penned by Kendra

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Sara and her friends sat at a large round table in the elegant dining area of the most posh hotel in Chicago. It had been nearly a year since they had all been together and the weekend had already proven to be filled with the same magic that seemed to surround them when they all gathered. They were in town to see the first two performances of the Backstreet Boys, the group that had brought them all together via the Internet nearly three years ago. They had anxiously counted down the months, then the weeks, and finally the days until the guys kicked off their new tour, appropriately named “Beyond 2001”. This tour was promoted as being the biggest, most elaborate stage production ever taken on the road by a musical group, and the girls were going to be front row, center stage to see it’s maiden performance.

Brooke was the first to notice the large, but quiet group of men being led to another large round table across the expansive dining room. She subtly nudged Sara and nodded in the direction of the party as they sat down to dine. It was them. All of the girls casually took turns looking to see for themselves that lady luck had delivered to them none other than four of the five members of the group and what appeared to be a number of record executives. With the grace and class that set them apart from most other fans, the girls continued their meal without giving the table of superstars more than a second look. They knew from experience that the men wanted nothing more than to be treated like normal people, and it was in doing just that that this group of fans showed their respect.

Sara was enjoying a little quiet banter with her friends when she had the uneasy feeling that she was being watched. Her heart began to pound and a hot flush rose from her chest and neck to her face as she turned and locked eyes with Kevin. The two sat, faces unchanging, staring for a long moment before their gaze was interrupted by a waiter standing between them. Kevin shifted in his chair, leaning slightly to the side and caught her gaze again. They sat staring, oblivious to the conversations going on around them.

Sara had never noticed just how piercing the green of his eyes was. They stood out in stark contrast to his darkly tanned skin and jet black hair. Kevin was drawn in by the blue of her eyes, hypnotized by the way she unconsciously twisted a strand of her long chestnut hair around her index finger. As everyone around her began to get up to leave, Sara raised an eyebrow at him and smiled slightly. She spoke with her friends for a few moments, making plans to meet up later that evening for the show. They were off to do a little shopping and Sara, although terribly tempted to join them, opted to stay behind, as she had other plans in mind.

Without so much as a sideways glance in his direction Sara walked right by Kevin and dropped a business card in his lap. Kevin turned and watched the gentle sway of her hips and the nonchalant toss of her head that sent her hair falling down her back in a wave that looked like mahogany colored silk. He picked up the card and let out a little involuntary gasp as he read: Mistress Sara - Dominatrix. He turned the champagne colored card over and smiled to himself. Handwritten it read: Suite 782 2:00 p.m. Let yourself in and make yourself comfortable.

Kevin padded quietly down the deserted hall of the secured top floor of the hotel. His eyes scanning each door looking for the numbers 782. It wasn’t until he reached the very end of the vast hallway that he came upon it. Two massive doors held the numbers 782 and a small brass plate that read: The Medieval Suite. He leaned his ear to one of the doors to listen for any sounds from within, but as he pressed up against it he realized it was slightly ajar. He looked behind himself, and realizing no one was around he gingerly opened the massive door and stepped inside, quietly closing it behind him.

Kevin had stayed at the finest hotels in the world. He had slept in suites so huge they could house entire families without so much as a crowded thought. But this was beyond anything he had ever seen or imagined. The ceilings were vaulted and the far wall was blanketed with heavy burgundy velvet drapes. The room was enormous and dark. The walls were paneled with dark woods, and all about were massive stone gargoyles and floor to ceiling murals depicting battling knights and half naked damsels in distress. Several wrought iron candelabras held long slender lit tapers, giving the dark room a warm glow and Kevin found himself shaking ever so slightly. Having been on tour and in the public eye for so long, his every move had to be carefully choreographed to insure his safety. Standing in this huge room he was faced for the first time with the unknown, and although he was somewhat frightened, he was also undeniably excited.

