penned by Lori

Brian and I were relaxing at his place one balmy, Indian summer afternoon. The fellas had a short break before their next show and we decided to take that time and just hang out doing nothing.

He looked so adorable in these beat-up faded jeans, that just curved around his adorable little butt. So adorable that you'd want to just bite it. He didn't have any shoes or socks on and he wore just this HUGE white cotton t-shirt that just hung on him.

We'd gone outside, after spending most of the day just watching movies and being total goofball dorks in the house: having a popcorn fight and chasing each other around, tickling each other. He was always so much FUN to be around, just this ... light ... in my life and I always looked forward to the breaks in the tour.

Well, we're goofing off outside and, I'll admit, it had been a while since I'd washed my car ... and boy did it need it. Being the playful person that he is, Brian jokingly wrote "wash me" in the absolute filth on the trunk of my car. Then, he went around to the hood and wrote "wash me ... PLEASE".

"You little shit." I said, laughing at him.

His eyes just sparkled with mischievousness and he played the innocent, with this wide-eyed "what? who ... me?" look on his face.

"Ya know," I commented, "washing the car's not a bad idea."

"No. Ya think?!" he dead-panned. "Or did you want a black car instead of white and decided on the poor man's paint job?" He really tickled himself with that one, as I stood there in mock offense, trying not to giggle myself.

"Smart ass." With that, I went into the garage, grabbing the bucket, car wash, and some cloths while he went around to the side and grabbed the hose, turning it on.

He added water to the bucket; and, while I soaped up the cloths, he wet the car down so we could begin. Being slightly taller than me, he took the hood, while I started on the windows.

Every now and then we'd flick each other with suds, nothing too outrageous, just having fun. I knew that my time for impish revenge was running out as we were almost done.

What I didn't realize was that he wasn't quite finished at playing the smartass.

As I knelt down to finish the last tire, I gasped as the entire bucket of soapy water was dumped on my back, soaking me to the bone.

"oh, it's on now!" I yelled, laughing as I dove for the hose, turning it on him as he tried to pry it from my fingers. We spent the next 10 minutes, wrestling for control, getting thoroughly drenched in the process. We laughed til we cried and our clothes stuck to us by the time we were done.

I went to squirt him in the face when I actually noticed how his shirt was now almost transparent and just ... clinging to him. I could feel the desire, cause ... well ... fuck ... he just looked so damn ... good ... all wet and dripping.

He must've seen the look on my face because he matched it with a look of his own. As I held the hose in my hand, he reached out, putting his hands under my chin, pulling me to his mouth, which was now so hot in contrast to the chill of the water.

His tongue drove into my mouth, and mine into his; and, the next thing I knew, the hose was on the ground - still running - and we were on the hood of my still-wet car, kissing and touching.

I literally ripped his shirt from him, flicking my tongue across his chest, tasting the mix of water and salty sweat and Brian and I couldn't get enough.

"Let's take this inside" he said to me, his voice thick and husky with need.

He took me by the hand and led me through the garage to the kitchen, barely making it inside before he again took me in his arms and we fell to the kitchen floor.

Brian massaged my breasts through the wet fabric of my shirt and bra and my nipples strained to feel his skin against them. Sensing my need, he lifted my shirt and pulled down the cups of my bra, taking a breast in each hand, kneading firmly as his tongue flicked my nipples from between his fingers.

His mouth moved lower, across my abdomen, as his hands unbuttoned my jeans, removing them slowly as they were also soaked. I struggled to get them off as quickly as possible as he continued his oral assault of my lower torso, licking, nibbling, tickling me with his tongue and teeth.

My clothes gone, with the exception of my thong panties, I pushed him onto his back, to exquisitely torture him as he had me. I grazed my teeth across his nipples and his hand found the back of my head, gently urging me lower. I ran my mouth down his chest, down to his belly button, running my tongue inside or it and around it, and I could feel his erection beneath his jeans, pressing against my chin.

My mouth began to water with the irrepressible urge to take him in my mouth and I began to unbutton his jeans, moving my mouth lower with each button I undid.

I was surprised to find that he'd worn nothing underneath and the thought sent a new surge of passion through me. Releasing his manhood, which trembled in anticipation at my eager lips, I took just the head of his cock into my mouth as my hand began to stroke him in earnest. He moaned as I took in his length, sucking and licking, running my tongue along the nerve underneath his tip, and I could taste his pre-cum, all salty, yet sweet.

I could sense that he was about to orgasm, as did he, and he pulled himself from my mouth, pulling us up to our feet in the process, lifting me to the kitchen counter. He reached down with one hand, tearing my panties off, spreading my legs wide, and wrapping them around his waist.

His mouth latched on to a nipple as he drove himself into me, teasing me, withdrawing until only the tip was inside me, then filling me completely. My head kept banging into the cabinet; but, I didn't care. The feel of him inside me was exquisite and I didn't want it to end.

He reached down, manipulating my clit, giving me the most intense vagina-clitoral orgasm I'd ever experienced. Hell, the only one I'd ever experienced and I bit into his collarbone to stop myself from going insane. As my body shook and shuddered, he reached his own peak and he brought his mouth to mine as he released into me.

"Damn girl. We're gonna have to wash your car more often."

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