Wonderland 2

Chapter 4

When I came to the end of the path I saw that familar huge decorative door that I had entered once before. This time though I needed no key and went right in.

Once inside it all came back to me. The smells of newness everywere. Flowers, trees everything budding with life. As I walked a little further I came across a soft blanket of grass where I sat down to rest. I closed my eyes and listened to the music of the birds and wind. I felt something nuzzle my neck. When I opened my eyes I realized I was surrounded by baby creatures. And I laid back on the grass in delight watching and stroking the bunnies, birds,fawns and butterflies all around me

Suddening a small glowing winged fairy flew up to my face and spoke. "The Youthful One says he will be sure and give some of my creatures to Hatter for you to enjoy at home since you seem to love them so." At the thought of the Youthful one I sat up. "Where is he?" I asked.

"He heard you wanted to play games. He has started a game of hide and seek. But I will help you find him. The shrill giggleing fairy replied." A smile came to my face at the thought of the Youthful One. My playmate from the past.

The fairy came close to my ear and whispered. "Go to the fountain and find the ladder . Climb up to the water and get in. He will come to you." I stood up and looked around. I saw it - the water spouting out at the top of the giant sized fountain. It had changed some since when I had seen it last. Now it was covered with new growth of honeysuckle vines that were scenting the air.

I spotted the ladder and climbed up. Once at the top I stood on the side and remembered what the Youthful One had told me about clothes in the water. I undressed throwing the clothes down to the ground and got into the water. Leaning back against the side of the fountain I felt the warmth of the sun on my face and closed my eyes. The water was just right for soaking - not too cold or warm. I could have drifted off when I heard a familar voice. "Don't fall asleep. Sleeping in the water could be dangerous."

I opened my eyes and looked around. Across the opposite of the fountain I saw something move slowly toward me. Then I saw them clearly. The blonde hair and laughing eyes of the Youthful One glowing in the sunshine. It made me smile. He looked like one of my wild creatures coming toward me with only his hair and eyes showing as the water was up to his nose.

When he came up close to me he swam up to my face and hugged me. I have been hoping you would come back to play. His skin glowed with youth as I stared into those laughing eyes smiling, realizing how much I had missed him. He stared back into my eyes and leaned up kissing me and pulling me close. He swam behind me and put his arms around me holding me tight. "I'm not letting you go so quickly this time. I have a more serious game I want to share with you this time.." The Youthful One said into my ear.I tuned around in the water and looked into his eyes. Just as he closed his and began kissing my neck.

Without talking he floated me around to face him kissing me with a hunger . His kisses went down my neck sliding down to my breasts where he slowly sucked each one making me lean back in the rapture of him. He went down in the water his kisses traveling my stomach as the waves on the water sweetly touched my neck and face. The floating sensation along with his kisses was making me feel extemely light headed - giddy - with pure joy. His hands glided to grasp my hips and wrap my legs around him. The kisses continued in silence except for the waves hitting the sides of the fountain . The sounds of nature around me had been lost to my mind as I took in the full delight of the Youthful One. It was like we were hid in his water world and I did not want to be found. It seemed he could stay under the water an eternity if he choose to as he continued to pleasure me.

His kisses traveled down to my core where his tongue brought my back to arch against the side of the fountain and my moaning broke the silence in the air. He came back up to the surface kissing the same path he had traveled down. Looking deeply into my eyes he began to kiss me hungerly again this time his tongue probing my mouth and I responded in return. Slowly his hardness entered me starting a gentle rhythm before going in completely. He was as large as he was tall filling me completely - making me gasp for air as if it had been my head under the water instead of his.

As the rhythm quickened the waves came higher against the sides of the fountain. We rocked and floated in the blanket of water that covered us. The water wiping away the sweat from us and kissing our skin . His thrusts became quicker, harder till my back ached against the hard side and our grasps woke up the silence of the world around us. I could feel his warmness coming inside me as the coolness of the water against my skin brought me a mixture of sensations.

In silence once again he looked in my eyes - for just a second -I thought I saw long lashed brown eyes in front of me ; but when I blinked it was the smiling eyes of the Youthful one that looked at me again this time with a smirk on his face.