Across the room was a large heavy table standing in a corner. On it was a large bowl of fruit and a heavily bejeweled pewter wine flask and matching goblets. Kevin looked around again and slowly made his way to the table. He uncorked the flask and poured the deeply colored burgundy wine into both goblets and took one in his hand. Just as he touched the goblet to his lips and began to drink he heard “I’m glad to see you decided to join me” Kevin started to turn around. “No. Don’t turn around yet. Not until I tell you to.”

Kevin was having a hard time breathing. This was pure insanity and he knew it. For all he knew the woman behind him could be holding a butcher knife or a gun and he was here, alone, defenseless and suddenly terrified. His shoulders tensed as he felt a hand on the back of his head, long fingers running through his hair. “First, the rules of my game.” a sultry voice whispered mere inches from his ear. “You are not to speak unless spoken to, and then your only replies are to be ‘Yes, Mistress’ or ‘No, Mistress.’ Do you understand?”

“Anything you say, I mean, I’m game...” his words were cut off when the fingers that were softly running through his hair suddenly and painfully took firm hold of his ebony locks.

“You are not to speak unless spoken to, and then your only replies are to be ‘Yes, Mistress’ or ‘No, Mistress’. Do you understand?”

Realizing his mistake Kevin replied in a somewhat defeated voice “Yes, Mistress.”

The tight grasp on his hair relaxed and returned to the gentle petting manner in which it had began. “You are to keep your eyes to the floor. You will not be permitted to look at me until you have proven yourself worthy of that pleasure. Do you understand?” Kevin could feel the warmth of her breath on his neck and ear as she quietly, yet sternly told him what was expected of him. “Yes Mistress, I understand.”

“That’s a good boy. You learn quickly.” she said, continuing to run her fingers through his hair, stroking him like one might pet a favorite cat or lap dog. “Finally, you are to do everything I tell you to do. If you do not, you will be punished. It is as simple as that. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Put down your wine and remove your sweater.” Sara said, taking a step back from Kevin. Kevin carefully set the goblet down and began to turn around. “Did I tell you to turn around?” Sara snapped, stomping her foot in protest. “No Mistress” Kevin replied, quickly turning back around. He lifted his sweater over his head, revealing his chiseled back to her. Sara stood back admiring the view. His broad shoulders tapered down to a slim waist in a perfect inverted triangle. She smiled to herself knowing that in time those shoulders and muscular back would bear the tell tale claw marks of her fingernails.

“I’m going to pour myself some wine now” Sara said sweetly. “While I’m doing that I want you to make your way over to the other end of the room. Sit down in that large chair, facing away from me, and wait. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Oh, and one other thing, my pet, loose the trousers on the way over there.”

Kevin did exactly as he was told, leaving a trail of shoes and socks and eventually his pants on his way across the large room. As he sat down as instructed he could no longer control himself. He turned his head ever so slightly and out of the corner of his eye got his first glance at the woman who had such a strong hold over him. Sara was standing facing away from him, pouring herself a glass of wine. What he saw took his breath away. She was clad head to toe in black leather. A tight leather corset cinched her waist, and skin tight leather covered her hips and thighs. Thin laces held everything in place, winding their way up the back of her pants and the corset as well. She wore a pair of spiked heel, thigh high black leather boots that made her legs look they went on forever. The five inch heels made her nearly six feet tall, and she stood there unaware of his unauthorized glance, her shoulders thrown back, her long hair pulled back into a soft ponytail on top of her head. She was exquisite and he didn’t care what he had to do to be with her.

Sara took a long drink of wine and slowly made her way to him. He was perched on the edge of the large chair wearing only a pair of simple black boxer shorts. She walked slowly around to face him, smiling to herself to see that his eyes were lowered as she had instructed. In her hand she held a small leather riding crop and she gently tapped it against her leg. “On your knees.” she snapped. Kevin’s stomach was suddenly filled with nerves. He couldn’t believe what he was doing. He had never been in the position of being dominated, had never even really thought about it. He had long been considered the strong one, the serious one, and here he was half naked and cowering to a woman he didn’t know. But despite all of his doubts and concerns he found a familiar twinge deep in his groin as he slowly lowered himself to his knees.

