after just a few moments. "Ugh, no way. That's awful," he said, snickering.

Both girls began to pout. They wanted Kevin so badly they could taste it.

"Girls," Rhiannon said, a sly smirk on her face, "if you wanna play with the grownups, you have to act like grownups. Understand?"

The girls nodded, but still looked confused. Rhiannon pulled one of the girls into her lap and kissed her. The girl giggled a little, but didn't pull away. Rhiannon didn't laugh as she stared into the girl's eyes for a second. Kevin loved this part. He loved watching Rhiannon do her magic. Turning on the charm was their little euphamism for their hypnotic powers. Rhiannon was so good at it, too. She was so good that she didn't even have to be in the same room with the person to get into their mind. The girl was instantly under Rhiannon's control. The other twin watched in fascination as Rhiannon began to kiss her sister's neck. Kevin took her attention away as he laid her down in the floor and began to kiss her. Rhiannon licked the girl's neck, as she felt her fangs unsheath themselves. She slowly sank her teeth in, feeling the power and the warmth of the blood beginning to flow. Kevin kissed down his prey's stomach, and she sighed lightly. He preferred oxygenated blood as opposed to veinous blood, so he opted for the femoral artery on the inner thigh most of the time. He pushed up the girl's skirt and parted her legs. She moaned a little as his tongue travelled up her inner thigh. He sank his teeth in gently, and began to drink. Within a few seconds, both vampires had taken their fill, and they were left with two semi-conscious drunk teenies on Kevin's hotel room floor.

"Would you like for me to handle them?" Rhiannon asked, carefully wiping Kevin's mouth with a tissue.

"Nah. I'll call Big Bob and he'll come get them," Kevin answered, walking to the phone. Rhiannon arranged the girls on the couch and made sure their wounds were healed completely. She whispered to them softly that they would forget the evening completely, and they would both have terrible hangovers the next morning. She giggled when she realized Kevin was listening. He smiled and shook his head.

"You're evil. Did you know that?" he said, laughing.

"I know. But they're just so annoying. They deserve hangovers."

Within a few minutes, there was a soft knock at the door. Kevin opened it, and his body guard, Big Bob entered.

"Damn, Kev. Pick some girls who can hold their liquor next time," the man said, shaking his head. He picked each girl up and threw her over his shoulder, then walked out of the room. Kevin closed the door and locked it behind him. Rhiannon checked the windows to make sure they were securely covered, then she climbed into her bed. Kevin stood over her for a moment.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" he asked quietly. He was feeling a slight buzz coming on from the alcohol in the girl's blood.

"Why?" Rhiannon asked, smiling a little. "You never sleep with me anymore."

"I don't know. I just need to be close to somebody tonight, I guess."

"Ok," she said, throwing back the covers. Kevin stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed with her. He placed his head on her chest, listening to the slow, almost imperceptible beating of her heart. He was always amazed that their hearts actually beat. It was strange. He put his hand under her t-shirt and rested it on her stomach, feeling the rare warmth of her skin. He knew it was because of the fresh blood in her veins, but it was nice nonetheless. Rhiannon kissed the top of Kevin's head, drawing in the scent of his hair. Kevin smelled so sweet. She lightly ran her nails over his back, and he felt his eyes getting heavy. She continued until his slow, regular breathing told her he was sleeping. She loved him so much. She would never be the same once he left her. And she knew that eventually he would leave her. They always did.
