Wonderland 1

Chapter 4

This attractive man was dressed in fine clothes and looked as lucious as the castle itself. He had long flowing hair and the most soulful eyes I had ever seen. He was extremely polite and nice to me considering I must have looked quite a sight. The Soulful One spoke, "You are hungry. Come I have dinner ready for you."

In the next room was a table set up with all my favorite foods. He put a chair under me and began to talk while I ate. I stopped and looked at my self realizing I was so hungry I had not asked to wash my hands first. "Don't worry you will have a bath later. Do you like the castle? And the gardens? I tried to please you." I told him I was very pleased.

"Good,"he replied. When you are done there will be a bath waiting for you in the next room." And with that the Soulful One left me alone.

I soaked in a tub of hot bubbles. My body finally relaxed.

My mind drifted in and out of confusing thoughts. I find myself strangely attracted to all those I had met here in Wonderland even though I thought my heart had made up my mind about that before coming in. It was blurry and confusing here. Suddenly a noise woke me up out of my haze. It was the door slowly opening. When I looked up there stood the Soulful One with a towel.

I did not hesitate to obey when told to stand up from the tub. Without saying another word he took the towel and began to dry my skin. I closed my eyes as his hands touched the most pleasurable spots. And with that done he wrapped the towel around me and swooped me up in his arms; carrying me I knew not where. I only knew at that moment I had never felt so safe and content with anyone as I felt in his arms. I could be very happy with the Soulful One in this house.

He took me to another room where there was a huge bed and laid me down on it. I could not take my eyes off him nor his off mine as he began to undress. He had a very masculine well- muscled body. He sat down with me and begin to kiss and lick at my neck and as he slid my towel downward he proceeded to my shoulders and back up my neck. I never thought the neck could be as provocative as it seemed now. He slid the towel to just above my nipples and began kissing my lips in a longingly manner which I began returning. My head was a confusing mess of emotions right now. I wanted this man I knew but in my heart there also was another I had come to love so well and I knew what had to be done. Despite the fact that I wanted this man so much I began to push away and opened my eyes. To my surprise there was another staring at me.

It was the One I had been seeking .