Sara was unsure as to how far she could take this, how much Kevin could handle. He seemed eager to please up to this point and she didn’t want to ruin the situation by expecting too much from him. She was already so aroused that she was lightheaded and she worried that she might not be able to control herself. She was not used to giving in to her own needs. She carefully placed a foot between his knees, his lowered head dangerously close to her thighs. Kevin sat back on his feet and Sara moved her foot in closer, the soft leather covering her shin just barely touching the fabric of his boxers. Kevin studied the boot between his legs. It was amazing. The slender shaft of it was made of soft black leather and the heel was simply exquisite. It looked to be made of pewter or perhaps even silver and was made up of a very detailed dragon, it’s eyes glistening rubies.

Without thinking Kevin lowered his head to her foot and softly placed a kiss upon it. Sara, caught rather off guard by this reacted by leaning over him and giving him a firm slap on the ass with her riding crop. “Did I tell you to do that??” she asked. “I’m sorry, I just....” another stinging shot from her crop stopped his words. “No Mistress” he said quietly. A long silence hung between them. Kevin was unsure as to what he should do and Sara wanted nothing more than to give way to her desires and let him have his way with her. “Stand up” she said finally. As Kevin rose to his feet she could not help but notice the large protusion from his boxers. “What is this?” she asked, running the tip of her riding crop down his chest to the obvious bulge. “Take off your shorts and let me see just what is going on down there.”

Kevin lowered his boxers and stood, his arms to his side, his eyes focusing on the floor between Sara’s feet. Sara could not believe her eyes. She ran the tip of her crop up his thigh and around his delicate sack. She could see the muscles in his stomach tense as she ran it down the length of his manhood. She continued to run the soft leather crop up his stomach and across his chest, teasing each nipple with a slight slap, pleased at the soft moan that escaped him. She placed the crop on his strong chin and lifted his face to hers. They stood eye to eye staring at one another. “Do you want to kiss me?” Sara asked softly. “Yes.” Kevin replied in a whisper.

“Yes what?”


Sara lowered the crop from his chin and stepped closer to him. Their bodies were only millimeters apart and Kevin could feel the heat radiating from her. Sara leaned in closer to whisper. “Just what are we going to do about this?” she asked while roughly taking his hardened member in her hand. Kevin took in a quick breath and held it, hoping that the game was over and he would finally have the chance to take control of the situation. “I don’t...” a finger to his lips stopped him from continuing. “Now now now....I could have sworn I made it clear that you were only allowed to answer yes or no. Kevin, you disappoint me.” Sara hissed. “Sit down.” she said roughly, pushing him away from her. Kevin sat down and stared at her. He was losing patience with her and wanted to tell her so, but part of him was genuinely afraid of what she might do if he stood up to her. He shifted in his chair, his erection becoming painful. He knew he had to do something soon or he’d go insane.

“I want to see you masturbate.” Sara said matter of factly. Kevin was taken aback by this and sat there shocked. “Did you not hear me?” she asked, a note of mock-anger in her voice. “Yes Mistress” he said, not sure if he could do something like that in front of a woman. Although he felt uncomfortable being told what to do, he couldn’t help but be turned on by the way she snapped at him. He locked eyes with her and could see that she was enjoying their little game. Sara walked over to him and once again began to ‘pet’ him, her fingers stroking his soft thick hair. She reached behind him and pulled out a long black silk scarf. She gently covered his eyes with it and tied it snugly behind his head. “Be a good little pet and do as I say.” she purred in his ear. “Maybe I’ll give you a little prize when you’re through.” With those last words she guided his hand down to his throbbing erection and he began stroking it, with some trepidation at first but eventually with reckless abandon. Sara watched as the beautiful greeklike man before her pleasured himself. She had always loved watching men masturbate, perhaps because she knew that at that very instant he was fantasizing about fucking her.

Kevin’s body tensed as he neared climax. He had long since stopped worrying about the fact that he was being watched and emersed himself in the task at hand. His breathing quickened and his muscles twitched as he furiously stroked himself. At long last his entire body froze in a moment of tension and collapsed as the first waves of orgasm wracked through his body. Hot semen covered his hand and stomach, and for a moment he forgot where he was or what had been happening. As he came to his senses he realized the room was completely silent. He could not hear Sara’s breathing, only his own heart pounding in his ears.

