Wonderland 1

Chapter 2

That night when I rested He came to me again. He was holding me as if to keep me warm against the night air. In here the dreams seem so real it was as if the Hatter had really been here with me or had he not? Things were getting blurry in Wonderland.

As I made my way down the path I realized I was in a part of Wonderland I had never seen before. I came to a huge wall . After walking for what seemed forever I found a thick decorative door. It looked so heavy I wasn't sure I could open it alone. I tried the knob but it was locked. Then I remembered the key. The key worked. The door was surprisingly light and came right open. Inside the smells overtook me. It smelled of early Spring. Fresh grass and new flowers perfumed the air. There were young creatures everywhere. I had to watch where I stepped for I almost stepped on a small bunny. There was also music in the air with the sounds of birds and nature stirring.

Suddenly a small winged creature came in front of me . It looked like a fairy with golden wings and a voice like a harp as it spoke to me - "Go over there and you will find a friend."

When I looked the way the fairy pointed I discovered a very large fountain with water spouting out the top and overflowing at the bottom. It was so big I wasn't sure I could reach the top of the side to climb up to get a look inside. Just as I tried a strong hand reached down and scooped me up. There stood a beautiful creature. He was completely nude with the youth of his skin and blondness of his hair glowing in the sun. His muscular body and manner were both a pleasure to me. "Finally you have come to play with me," and as he said it he took my hand again pulling me toward him.

"In the water you need no clothes," the youth told me. I suddenly felt no shyness or shame or inhibitions at all. It was like I was a little girl again and there were no rules. I lifted off the soaked cloak and threw it to the ground. We swam , splashed, and frolicked in the water till exhausted. "Lets swing - the sun will dry us off". And as he said it he grabbed my arms and lifted me back down to the ground.

The Youthful One took me over to a large hammack type swing that hung from an old over grown tree. He jumped up in it and pulled me up to join him. His arms went round me and as he held me he began to nibble on my neck. The pleasure was making me forget where or why I was here in Wonderland. He then laid me down and leaned over me with his large muscular body pressing aganist me.

I felt no fear or distrust of this one. He seemed to put me at perfect ease with myself and him. This was a man I could easily grow to love and have much enjoyment with. It was as if I had known him all my life. Just as I felt I might respond in kind to this one he leaned into my ear with those lucious lips and said; "The Hatter wants you to be able to feel the freedom of a child. You need to to be able to play his games with him."

My heart jumped with thoughts of the Hatter. "I should be going," I told the Youthful one. "So soon!" he pouted. "If you must then go; but you must know you are a sight."

I looked down at my self and saw what he met. I was covered with dirt from head to toe. "You need to go with my friend who is down the flowered path before you find the Hatter." The youth pointed the way . As I threw on the cloak I looked back to see the beautiful Youth had left the swing and jumped back in the water of the fountain.

"You can always find me here if you want to play again," he shouted as I knew I dare not stay with this tempting man and hurried down the path.
