Wonderland 2

Chapter 2

The Heavenly One still looked as I remembered him. Glowingly with that angelic face. "Don't cry" he said in that melody of a voice as he reached down and wiped away my tears. He then leaned down and kissed me. But unlike the last time when he had kissed me so sweetly like that of a father. This time the kiss lingered with his hands wandering down my back and on to my behind. "Heavenly One????" I started to say as I opened my eyes - then just for a second - I thought I saw brown long lashed eyes . When I blinked though I once again saw that angelic blue eyed face of the Heavenly One. But this time that angelic face had a smirk on it!

"Hatter" I yelled "You are playing games! - I wacked him one nearly pushing him down! - I am so mad at you right now I could....." The Heavenly One moved his face directly in mine looking me straight in the eyes. " I know and you and the Hatter will talk about that later but now I need to ask you a question." Those sincere blue eyes made my me melt to the point I could not let the anger continue - for the moment.

I looked at the Heavenly One and said, " Ask."

"Can you honestly tell me that you have not been having thoughts of others ?" His blue eyes twinkled as he asked it. I slowly looked down to the grass below me. Knowing I could not. "Don't you trully love the Hatter?"

"Yes!" I almost shouted at him.

"Then you must trust the Hatter when he says it is time. He had to be sure you were ready." replied the Heavenly One. "Ready?" I looked confused - I was.

"It is time for you to EXPLORE! It will help you grow and discover true feelings of what you want. Gaining knowledge can make things very INTERESTING - don't you think?" He asked.

"I guess" I replied in a whisper. The Heavenly One once again came close this time taking me in his arms and kissing me till I could not breathe, speak, uh - oh heck I wanted him!

Then the Heavenly One whispered in my ear , "Then let the games begin. Now follow the path down to the trees and you will find one of those you are seeking. He has some interesting games for you to play. Hurry though he is waiting." And with that the Heavenly one disappeared.