“Mistress?” he said quietly. “Sara??”

Kevin untied the silk scarf from his eyes and looked around. He was all alone in the room. He noticed immediately a pile of leather garments laying at his feet and chuckled to himself. He got up, cleaned himself up a bit, gathered the wine flask and goblets and made his way to a heavy door he assumed led to the masterbedroom of the suite. He opened it quietly and peered in. His eyes immediately fell on the massive bed in the middle of the room. It was unlike anything he had ever seen. It’s canopy was draped with gossamer fabric and heavy black velvet. Gold cording held back the yards and yards of heavily draped fabric. He placed wine and goblets on a table and walked quietly to the bed. He could barely see the form of a naked body beyond the sheer fabric. He found an opening and slowly pulled the fabric back.

Sara lay before him on the bed. She was completely nude except for the black thigh high boots and a black leather blindfold, a cat-of-nine-tails whip lay beside her. Kevin knew immediately that she was handing him the reigns and allowing herself to become the submissive, something she had never done before. Sara sensed his presence near her and she turned her head towards him. Kevin bent down and breathed heavily into her ear “Now, lets see how you like it.” he said in a near whisper.

Kevin traced the outline of her body with the whip, draping the long laces of leather across her stomach. He softly let them fall across her breasts and she heaved her chest outward to meet the soft blows of the whip. He dragged the soft leather down her stomach to the soft mound of flesh between her thighs. Sara instinctively spread her legs to accommodate the tendrils of the whip. “I want to see YOU masturbate.” he said in a low voice. Sara laid there in shock. She had fully expected him to come in and simply take her, making love to her like there was no tomorrow. And here she sat with the harsh realization that the tables had truly been turned.

“Did you not hear me?” he asked harshly.

“Yes” she whispered.

“Yes what?”


Kevin sat down on the bed beside her and carefully guided her hand down between her legs. His fingers intertwined with hers they both began to probe the soft wet folds together. In time Kevin removed his hand and sat back to watch as she began pleasuring herself, tentively at first but with more and more fervor. As her body neared climax Kevin watched in awe. Her muscles tensed and a glowing blanket of sweat covered her body. She arched her back and moaned as the first waves of orgasm took hold of her body. Kevin parted her legs with his and in one long slow motion plunged himself fully into her. Sara arched her back and screamed out in ecstasy as Kevin began pounding himself into her. He grabbed her around her back and pulled her up so that she was sitting atop him. He fell back on the bed and watched as the blindfolded beauty ground her hips on his. She rode him like a stallion, rocking back and forth with reckless abandon. Wave after wave of orgasm shook her body to the point that she felt she might faint. Kevin, sensing her near exhaustion, carefully rolled her over and laid her on her back. He carefully removed her boots and kissed his way up her legs to her belly and eventually to her lips. He sat between her legs, his hardness pressing firm against her and he gently removed her blindfold.

They stared at one another, a mixture of passion and desire passing between them. Kevin bent down “God, I have never felt this way before.” he said as he slowly entered her. Sara gasped as he buried himself inside her. Their bodies moved in perfect unison, any inhibitions long forgotten. Their slow rhythmic motions gradually quickened as they neared climax together. Sara dug her fingernails into his back as he feverously thrust himself deeper and deeper into her, whispering “Oh god, Sara....” Kevin raised up and thrust himself into her one final time, his head thrown back, his eyes closed, his mouth slightly open. Their bodies tensed simultaneously as they both exploded in wave after wave of orgasm, Kevin filling her with his hot juices, Sara’s flooding over him like a warm wave.

They laid together, still connected until their breathing slowed and their heartbeats were slow and quiet. It wasn’t the last time they’d be together, as Kevin discovered he loved the adrenaline rush of not knowing what to expect from her next. She would sometimes appear in the crowd unexpectedly and Kevin could hardly contain his excitement just knowing the wicked pleasures the night would hold.

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