Wonderland 3

Chapter 1

The next morning I awoke with discovering sadly I was in the bed by myself. I had hoped to reach out for him. I never had enough of closeness with my Hatter. At night either his hands would seek me out or I him. We were never apart for long.

Then I looked up and saw him sitting in the rocking chair by the bed. He was smiling down at me. I started to get up hoping to join him. But when I blinked I realized there was a glow in the room. My Hatter had become the Heavenly One sitting next to me. There was a glint in his eye as he spoke to me.
"Hey sleepy head."
After realizing who it was I smiled and told him , "I have missed you."
The warmth from him came to me as I moved closer. He looked deep in my eyes and said,
"I have been here the whole time. I know you felt me even if you chose not to see me."
I started to question what he said when he put his fingers to my mouth. His skin felt warm and smooth as I caught myself kissing those fingers.

"The others are waiting for you. It has been awhile since you came to them. They are eager for you to visit."
"But Hatter ..." I started when he interrupted me again.
"Get ready. The Soulful One waits in the cave. You remember the way ?"
"Yes, " I said in a whisper.
The twinkle in his blue eyes made me know something good was ahead. And I knew I would be seeing him again this time. I found myself hoping it would be soon just as I blinked and looked up to find him gone.

I dressed in a hurry. Wanting to know what was in store for me this time. As I went out the door I realized I was walking with a bounce in my step. Exploring sounded very exciting to me at the moment. Always before I had felt some hesitancy and fear of the unknown. But now it was like I welcomed it. It was a long hike to the cave where I had last seen the Soulful One. As I approached it was getting dark and cool. As it had been the last time I was here. I shuddered looking forward to the warmth of a fire I knew I would find within.

Once inside I made my way to the fireplace . Where I sat down and warmed my hands by it. As I did I felt his presence behind me. The blanket he wrapped around me as he sat down beside me was a welcome comfort.
"Once again I find you shivering, " my Soulful One whispered in my ear. Making me shiver from his breath on my ear instead of the dampness of the air. I leaned back in his arms and looked upward to those huge brown eyes that always made me melt inside.
"It has been too long since you came for a visit," he told me as he leaned down and kissed my forehead. I remembered him doing that the very first time we met. Which now seemed ages ago. We sat there wrapped in each others arms with the only noise being the cracking of the fire. He rubbed my arms and back as we sat there engulfed in each others warmth.
"I love you Alice," he said.
"I know. I love you too Hatter ," I replied.
That was the last thing I remembered before I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I awoke and my eyes opened wide to scan the bedroom and bed I found myself in. It was amazing how different everything looked in the day. That's when I noticed there were windows overhead letting in light. The room was remarkably light and airy. Things looked very different from the last visit I made to this room in the dark when I was very confused and uncertain. Now I was happy to be here. Waiting to see what the Soulful one had in store for me.

I did not have to wait long. As soon as breakfast was over he brought out a dark bag.
"Come on I have some games for us to play today, " he said with a glint in his eyes as for a second those eyes became long lashed ones. Then he led me deeper into the maze of the cave.

"Games ???" I find myself saying almost gleefully.
"Oh yes. Games, " he whispered in my ear as he stopped and took a blindfold out of his bag and tied it around my eyes. "You will have to trust me completely to play. Can you do that? " he questioned.
Without hesitation I replied, "You know I trust you."

And then it began. We walked a ways as I held tightly to his hand letting him guide me through what felt like an endless path of twists and turns. After awhile we suddenly stopped. I felt his hands pull me close to him. His lips went to my neck teasing and tickling me there. I felt him pull at my clothes undressing me slowly. Till I was fully exposed feeling the damp cool wall against my back as he leaned into me. I shuddered. His hands went to my back and moved downward as his tongue and lips did on my front.
His kisses and seeking tongue traveling down to my navel while his hands grabbed my hips.
He shoved my back against the cold wall driving shivers to my body again as his tongue entered me below and his hands going to my nipples rubbed them making them hard. Seeking and finding my most sensitive spot he brought me to spasms that made me cry out. The echos of my cry lingering in the distance of the cave as my spasm slowed.
I held his neck tightly seeking his body warmth as he laughed, lifting me up and swinging me around. I laughed too and kissed him.
Then just as suddenly he stopped and put me back down. My bare feet touching the cold floor. Then he slowly removed my blind fold.

It was pitch dark. I couldn't see a thing. But instantly I felt I was alone. I reached out for him and called out, but he was gone.
I was alone, naked, cold and feeling very vulnerable in the dark completely at a loss where I was. The air suddenly felt stuffy and stale. My first instinct was to panic as my breathing quickened and tears began to try to creep in my eyes.
For a moment I began to question if my trust was misplaced. I couldn't believe he would leave me like this. My mind questioning what was going on?

I continued trying to walk but it was so damp my legs ached from walking in the cold. I realized I had lost track of how long I had been walking with no end in sight.

I stopped and sat down on the cold floor as my tears started flowing uncontrollably....
