Wonderland 1


It began to get dark as I walked and suddenly I realized how hungry,tired and dirty I was. I sat down to rest and started to feel like I was never going to find the Hatter. Tears began to wail in my eyes.

Just as I was giving up all hope a bright light appeared. From the light an attractive blonde man stepped out and spoke,"Do not cry it will be fine."

His heavenly sounding voice soothed me and I stopped crying. I could not take my eyes off of his as he came closer. "I know where you can find what you seek . You must trust the Hatter. You have his heart already."

"Are you the friend the Youthful one spoke of?" I asked.

The Heavenly One took my hand and started to lead me down the path again. I knew this one was one I could truly trust to help me. As we walked he kept talking in that melody of a voice. " Whenever you need help or someone to take care of you I will always be here for you. Just ask."

I started to ask the Heavenly One who I should ask for when he spoke again. "Follow that path there it will take you to the Hatters place. He waits for you." The Heavenly One took me in his arms as if to warm me for my walk and the kissed me so sweetly I thought I might cry again. "Go now. He waits and when you get there in your pocket will be what you need."

I looked down and noticed for the 1st time I did have a pocket in the cloak. When I looked up again the Heavenly One was gone. I started walking with determination now. I had to find the Hatter and soon.

Before long something was coming in sight. It was what looked like a castle. Huge and magical in appearance but surprisingly not scary. It somehow seemed warm and cozy for such a large home. I came to a gate. Another locked entrance. When I thought of the Heavenly ones words I reached into my pocket. I pulled out a key that got me in.

Once in the yard the beauty of the gardens was overwhelming. I hesitated to go up to the door. Just then the door began to open. Closing my eyes a moment I was trying to think what I should say when I came face to face with the one I was seeking. But to my surprise it was not the Hatter who greeted me and led me inside.
