Wonderland 1

Chapter 5

He took off his glasses and I stared in those long lashed eyes for what seemed forever before the One spoke. "I have been waiting a long time for your coming." He kissed me hard and I wrapped my arms around his neck as if I could never let go. "How ?" I started to question.

He whispered to me in my ear as if it were only for me to hear, " Don't worry. In here you can have any one of those you met and liked. For the Wise One, the Youthful One, The Heavenly One and the Soulful One are all me and I am all them."

As those words began to sink in I knew at this time I had to have him and could not wait any longer. As he kissed me he pulled the towel downward to my nipples where he brushed the roughness of it against them till they were hard and I cried out as he took his thumbs and began to knead them.

"I must be sure you are good and wet "he whispered in my ear. He did away with the towel and laid his hard body against mine. Kissing me and rubbing himself over me. I was ready to bust but still he did not enter me.

He turned me over and began to pull me toward him rubbing my nipples and stomach against the mattress. He then wrapped an arm around my breasts leaving my nipples hard under his arm while he worked his other hand downward and in me. He kissed amd licked the back of my neck while he rocked his fingers in me till I moaned and cried out . He had brought me for the 1st time and I never knew it could be so overwhelmingly strong. I felt I could not breath as he kept bringing me over and over. He then turned me backover and began kissing me on the lips with his tongue pleasing me in ways I had never experienced.

And then the biggest surprise of all. I never thought of the stomach as being that sensual until now. He started rubbing his hard stomach aganist mine until I found myself begging him to enter me. And then he began. Slowly he started pushing his hardness in me. Stopping and rocking at just that point where so much of the wanting is. The place where you burn for someone and I was. Then he pushed through. I knew now what they meant when they said it would be a good hurting. With all the wanting and love I can't even be sure when the pain became all pleasure. But it was now and I found my back arching so my stomach could be hard against his. He went in and out of me bringing me stonger until I felt my whole body was trying to do stomach crunches when I arched and rocked so. As we finally slowed down I began to realize how I ached all over and my stomach was more sore than it had ever been, but it was all a good soreness.And I found myself still wanting him.

As I laid in his arms the next morning I knew I was home .

In Wonderland.

The End

Wonderland II