Wonderland 2

Chapter 6

I walked with determination. Knowing what I must do, The dark path was illuminated with shadows from my torch. Making my way slow going, but I did not stop till I reached home. This time the door knob was open and I quietly went inside. Once inside I took a shower, ate and slipped into the bedroom where I found Hatter asleep.

I climbed into bed and on top of him. Looking at him the realization of the fact that my holding in feelings was also a reflection of his feelings. I had never asked him once what he would like-what he truly wanted. He had been hiding some of his desires from me or maybe it was I just had not asked. He began to stir slowly opening those long lashed brown eyes and smiling up at me.

"Welcome home." He began to say. But I put my fingers to his lips and then for the first time I truly began making love to my Hatter.

My mouth started on his lips moving down to the side of his neck where his vein always showed. I lingered there a while. Whispering to him how I wanted to know his feelings and secrets. I let him guide me as I went down to his chest where his moans let me know I was on the right path as I sucked on each of his nipples teasing them with my tongue. From there my lips with my probing tongue traveled down the middle of his chest and to his stomach. I lingered on the tatoo around his navel awhile, tasting each part then following the trail of fuzz that leads down to his stiffness that was now there. Then I looked up at his face. "Alice if you don't want to you..." I reached up and stopped his lips from talking.

For the first time in my life I truly wanted to please in every way possible - in ways I had not thought I would ever do for any man. Everything that had seemed wrong for me before seemed right with my Hatter.

As I had teased his chest with my tongue I did also to his shaft and tip. His head reached back with eyes closed hard showing the rapture over taking him. It pleasured me to no end to see my being able to bring him such delight. Then I took him completely in my mouth sliding up and down till I could see the intensity of his face growing. But then his eyes opened and he looked down at me with our eyes meeting for awhile. But before I could complete it he reached down and pulled me up and over. Kissing me hard and laying between my legs pushing his hardness in me with one motion. It was in me he released his pleasure bringling me with him.

This time we both came with tears in our eyes. He then picked me up with my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms wrapped around his neck. He took me to the rocking chair that always sat next ot our bed and there we rocked , cuddled,and talked till I drifted off to sleep.


The Hatter had gotten up early the next day and did some work in the garden. As he finished he went to the front door to go inside for a break. Something was wrong! The door would not open. The door was locked!

"What the ..." he began as he jiggled the knob. "Hey! Alice! The door won't open!!!! he yelled.

Inside Alice leaned against the locked door. With a smile and a smirk on her face.

Wonderland III