Wonderland 2

Chapter 1

I had been in the garden where the flowers and their smells were always present in Wonderland. They always pleased me no matter how many times I had seen or smelled them. Taking a basket of them in one hand I walked toward the house when I saw something on the steps. As I got closer I noticed what looked like a backpack with an envelope on top of it. I saw no one so I went to take flowers into the house 1st before I would come back to look more. As I went to the door I felt a strange sensation something was not right. When I turned the doorknob - it was locked. I could not get in. Panic suddenly overtook me...

Throwing a glance at the backpack on the steps I ran to the back and side doors. They were all locked. I called out to Hatter but no answer. My pace slowed down as I walked back to the front. I was having a mass of confusing thoughts going on in my head. Doors were never locked in Wonderland! No need for it here.

Hatter was always near by. We had not been apart since I joined him . This place had become my haven from the outside world where I never wanted to go back. I shuddered at the thought of losing this place. Losing Hatter. Where was he? He had always come to me I called before.

As I approached the front steps again there lay the backpack and envelope. When I reached it and looked closer I saw that something was written on the front. It said - ALICE.

I felt a strong sensation not to open it. A fearfulness of what was inside. Though I wasn't sure why. Hatter had never showed me anything but love since being with him. And I had grown to love him with all my heart.

I slowly opened it. And began reading:

Alice - You know I love you with all I have. I would and have tried to give you the world. But lately I am sensing restlessness growing in your thoughts. I have decided it is time for you to go - EXPLORING in Wonderland. You will not be allowed back in the house till you do. Hatter

As what I read began to sink in the sadness became ANGER! What does he mean He decided!!!!!!!!!!! Oh right! If that is the way he wants it. I grabbed the backpack throwing it over my shoulder. And started walking briskly toward the path. As I walked the MADDER I became. Just who does He think he is to lock me OUT OF THE HOUSE!!! DECIDING FOR ME without talking it over first!!!!

I walked almost in a run till my pace had to slow down. The more I walked the more the anger starting turning back to sadness. I stopped and sat down as tears starting flowing from my eyes. As I looked down at the grassy area I was in I began to realize this place seemed familar. Then I heard a familar voice as well. A voice I had almost forgotten about. It was so soothing it was like listening to a babbling brook. I closed my eyes for the comfort of that voice . When I opened them there stood the Heavenly one.
