Wonderland 2

Chapter 3

As I walked It seemed the surroundings became greener and greener. The trees and bushes were becoming so dense the sunny day had become cloudy. Suddenly the path ended at what seemed to be a wall of green that did not end. There was only one small hole I found which I just managed to squeese through. Once inside I saw what seemed to be a room made from the growth of the jungle like forest. Suddenly the smell of fresh crisp air overtook me and I closed my eyes in the pleasure of it. No flowers just the freshness - the smell of green.

When I opened my eyes there in the middle of this ode to green was a huge old fashioned four poster bed. I almost didn't know what it was at first since it blended in with it's surroundings so well. It was covered in dark green sheets and blankets with vines growing up and down the posts. And there sitting in the middle of this magnificent bed was another I had met before.

"Come sit with me." The Wise One said as his eyes stared into mine. As I went to him I remembered how hypnotizing those green eyes could be. Those eyes seemed even more green in our surroundings. When I sat down I also realized he was completely nude but surprisingly I could not take my eyes off those intense eyes. He pulled me up to him putting my legs around his waist pulling me close to kiss me. His hands going under the back of my blouse and stroking my back. It was a lingering kiss with his tongue probing into my mouth and then onto my face and neck. He glided back up my neck and to my ear where he stopped and whispered , "Tell me your secrets. What do you want from me?"

I thought. "I want the truth. Tell me." the Wise One beckoned me. I said in a whisper, "I want to learn from you."

The raven haired one stared into my eyes and said what I was thinking out loud. "You want to watch?" "Yes." I whispered back.

With that he got up , took my hand and led me back from the bed. He took one of the blankets off the bed and spread it out on the ground for me to sit. Then he went to the other side of our greenery room and through another opening brought in a woman. She was an older woman - beautiful . The kind who seemed wise and knew what she wanted. Something I had lacked many times.

The Wise one led her to the bed where she laid down and he took one of her hands tying it with the vine to a bedpost. He then did the other the same way. The woman eyes were saying she could not wait for this game to begin. She was eager to play. When done the Wise One walked over to me once more and leaned over to my ear whispering with a smirk on his face, " Now don't let those pretty brown eyes of yours turn green."

For a second I shot him a look that would kill. Just for a second I saw those longlashed brown eyes instead of green ones. With that the raven haired one went back to the woman on the bed. "Now guess what I have in store for you?" He said in a tauting way to her and loud enough for me to hear. The beautiful lady never said a word but gave a look of eager anticipation. The Wise One reached under the bed and brought out a tray. On it was a bowl with a ladle in it.

" How about some fresh honey from the forest?" he lifted the ladle and poured some of the golden liquid back into the bowl. "Oh Please!" the Lady replied.

With that said the green eyed one sat the bowl down and taking a ladle full of honey held it over the lovely Lady, I waitied as eagerly as the Lady herself for him to pour it but suddenly he stopped. " Oh I forgot to mention that this just came from a bottle that had been in the very cold lake this morning." he said with a smirk on his face

. "WHAT??!!" the Lady said just as he started pouring the cold honey onto each of her breasts.

"Oh My God!!!" the woman yelped as her body was lifting up off the bed as she squirmed from the coldness. Her nipples were hard now and the Wise One took each one into his mouth sucking and licking off the sweetness. I had to hide a snicker as the woman shot me a look.

Then the Wise One climbed on top of her taking another ladle full of honey pouring it and letting it run down her belly. She didn't squirm as much this time showing that the warm air must be starting to warm it up. He started running his tongue up and down her belly with his raven hair brushing her skin obviously tickling her. He then filled the ladel one more time and poured it between her legs. This seemed to please the Lady who opened her legs for him. As his tongue began to lick the sweet stickiness form her the Lady starting moaning. His raven head moving up and down in rapid motion with the woman shaking and evently crying out from the overwelming pleasure as she came more than once. When he stood up I could see the sweet stickiness covering his face and chin. He reached up and kissed the Lady thanking her for her assistance. Then he reached up and untied her hands. The Lady looked spent , completely exhausted but smiling contently.

"Thank you Sasha." The Wise One said to the Lady as he helped her up. I thought to my self that the name was as beautiful as she was. She looked at him and spoke, "Now I will have to go to that lake and clean off this stickiness Wise One. You two are always welcome to join me." She smiled and disappeared through the green wall and smiled at me as she went.

The Wise One wiped his face with a towel and came over to help me up. As he did he leaned into my ear once again and whispered. " See games can be fun." He kissed me and I could taste the sweetness still on him. "Now go on down the lane where another friend is waiting for you. He wants to play too."

I started to say I wanted to stay longer but the greened eyed one reached out with his fingers on my lips. Once again I could taste the sweetness. "We will play again another day. Go now." And with that the Wise One disappeared through the green wall.
