Wonderland 1


As a child Alice had been scared,confused and perhaps thought herself a bit crazy for such dreams of a strange place in the looking glass called Wonderland. She had long ago pushed those thought aside. Now Alice was a full grown woman with new wants and desires.

Lately though she had been having more dreams of that place. This time it didn't seem so scary. She began to see Wonderland through adult eyes and rethought what she had found there. A certain person she had met there kept lurking into her mind and would not leave - beckoning her back. It was as if she were seeing him truly for the 1st time. He starting appearing to her more and more each night telling her of the delights she has been missing in Wonderland. He was haunting her till the point she could not resist the temptation of going to that looking glass once more. This time it didn't matter to her if she made it back or not. She had to get to those eyes - that body-those tatoos . It was like she was seeing the Mad hatter for the 1st time and she liked what she saw.

Alice knew it might be hard to find him in there and no telling who she meet and have encounters with along the way - but she knew she had to get to Him.

She walked up to the mirror. It appeared as it always was until she touched it. As her hand reached in she gave thought to turning back. But those eyes behind the glasses were beckoning to her. She jumped in and began to fall.......


Hatter / theONE=AJ

The Wise One=Kevin

The Youthful One=Nick

The Heavenly One =Brian

The Soulful One=Howie
